Information | |
has gloss | (noun) one of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king king |
has gloss | eng: The king is a playing card with a picture of a king on it. The usual rank of a king is as if it were a 13; that is, above the queen. In some games, the king is the highest-ranked card; in others, the ace is higher. In pinochle, schnapsen, and many other European games, both the ace and the 10 rank higher than the king. |
lexicalization | eng: King |
subclass of | (noun) one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face court card, picture card, face card |
Meaning | |
Aragonese | |
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lexicalization | arg: rei |
Asturian | |
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lexicalization | ast: rei |
Bavarian | |
lexicalization | bar: Kini |
Breton | |
lexicalization | bre: roue |
Bulgarian | |
has gloss | bul: Поп е карта за игра с изображение на цар. Числовата му стойност е по-голяма от тази на Дамата и съответства на 13. В блекджек стойността му е 10. На различни езици има различно наименование и символ: * Русия — «К» * САЩ — «К» . * Франция — «R» * Германия — «K» |
lexicalization | bul: Поп |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: rei |
Czech | |
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lexicalization | ces: král |
Welsh | |
lexicalization | cym: brenin |
Danish | |
lexicalization | dan: konge |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Der König ist eine Spielkarte, die in vielen verschiedenen Kartenblättern auftaucht, auf der meist ein bedeutender Herrscher abgebildet ist. Abgekürzt wird sie mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben der Sprache, in der die jeweilige Ausgabe genutzt wird. Also „K“ (für König) bzw. „R“ (für Roi) im französischen Blatt und „K“ (für king) im anglo-amerikanischen Blatt. Im deutschen Blatt taucht der König ebenfalls auf. |
lexicalization | deu: König |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: βασιλιάς |
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lexicalization | ell: ρήγας |
Finnish | |
lexicalization | fin: kuningas |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le roi est une figure de carte à jouer du jeu français. Il est quelquefois la carte la plus forte en conditions normales (tarot), mais souvent dépassé par las, voire le 10 (bridge, belote, manille). Dautres cartes le dépassent en conditions spéciales (à l'atout), par exemple le 9 ou le valet à la belote. Il est par contre généralement situé juste au-dessus de la dame. |
lexicalization | fra: roi |
Western Frisian | |
has gloss | fry: De hear is in kaart út it standert Westerske kaartspul. |
lexicalization | fry: hear |
Irish | |
lexicalization | gle: rí |
Galician | |
lexicalization | glg: rei |
Hebrew | |
lexicalization | heb: מֶלֶךְ |
lexicalization | heb: מלך |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Raja adalah karakter dalam permainan kartu. Raja biasanya bernilai 13, yaitu lebih tinggi dari ratu. Tetapi dalam beberapa permainan kartu lainnya Raja bernilai 10. |
lexicalization | ind: Raja |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il Re è l'ultima carta da gioco nella scala numerica; è la tredicesima carta per i mazzi francesi, oppure la decima per i mazzi di tipo italiano. |
lexicalization | ita: re |
Japanese | |
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lexicalization | jpn: キング |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: მეფე |
Central Khmer | |
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lexicalization | khm: ខុន |
Low German | |
has gloss | nds: De König is en Speelkoort mit dat Bild vun en König. De Weert vun den König is tomehrst so as wenn he 13 weer. He steiht över de Daam. De Koort hett en Symbol: in Düütschland den eersten Bookstaven vun König, op Ingelsch gifft dat ok en "K" för king. Op franzöösch warrt en "R" för roi bruukt |
lexicalization | nds: König |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De heer of koning is een kaart uit het standaard kaartspel. |
lexicalization | nld: koning |
Norwegian Bokmål | |
lexicalization | nob: konge |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Konge, er en av de tretten valørene i en vanlig kortstokk. Den har som regel verdien 13, mellom dame (12) og esset (14). Det finnes fire konger, en i hver farge spar, hjerter, ruter og kløver, i en kortstokk, |
lexicalization | nor: konge |
Occitan (post 1500) | |
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lexicalization | oci: arrei |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Król - figura w kartach do gry, druga co do starszeństwa po asie (w niektórych grach, np. w tysiącu - trzecia z kolei po asie i dziesiątce), starsza od damy. |
lexicalization | pol: król |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O rei é, na maioria dos jogos de baralho, a segunda carta de maior valor, perdendo apenas para o ás. Há, entretanto, muitas situações em que o rei é considerado uma carta de média força, ou mesmo fraca, a exemplo do bastante popular jogo de Truco. Os baralhos costumam representá-lo com a letra K, do inglês king (rei), seguindo um padrão de muitos países. |
lexicalization | por: rei |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: rege |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Коро́ль — игральная карта с изображением короля. Обычно по старшинству стоит выше дамы и соответствует числу 13. В различных играх старшинство короля может сильно различаться. Буквенный символ короля — либо К (от , , ), либо R (от ). |
lexicalization | rus: Король карта |
lexicalization | rus: Король |
lexicalization | rus: король |
Slovenian | |
has gloss | slv: Kralj je ena izmed močnejših igralnih kart. Na njej je upodobljena ilustracija kralja. Po moči je višji od Kraljice, Kavala, Fanta in številčnih kart, razen Asa. |
lexicalization | slv: kralj |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: rey |
Serbian | |
lexicalization | srp: краљ |
Spanish Sign Language | |
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lexicalization | ssp: có |
Swahili (macrolanguage) | |
lexicalization | swa: mfalme |
Swedish | |
lexicalization | swe: Kung |
Telugu | |
lexicalization | tel: రాజు |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: King, 4 kişiyle oynanan bir iskambil oyunudur. |
lexicalization | tur: King |
Links | |
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similar | e/King (playing card) |
Media | |
media:img | Camis - Curé de Tour p27.jpeg |
media:img | King of clubs fr.svg |
media:img | King of diamonds fr.svg |
media:img | King of hearts fr.svg |
media:img | King of spades fr.svg |
media:img | King playing cards.jpg |
media:img | Poker-sm-212-Ks.png |
media:img | Re di spade.jpg |
media:img | Tarocchi King of Diamonds.jpg |
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