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has gloss(noun) the liquid parts of the body
body fluid, humour, bodily fluid, liquid body substance, humor
has glosseng: Body fluid or bodily fluids are liquids that are inside the bodies of living
lexicalizationeng: bodily fluid
lexicalizationeng: Body fluids
lexicalizationeng: body fluid
lexicalizationeng: humor
lexicalizationeng: humour
lexicalizationeng: liquid body substance
subclass of(noun) the substance of the body
body substance
has subclass(noun) the limpid fluid within the eyeball between the cornea and the lens
aqueous humour, aqueous humor
has subclass(noun) the clear colorless transparent jelly that fills the posterior chamber of the eyeball
vitreous humour, vitreous body, vitreous humor
has subclass(noun) the bodily fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
has subclass(noun) the bodily fluid that fills the space between the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
has subclass(noun) liquid containing proteins and electrolytes including the liquid in blood plasma and interstitial fluid; "the body normally has about 15 quarts of extracellular fluid"
ECF, extracellular fluid
has subclass(noun) liquid contained inside the cell membranes (usually containing dissolved solutes)
intracellular fluid
has subclass(noun) any of several liquids of the body; "digestive juices"
succus, juice
has subclass(noun) a clear liquid in the cell nucleus in which the nucleolus and chromatin and other structures are dispersed
has subclass(noun) produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young
has subclass(noun) the serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended inside the amnion; "before a woman gives birth her waters break"
waters, amnionic fluid, amniotic fluid
has subclass(noun) the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"
has subclass(noun) an amber, watery fluid, rich in proteins, that separates out when blood coagulates
blood serum, serum
has subclass(noun) a milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fats; formed in the small intestine during digestion of ingested fats
has subclass(noun) a thin coagulable fluid (similar to plasma but) containing white blood cells (lymphocytes) and chyle; is conveyed to the blood stream by lymphatic vessels
has subclass(noun) the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract
ejaculate, seminal fluid, come, seed, semen, cum
has subclass(noun) dark protective fluid ejected into the water by cuttlefish and other cephalopods
has subclass(noun) a functionally specialized substance (especially one that is not a waste) released from a gland or cell
has subclass(noun) a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy
black bile, melancholy
has subclass(noun) a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the liver and to cause irritability and anger
yellow bile, choler
has subclass(noun) substance discharged from the vagina (cellular debris and mucus and blood) that gradually decreases in amount during the weeks following childbirth
has subclass(noun) a fluid product of inflammation
ichor, purulence, festering, suppuration, sanies, pus
has subclass(noun) clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain; fills and protects cavities in the brain and spinal cord
spinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid
Note: 6 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/ca/Fluid corporal
has instancee/cs/Sliz
has instancee/da/Lymfevæske
has instancee/de/Primärharn
has instancee/de/Schweiß
has instancee/de/Seminalplasma
has instancee/Blood serum
has instancee/Body fluids in art
has instancee/Donor Expressed Breast Milk
has instancee/Dried nasal mucus
has instancee/Female ejaculation
has instancee/Hemolymph
has instancee/Intestinal juice
has instancee/Pre-ejaculate
has instancee/Prostate fluid
has instancee/Serous fluid
has instancee/Tears
has instancee/Transcellular fluid
has instancee/Transudate
has instancee/Vaginal lubrication
has instancee/Vaginal mucus
has instancee/es/Fluido transcelular
has instancee/es/Serosidad
has instancee/it/Succo enterico
has instancee/it/Succo pancreatico
has instancee/it/Umore (biologia)
has instancec/ja/分泌液
has instancec/ja/消化液
has instancec/ja/老廃物
has instancee/ja/性液
has instancee/ja/細胞内液
has instancee/pl/Płyn ustrojowy
has instancee/pl/Śluz zwierzęcy
has instancee/pt/Circulação do sangue
has instancee/pt/Ducto cístico
has instancee/pt/Líquido ascítico
has instancee/pt/Líquido seminal
has instancee/pt/Sialorreia
has instancee/ru/Вторичная моча
has instancec/ru/Биологические жидкости ЖКТ
lexicalizationara: سوائل الجسم
lexicalizationarg: Fluyitos corporals
lexicalizationbul: Телесни течности
lexicalizationcat: Fluids corporals
lexicalizationcat: fluid corporal
has glossces: Tělní tekutiny jsou tekuté látky, které se nachází v těle organismů. Některé tekutiny jsou vylučované ven z těla (odpadní), některé obvykle ne. Následující seznam je sestaven s důrazem na tělní tekutiny člověka. Zajišťují homeostázu
lexicalizationces: Tělní tekutiny
lexicalizationces: tělesná tekutina
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: tǐ ye
lexicalizationcmn: 体液
lexicalizationcmn: 體液
lexicalizationcym: Hylifau corfforol
lexicalizationdan: Kropsvæsker
has glossdeu: Die zahlreichen Körperflüssigkeiten des menschlichen Körpers, bestehend hauptsächlich aus Wasser, können grob untergliedert werden in solche, die in Flüssigkeitskreisläufen zirkulieren und solche, die innerhalb bestimmter Räume (Kompartimente) vorkommen. Diese Trennung ist aber eher formal, da auch die scheinbar „stehenden“ Flüssigkeiten, wie z. B. das Kammerwasser des Auges an bestimmten Stellen gebildet (sezerniert) und andernorts wieder aufgenommen (resorbiert) werden und somit einem (wenn auch sehr langsamen) Fluss unterliegen.
lexicalizationdeu: Körperflüssigkeit
lexicalizationepo: Korpaj likvaĵoj
lexicalizationfas: مایعات بدن
lexicalizationfra: Liquide biologique
lexicalizationheb: נוזלי גוף
lexicalizationido: Korpala fluidi
lexicalizationind: Cairan tubuh
lexicalizationita: Liquidi fisiologici
has glossjpn: 体液(たいえき)は、動物がなんらかの形で体内に持っている液体である。生物学的には、動物の体内にあって、組織間や体腔内、あるいは全身に広がった管や循環系の中を満たしているものだけを指す。
lexicalizationjpn: 体液
lexicalizationkat: სხეულის სითხეები
has glosskor: 체액(體液)은 동물의 몸 안을 흐르는 액체이다.
lexicalizationkor: 체액
lexicalizationlat: Fluidi corporei
lexicalizationlav: Ķermeņa šķidrumi
has glossnld: Lichaamsvocht is vocht in het menselijk of dierlijk lichaam vaak met opgeloste bouwstenen voor het lichaam of afvalstoffen. Een teveel aan lichaamsvocht wordt afgevoerd via urineren. Een tekort aan lichaamsvocht leidt tot dorst en uiteindelijk tot uitdroging of dehydratie.
lexicalizationnld: lichaamsvocht
Norwegian Nynorsk
lexicalizationnno: Kroppsvæsker
lexicalizationnor: Kroppsvæsker
lexicalizationpol: Płyny ciała
lexicalizationpor: Fluidos corporais
lexicalizationrus: Биологические жидкости
has glossslv: Telesne tekočine so vse znotrajcelične in zunajcelične tekočine, ki se nahajajo v človeškem organizmu. Grobo jih lahko razdelimo v dve skupini: tiste, ki krožijo po organizmu in tiste, ki se nahajajo znotraj posameznih razdelkov.
lexicalizationslv: Telesna tekočina
lexicalizationslv: Telesne tekočine
lexicalizationspa: Fluidos corporales
lexicalizationspa: fluido corporal
has glossswe: Kroppsvätskor utgörs i huvudsak av blod och de sekret som utsöndras av kroppens exokrina körtlar. Till den senare gruppen hör saliv, urin och sperma.
lexicalizationswe: Kroppsvätska
lexicalizationswe: Kroppsvätskor
lexicalizationtgl: Mga pluido ng katawan
lexicalizationtha: สารน้ำในร่างกาย
lexicalizationtur: Vücut sıvıları
lexicalizationukr: Біологічні рідини
lexicalizationurd: سوائل جسم
Eastern Yiddish
lexicalizationydd: הומאָר
lexicalizationyid: קערפערליכע פליסיגקייט
has glosszho: 體液,人體的體液包括:血液、腦脊髓液、胃液及各種消化液、精液、唾液、淚液、汗液、尿液、陰道分泌液等。這些體液的成分分析對健康狀態的評估、疾病的診斷和治療有幫助。
lexicalizationzho: 体液
lexicalizationzho: 體液
similare/Body fluid
media:imgCervical mucus1.jpg


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