has gloss | (noun) a deity worshipped by the ancient Semites Semitic deity |
lexicalization | eng: Semitic deities |
lexicalization | eng: Semitic deity |
subclass of | (noun) any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force god, divinity, deity, immortal |
has subclass | (noun) any of a group of powerful Babylonian earth spirits or genii; servitors of the gods Enuki, Anunnaki |
has subclass | (noun) in ancient Semitic folklore: a female demon who attacks children Lilith |
| Note: 11 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | (noun) the Babylonian father of the gods; identified with Assyrian Ashur; in Sumerian the name signifies `the totality of the upper world' Anshar |
has instance | (noun) Babylonian consort of Anu Antum |
has instance | (noun) father of the gods and consort of Tiamat Apsu |
has instance | (noun) mother and earth goddess in Gilgamish epic; identified with Sumerian Ki and Ninkhursag Aruru |
has instance | (noun) chief god of the Assyrians; god of military prowess and empire; identified with Babylonian Anshar Ashir, Ashur |
has instance | (noun) an ancient Phoenician goddess of love and fertility; the Phoenician counterpart to Ishtar Ashtoreth, Astarte |
has instance | (noun) Babylonian and Assyrian goddess of love and fertility and war; counterpart to the Phoenician Astarte Mylitta, Ishtar |
has instance | (noun) Babylonian god of the earth; one of the supreme triad including Anu and Ea; earlier identified with En-lil Bel |
has instance | (noun) god of agriculture and the earth; national god of Philistines Dagon |
has instance | (noun) (Babylonian) earth goddess; consort of Ea and mother of Marduk Damkina, Damgalnunna |
has instance | (noun) the Babylonian god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; as one of the supreme triad including Anu and Bel he was assigned control of the watery element Ea |
has instance | (noun) water god and god of wisdom; counterpart of the Akkadian Ea Enki |
has instance | (noun) god of the air and king of the Sumerian gods En-lil, Enlil |
has instance | (noun) goddess of death and consort of Nergal Ereshkigel, Ereshkigal, Eresh-kigal |
has instance | (noun) the Babylonian god of fire; often invoked in incantations against sorcery Girru |
has instance | (noun) the Babylonian goddess of healing and consort of Ninurta Gula |
has instance | (noun) any of a group of heavenly spirits under the god Anu Igigi |
has instance | (noun) consort of Dumuzi (Tammuz) Inanna |
has instance | (noun) goddess personifying earth; counterpart of Akkadian Aruru Ki |
has instance | (noun) a name under which Ninkhursag was worshipped Mama |
has instance | (noun) the chief Babylonian god; his consort was Sarpanitu Merodach, Bel-Merodach, Baal Merodach, Marduk |
has instance | (noun) god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children Moloch, Molech |
has instance | (noun) Babylonian god of wisdom and agriculture and patron of scribes and schools Nabu, Nebo |
has instance | (noun) goddess personifying the primeval sea; mother of the gods and of heaven and earth Nammu |
has instance | (noun) a demon personifying death; messenger of the underworld goddess Ereshkigal bringing death to mankind Namtar, Namtaru |
has instance | (noun) god of the Moon; counterpart of the Akkadian Sin Nanna |
has instance | (noun) (Akkadian) god ruling with his consort Ereshkigal the world of the dead Nergal |
has instance | (noun) (Akkadian) a goddess; wife of the Moon god Sin Ningal |
has instance | (noun) an underworld Babylonian deity; patron of medicine Ningishzida |
has instance | (noun) the great mother goddess; worshipped also as Aruru and Mama and Nintu Ninhursag, Ninkhursag, Ninkharsag |
has instance | (noun) a name under which Ninkhursag was worshipped Nintoo, Nintu |
has instance | (noun) a solar deity; firstborn of Bel and consort was Gula; god of war and the chase and agriculture; sometimes identified with biblical Nimrod Ninib, Ninurta |
has instance | (noun) god of fire and light; corresponds to Babylonian Girru Nusku |
has instance | (noun) god of storms and wind; corresponds to Babylonian Adad Ramman |
has instance | (noun) consort of Marduk Sarpanitu, Zarpanit, Zirbanit |
has instance | (noun) the chief sun god; drives away winter and storms and brightens the earth with greenery; drives away evil and brings justice and compassion Shamash |
has instance | (noun) (Akkadian) god of the Moon; counterpart of Sumerian Nanna Sin |
has instance | (noun) favorite of the gods and grandfather of Gilgamish; survived the great flood and became immortal Utnapishtim |
has instance | (noun) sun god; counterpart of Akkadian Shamash Utug, Utu |
has instance | (noun) evil storm god represented as a black bird Zubird, Zu |