has gloss | (noun) a month in the Gregorian calendar Gregorian calendar month |
lexicalization | eng: Gregorian calendar month |
subclass of | (noun) one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year; "he paid the bill last month" month, calendar month |
has subclass | (noun) the first month of the year; begins 10 days after the winter solstice Jan, January |
has subclass | (noun) the month following January and preceding March February, Feb |
has subclass | (noun) the month following February and preceding April March, Mar |
has subclass | (noun) the month following March and preceding May Apr, April |
has subclass | (noun) the month following April and preceding June May |
has subclass | (noun) the month following May and preceding July June |
has subclass | (noun) the month following June and preceding August July |
has subclass | (noun) the month following July and preceding September Aug, August |
has subclass | (noun) the month following August and preceding October Sep, Sept, September |
has subclass | (noun) the month following September and preceding November October, Oct |
has subclass | (noun) the month following October and preceding December November, Nov |
has subclass | (noun) the last (12th) month of the year December, Dec |