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has gloss(noun) a milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fats; formed in the small intestine during digestion of ingested fats
has glosseng: Chyle is a milky bodily fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fats, or free fatty acids (FFAs). It is formed in the small intestine during digestion of fatty foods, and taken up by lymph vessels specifically known as lacteals. The relative low pressure of the lacteals allows large fatty acid molecules to diffuse into them, whereas the higher pressure in veins allows only smaller products of digestion, like amino acids and sugars, to diffuse into the blood directly.
lexicalizationeng: chyle
subclass of(noun) the liquid parts of the body
body fluid, humour, bodily fluid, liquid body substance, humor
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has glossepo: Atentu: La vorto ĉilo nek estas la nomo de ŝtato en Sudameriko (temas pri Ĉilio) nek la nomo de ĝiaj ŝtatanoj (temas pri ĉilianoj).
lexicalizationepo: ĉilo
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has glossfra: Le chyle est le résultat de la digestion dans lintestin grêle ; cest un liquide blanchâtre. Il comporte des nutriments et des substances non digestibles qui sont capables de passer à travers la paroi intestinale : cest labsorption.
lexicalizationfra: Chyle
has glossido: Chilo esas liquido blankatra qua cirkulas en sistemo de vaskuli partikulara, paralela a la sistemo por la cirkulo di sango, e di qua parto, pos la digesto, transportas la substanci asimilebla extraktita de la nutrivi.
lexicalizationido: Chilo
has glossita: Il chilo, in fisiologia umana, è il liquido lattiginoso raccolto dai vasi chiliferi nellintestino tenue, contenente chilomicroni, durante lassorbimento intestinale delle sostanze nutritive.
lexicalizationita: chilo
has glossjpn: 乳糜(にゅうび、)とは脂肪あるいは遊離脂肪酸が乳化した乳白色の体液で、リンパに含まれる。乳糜は小腸での高脂肪食が消化により形成され、特に乳糜菅と呼ばれるリンパ管に運ばれる。The relative low pressure of the lacteals allows large fatty acid molecules to diffuse into them, whereas the higher pressure in veins allows only smaller products of digestion, like amino acids and sugars, to diffuse into the blood directly.
lexicalizationjpn: 乳糜
lexicalizationkor: 유미
has glosslit: Baltoji limfa - pieniškos išvaizdos limfa, turinti labai daug emulsintų riebalų (chilomikronai).
lexicalizationlit: Baltoji limfa
lexicalizationnld: chijl
has glosspol: Chylus - płyn w jelicie, powstały ze strawionego pokarmu, wchłaniany przez naczynia limfatyczne kosmków jelitowych.
lexicalizationpol: Chylus
has glossspa: El quilo es la masa resultante de los alimentos en el estómago tras realizarse la parte de la digestión que corresponde a este órgano, pasando al intestino delgado.
lexicalizationspa: quilo
lexicalizationtha: ของเหลวคล้ายนมที่ย่อยแล้วในลำไส้เล็กซึ่งจะไหลไปสู่เส้นเลือดดำ
has glosstur: Kilüs, sütümsü, yağ emülsiyonu içeren lenf, yani ak kandır. Besin yoluyla alınan yağların sindirimiyle ince bağırsakta oluşur, oradan lakteal kanalları yoluyla lenf sistemine alınır. Buna karşın diğer sindirilmiş besinler toplar damarlar yoluyla dolaşım sistemine alınır. Kilüs, kaynağı sindirim sistemi olduğu için, temelde sindirilmiş besin içerigi zengin ak kandan (lenf) ibarettir.
lexicalizationtur: Kilüs
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has glossukr: Хі́лус (від грец. χυλός – сік) – білувата рідина, що міститься в лімфатичних судинах кишечника тварин і людини, яка утворюється у процесі травлення; лімфа, збагачена краплинами жиру (жирними кислотами), які всмокталися кишковими ворсинками.
lexicalizationukr: хілус
has part:substance(noun) a thin coagulable fluid (similar to plasma but) containing white blood cells (lymphocytes) and chyle; is conveyed to the blood stream by lymphatic vessels


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