means | (noun) sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Emperor |
means | (noun) a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom king, male monarch, Rex |
means | (noun) the sovereign ruler of France King of France |
means | (noun) United States woman tennis player (born in 1943) King, Billie Jean King, Billie Jean Moffitt King |
means | (noun) one of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king king |
means | (noun) a checker that has been moved to the opponent's first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward king |
means | (noun) (chess) the weakest but the most important piece king |
means | (noun) a competitor who holds a preeminent position queen, world-beater, king |
means | e/de/König (Familienname) |
means | e/de/König (Kartenspiel) |
means | c/de/König (Akkad) |
means | c/de/König (Altertum) |
means | c/de/König (Angola) |
means | c/de/König (Aquitanien) |
means | c/de/König (Brasilien) |
means | c/de/König (Burundi) |
means | c/de/König (Dahomey) |
means | c/de/König (Ešnunna) |
means | c/de/König (East Anglia) |
means | c/de/König (Eridu) |
means | c/de/König (Holland) |
means | c/de/König (Isin) |
means | c/de/König (Jemen) |
means | c/de/König (Jugoslawien) |
means | c/de/König (Kambodscha) |
means | c/de/König (Kiš) |
means | c/de/König (Lagaš) |
means | c/de/König (Nauru) |
means | c/de/König (Persien) |
means | c/de/König (Qataban) |
means | c/de/König (Salamis) |
means | c/de/König (Saudi-Arabien) |
means | c/de/König (Swasiland) |
means | c/de/König (Syrien) |
means | c/de/König (Thessaloniki) |
means | c/de/König (Umma) |
means | c/de/König (Ur) |
means | c/de/König (Uruk) |
means | c/de/König (Šuruppak) |
means | e/Attalid dynasty |
means | e/Bohemian monarchs |
means | c/Achaemenid kings |
means | c/Afghan monarchs |
means | c/Asturian monarchs |
means | c/Bernician monarchs |
means | c/Castilian monarchs |
means | c/Deiran monarchs |
means | c/Dutch monarchs |
means | c/East Saxon monarchs |
means | c/Frankish kings |
means | c/German kings |
means | c/Illyrian royalty |
means | c/Irish kings |
means | c/Italian monarchs |
means | c/Kings of Burgundy |
means | c/Kings of Cyprus |
means | c/Kings of Galicia |
means | c/Kings of Jordan |
means | c/Kings of Kush |
means | c/Kings of Lesotho |
means | c/Kings of Majorca |
means | c/Kings of Mauretania |
means | c/Kings of Morocco |
means | c/Kings of Prussia |
means | c/Kings of Sardinia |
means | c/Kings of Saxony |
means | c/Kings of Sicily |
means | c/Kings of Württemberg |
means | c/Kings of the Vandals |
means | c/Kings of the Visigoths |
means | c/Lombard kings |
means | c/Malagasy monarchs |
means | c/Mercian monarchs |
means | c/Monarchs of Jorvik |
means | c/Monarchs of Naples |
means | c/Northumbrian monarchs |
means | c/Roman Kingdom |
means | c/Romanian monarchs |
means | c/Rulers of Bithynia |
means | c/Serbian monarchs |
means | c/Sumerian rulers |
means | c/Tahitian royalty |
means | c/Thai monarchs |
means | c/Urartian kings |
means | e/Greek monarchs |
means | e/House of tupou |
means | e/King of Bavaria |
means | e/King of Dalriada |
means | e/King of Hungary |
means | e/King of Jerusalem |
means | e/Kingdom of Nepal |
means | e/Kings of Hanover |
means | e/List of Aragonese monarchs |
means | e/List of Armenian kings |
means | e/List of Assyrian kings |
means | e/List of Belgian monarchs |
means | e/List of Danish monarchs |
means | e/List of Kings of Babylon |
means | e/List of Kings of Iraq |
means | e/List of Kings of Lydia |
means | e/List of Kings of Pontus |
means | e/List of Kings of Sparta |
means | e/List of Navarrese monarchs |
means | e/List of Norwegian monarchs |
means | e/List of Polish monarchs |
means | e/List of Portuguese monarchs |
means | e/List of Scottish monarchs |
means | e/List of Swedish monarchs |
means | e/List of heads of state of Spain |
means | e/List of monarchs of Kent |
means | e/List of monarchs of Sussex |
means | e/List of monarchs of Wessex |
means | e/List of rulers of Bhutan |
means | e/List of rulers of Elam |
means | e/List of the Kings of Georgia |
means | e/Monarchy of Spain |
means | e/Queen of Leon |