has member | (noun) American herbs or shrubs usually growing in dry sunny habitats on prairies and hillsides genus Amorpha |
has member | (noun) very small genus of twining vines of North America and Asia: hog peanut Amphicarpa, genus Amphicarpaea, genus Amphicarpa, Amphicarpaea |
has member | (noun) very small genus of shrubs of southern Europe having backward curving seed pods genus Anagyris, Anagyris |
has member | (noun) small genus of evergreen trees of tropical America and western Africa genus Andira, Andira |
has member | (noun) genus of Mediterranean herbs and shrubs Anthyllis, genus Anthyllis |
has member | (noun) twining perennial North American plants Apios, genus Apios |
has member | (noun) genus of South African heathlike shrubs Aspalathus, genus Aspalathus |
has member | (noun) large genus of annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of north temperate regions; largest genus in the family Leguminosae Astragalus, genus Astragalus |
has member | (noun) small genus of shrubs and lianas and trees of Africa and Madagascar genus Baphia, Baphia |
has member | (noun) genus of North American plants with showy flowers and an inflated pod Baptisia, genus Baptisia |
has member | (noun) genus of East Indian trees or shrubs: dhak genus Butea, Butea |
has member | (noun) erect densely branched shrubby perennials of Old World tropics; naturalized in other warm regions genus Cajanus, Cajanus |
has member | (noun) herbs or woody vines of mainly American tropics and subtropics genus Canavalia, Canavalia |
has member | (noun) large genus of Asiatic deciduous shrubs or small trees genus Caragana |
has member | (noun) a rosid dicot genus of the subfamily Papilionoideae having one species: Moreton Bay chestnut genus Castanospermum, Castanospermum |
has member | (noun) a genus of chiefly tropical American vines of the family Leguminosae having trifoliate leaves and large flowers genus Centrosema, Centrosema |
has member | (noun) deciduous shrubs and trees of eastern Asia, southern Europe and the United States Cercis, genus Cercis |
has member | (noun) small late-flowering trees or subshrubs having yellow to red flowers and leathery or woody pods; often especially formerly included in genus Cytisus Chamaecytisus, genus Chamaecytisus |
has member | (noun) 2 species of small New Zealand trees: weeping tree broom; endangered genus Chordospartium, Chordospartium |
has member | (noun) genus of Australian twining vines and small shrubs: flame peas Chorizema, genus Chorizema |
has member | (noun) chickpea plant; Asiatic herbs Cicer, genus Cicer |
has member | (noun) yellowwoods Cladrastis, genus Cladrastis |
has member | (noun) genus of semi-prostrate Australasian shrubs or vines genus Clianthus |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical shrubs or vines having pinnate leaves and large axillary flowers Clitoria, genus Clitoria |
has member | (noun) used in some classifications for plants usually included in genus Desmodium Codariocalyx, genus Codariocalyx |
has member | (noun) small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods genus Colutea, Colutea |
has member | (noun) genus of Old World shrubs and herbs genus Coronilla |
has member | (noun) large genus of herbs with simple leaves and racemes of yellow flowers; mainly of tropical Africa genus Crotalaria |
has member | (noun) small genus of annual usually hairy herbs of tropical Africa and Arabia Cyamopsis, genus Cyamopsis |
has member | (noun) large genus of stiff or spiny evergreen or deciduous Old World shrubs: broom Cytisus, genus Cytisus |
has member | (noun) any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers broom |
has member | (noun) large genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated commercially for their dramatically grained and colored timbers genus Dalbergia, Dalbergia |
has member | (noun) indigo bush Dalea, genus Dalea |
has member | (noun) genus of Australasian shrubs and subshrubs having small yellow or purple flowers followed by short triangular pods Daviesia, genus Daviesia |
has member | (noun) genus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines genus Derris |
has member | (noun) genus of American herbs or shrubs with sensitive pinnate leaves and small whitish flowers genus Desmanthus, Desmanthus |
has member | (noun) beggarweed; tick trefoil Desmodium, genus Desmodium |
has member | (noun) one species: Australian pea Dipogon, genus Dipogon |
has member | (noun) genus of chiefly tropical vines often placed in genera Dipogon or Lablab or Macrotyloma Dolichos, genus Dolichos |
has member | (noun) genus of attractive tropical shrubs or trees with usually red flowers genus Erythrina |
has member | (noun) small genus of Eurasian herbs: goat's rue genus Galega, Galega |
has member | (noun) genus of Australian evergreen shrubs poisonous to livestock: poison bush genus Gastrolobium |
has member | (noun) chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of Mediterranean area and western Asia: broom genus Genista, Genista |
has member | (noun) small genus of shrubs or small trees of tropical and subtropical America genus Geoffroea, Geoffroea |
has member | (noun) small genus of low-branching profusely flowering trees of tropical America genus Gliricidia |
has member | (noun) genus of Asiatic erect or sprawling herbs: soya bean Glycine, genus Glycine |
has member | (noun) sticky perennial Eurasian herbs Glycyrrhiza, genus Glycyrrhiza |
has member | (noun) one species: salt tree Halimodendron, genus Halimodendron |
has member | (noun) small genus of Australian woody vines with small violet flowers; closely related to genus Kennedia genus Hardenbergia, Hardenbergia |
has member | (noun) genus of herbs of north temperate regions Hedysarum, genus Hedysarum |
has member | (noun) species of Old World herbs or subshrubs: horseshoe vetch genus Hippocrepis, Hippocrepis |
has member | (noun) genus of Australian evergreen shrubs genus Hovea |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical herbs and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and spurred flowers in long racemes or spikes Indigofera, genus Indigofera |
has member | (noun) genus of yellow-flowered Australian unarmed or spiny shrubs without true leaves but having leaflike stems or branches Jacksonia, genus Jacksonia |
has member | (noun) genus of Australian woody vines having showy red or purplish flowers Kennedya, Kennedia, genus Kennedia, genus Kennedya |
has member | (noun) one species: hyacinth bean genus Lablab, Lablab |
has member | (noun) flowering shrubs or trees having bright yellow flowers; all parts of the plant are poisonous Laburnum, genus Laburnum |
has member | (noun) genus of climbing herbs of Old World and temperate North and South America: vetchling; wild pea genus Lathyrus, Lathyrus |
has member | (noun) genus of shrubs or herbs of tropical Asia and Australia and the eastern United States genus Lespedeza |
has member | (noun) genus of small erect or climbing herbs with pinnate leaves and small inconspicuous white flowers and small flattened pods: lentils genus Lens, Lens |
has member | (noun) genus of chiefly tropical American shrubs and trees having pinnate leaves and red or white flowers genus Lonchocarpus, Lonchocarpus |
has member | (noun) annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs Lotus, genus Lotus |
has member | (noun) herbs or shrubs: lupin genus Lupinus, Lupinus |
has member | (noun) annual or perennial vines of Africa and India and Australia; plants often placed in genus Dolichos Macrotyloma, genus Macrotyloma |
has member | (noun) genus of trees and shrubs of the Old World tropics genus Millettia |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical herbs and woody vines having trifoliate leaves and showy flowers in axillary clusters genus Mucuna, genus Stizolobium, Stizolobium |
has member | (noun) a genus of tropical American trees having pinnate leaves and white flowers genus Myroxylon, Myroxylon |
has member | (noun) genus of Old World herbs having pinnate leaves and pink or whites racemose flowers followed by flat unjointed pods Onobrychis, genus Onobrychis |
has member | (noun) genus of European subshrubs or herbs having pink or purple or yellow solitary or clustered flowers: restharrow genus Ononis, Ononis |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical shrubs and trees having usually odd-pinnate leaves with large leaflets and pink to reddish wood genus Ormosia, Ormosia |
has member | (noun) large widely-distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and racemose or spicate flowers each having a pea-like corolla with a clawed petal Oxytropis, genus Oxytropis |
has member | (noun) small genus of tropical vines having tuberous roots genus Pachyrhizus, Pachyrhizus |
has member | (noun) one species: shamrock pea Parochetus, genus Parochetus |
has member | (noun) herbs of warm regions including most American beans genus Phaseolus, Phaseolus |
has member | (noun) one species: chaparral pea genus Pickeringia, Pickeringia |
has member | (noun) genus of shrubs or small trees having indehiscent pods with black seeds; roots and bark yield fish poisons Piscidia, genus Piscidia |
has member | (noun) small genus of variable annual Eurasian vines: peas Pisum, genus Pisum |
has member | (noun) small genus of Australian evergreen leguminous shrubs or subshrubs genus Platylobium, Platylobium |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical American trees: quira genus Platymiscium, Platymiscium |
has member | (noun) genus of South African leguminous shrubs often placed in genus Sophora Podalyria, genus Podalyria |
has member | (noun) one species: Indian beech Pongamia, genus Pongamia |
has member | (noun) species of tropical Asian and African climbing herbs Psophocarpus, genus Psophocarpus |
has member | (noun) widely distributed genus of herbs or shrubs with glandular compound leaves and spicate or racemose purple or white flowers genus Psoralea, Psoralea |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical trees or climbers having usually broadly winged pods Pterocarpus, genus Pterocarpus |
has member | (noun) genus of woody Asiatic vines: kudzu genus Pueraria, Pueraria |
has member | (noun) small genus of Mediterranean shrubs; often included in genus Genista genus Retama, Retama |
has member | (noun) deciduous flowering trees and shrubs genus Robinia, Robinia |
has member | (noun) small genus of deciduous West Indian trees or shrubs: carib wood genus Sabinea, Sabinea |
has member | (noun) small genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees genus Sesbania |
has member | (noun) cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and showy flowers; some species placed in genus Podalyria genus Sophora, Sophora |
has member | (noun) one species: Spanish broom genus Spartium, Spartium |
has member | (noun) genus of Polynesian or southeastern Asian shrubs or vines Strongylodon, genus Strongylodon |
has member | (noun) genus of Australian shrubs or subshrubs: coral bush genus Templetonia, Templetonia |
has member | (noun) genus of tropical and subtropical herbs or shrubs: hoary peas Tephrosia, genus Tephrosia |
has member | (noun) genus of American and Asiatic showy rhizomatous herbs: bush peas Thermopsis, genus Thermopsis |
has member | (noun) one species: South American tree: tipu tree genus Tipuana, Tipuana |
has member | (noun) Old World genus of frequently aromatic herbs Trigonella, genus Trigonella |
has member | (noun) genus of Eurasian spiny shrubs: gorse Ulex, genus Ulex |
has member | (noun) widely distributed genus of annual or perennial and often climbing herbs Vicia, genus Vicia |
has member | (noun) genus of vines or erect herbs having trifoliate leaves and yellowish or purplish flowers; of warm or tropical regions; most species often placed in genus Phaseolus Vigna, genus Vigna |
has member | (noun) one species: Australian leafless shrubs: swamp oak Viminaria, genus Viminaria |
has member | (noun) genus of South African trees having pinnate leaves and rose-purple flowers followed by leathery pods Virgilia, genus Virgilia |
has member | (noun) Asiatic deciduous woody vine having large drooping racemes of white or bluish or purple or pinkish flowers and velvety pods; widely grown as an ornamental genus Wisteria |
member of | (noun) a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean pods; divided for convenience into the subfamilies Caesalpiniaceae; Mimosaceae; Papilionaceae pea family, family Leguminosae, Fabaceae, legume family, family Fabaceae, Leguminosae |
similar | e/Papilionoideae |