e/Parables of Jesus

New Query

has glosseng: The parables of Jesus, found in the three synoptic gospels, are a key part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings. Christians place high emphasis on these parables, since being the words of Jesus they are believed as what the Father has taught, indicated by and .
lexicalizationeng: parables of Jesus
subclass of(noun) a short moral story (often with animal characters)
parable, fable, apologue, allegory
Note: 6 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/de/Gleichnis vom Nadelöhr
has instancee/de/Liste der Gleichnisse Jesu
has instancee/de/Nadelöhr-Gleichnis
has instancee/Counting the cost
has instancee/Figs in the Bible
has instancee/Lamp under a bushel
has instancee/Man Going On a Far Journey
has instancee/New Wine into Old Wineskins
has instancee/Parable of Drawing in the Net
has instancee/Parable of the Faithful Servant
has instancee/Parable of the Friend at Night
has instancee/Parable of the Good Samaritan
has instancee/Parable of the Growing Seed
has instancee/Parable of the Hidden Treasure
has instancee/Parable of the Lost Coin
has instancee/Parable of the Lost Sheep
has instancee/Parable of the Master and Servant
has instancee/Parable of the Mustard Seed
has instancee/Parable of the Pearl
has instancee/Parable of the Tares
has instancee/Parable of the Ten Virgins
has instancee/Parable of the Two Sons
has instancee/Parable of the Unjust Steward
has instancee/Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders
has instancee/Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
has instancee/Parable of the assassin
has instancee/Parable of the budding fig tree
has instancee/Parable of the empty jar
has instancee/Parable of the great banquet
has instancee/Parable of the strong man
has instancee/Parable of the talents or minas
has instancee/Parable of the unmerciful servant
has instancee/Pharisee and the Publican
has instancee/Servants Waiting for Their Lord
has instancee/The Grain of Wheat
has instancee/The Parable of the Rich Fool
has instancee/The Vine
has instancee/id/Perumpamaan domba dan kambing
has instancee/id/Perumpamaan orang-orang yang berdalih
has instancee/id/Perumpamaan pelita dan ukuran
has glossbul: Притча обикновено се наричат кратките иносказателни и нравоучителни разкази, с които Исус Христос се обръща към народа. В по-широк смисъл притча е всяка история със сходни характеристики.
lexicalizationbul: Притча
lexicalizationcat: Paràboles dels evangelis
lexicalizationdeu: Biblisches Gleichnis
has glossfra: Les paraboles (du grec παραβολή) des évangiles sont des récits allégoriques faits par Jésus de Nazareth et présentant un enseignement moral et religieux.
lexicalizationfra: Parabole du Nouveau Testament
lexicalizationfra: Parabole
lexicalizationheb: משלים בנצרות
has glosshrv: Isusove prispodobe slikovit su način pričanja u kojima, Isus slikama iz svakidašnjeg života predstavlja duhovnu stvarnost i Kraljevstvo Božje. Više od trećine Isusovih riječi bile su prispodobe.
lexicalizationhrv: Isusove prispodobe
has glossind: Perumpamaan Yesus adalah perumpamaan (semacam analogi) yang diajarkan oleh Yesus kepada murid-muridnya. Kisah-kisah perumpamaan ini terdapat dalam semua kitab Injil: Matius, Markus, Lukas, dan Yohanes. Kitab Matius memuat perumpamaan dengan jumlah yang terbanyak.
lexicalizationind: Perumpamaan Yesus
has glossita: Le parabole di Gesù sono una raccolta di parabole attribuite a Gesù che sono raccolte nei vangeli. Si tratta del più noto esempio del genere letterario "parabola" presente anche nell'Antico testamento.
lexicalizationita: Parabola di Gesù
lexicalizationita: parabole di Gesù
has glosspor: As parábolas de Jesus são narrativas breves, dotadas de um conteúdo alegórico, utilizadas nas pregações e sermões de Jesus com a finalidade de transmitirem algum ensinamento.
lexicalizationpor: Parábolas de jesus
has glossrus: Притчи Иисуса Христа — изложенные в Евангелиях назидательные истории, рассказанные Иисусом Христом народу во время его проповеди. Притчи содержатся только в синоптических Евангелиях (в Евангелии от Иоанна содержится лишь одна притча о Добром пастыре).
lexicalizationrus: Притчи Иисуса Христа
lexicalizationrus: Притчи Христовы
has glosssin: සංක්ෂේපිත සුබ අස්නයන් තුනෙහි දක්නට ලැබෙන, ජේසුස් වහන්සේ විසින් වදාළ උපමා, ජේසුස් වහන්සේගේ ඉගැන්වීම් හි සුවිශේෂි වූ ස්ථානයක් දරන්නේ, උන්වහන්සේගේ ලේඛනගත උගැන්වීම් අතුරින් දළ වශයෙන් තුනෙන් පංගුවකට හිමි කම් කියමිනි. ක්‍රිස්තු භක්තිකයන් මෙම උපමා වලට මහත් අවධාරණයක් යොමු කරන්නේ, මේවා ජේසුස් වහන්සේ ගේ වචන බැවින්, සහ විසින් පෙන්නුම් කරන පරිදී, පියාණන් වහන්සේ ගේ උගැන්වීම් බවට විශ්වාස කෙරෙන නිසාය.
lexicalizationsin: ජේසුස් වහන්සේ වදාළ උපමා
has glossspa: Las parábolas de Jesús son aquellas breves narraciones dichas por Jesús de Nazaret que encierran una educación moral y religiosa, revelando una verdad espiritual de forma comparativa. No son fábulas, pues en estas no intervienen personajes animales con características humanas, ni alegorías, pues se basan en hechos u observaciones creíbles, teniendo la mayoría de estas elementos de la vida cotidiana. Las parábolas se encuentran contenidas en los evangelios canónicos, aunque se pueden encontrar en los evangelios apócrifos, como el de Tomás y de Santiago .
lexicalizationspa: Parabolas de Jesus
lexicalizationspa: Parábolas de Jesús
has glossswe: Jesu liknelser kallas de berättelser eller parabler som Jesus berättar i Nya Testamentet. Mest känd i Jesus undervisning är hans bergspredikan i Matteusevangeliet kapitel 5-7, där han lär ut den gyllene regeln.
lexicalizationswe: Jesu liknelser
has glosstam: இயேசுவின் உவமைகள், இயேசு இஸ்ரவேல் நாட்டில் போதனை செய்யும் போது பயன்படுத்திய உவமைக் கதைகளாகும். இயேசு கூறிய பல உவமைகள் விவிலியத்தின் நான்கு நற்செய்தி நூல்களில் எழுதப்பட்டுள்ளது. இயேசு பெரும்பாலும் உவமைகள் மூலமே போதனகளை மேற்கொண்டார். இயேசு இவ்வாறு போதனை செய்த காலம் சுமார் மூன்று ஆண்டுகளாகும். எனவே ஆய்வாளர்கள், விவிலியத்தில் குறிப்பிடப்படாத மேலும் பல உவமைகளை இயேசு கூறியிருக்கலாம் என கருதுகின்றனர். இயேசுவின் உவமைகள் சிறிய கதையைப் போல காணப்பட்டாலும் சில உவமைகள் ஒரு வசனத்துடனேயே முடிவடைந்து விடுகின்றன.
lexicalizationtam: இயேசுவின் உவமைகள்
lexicalizationvie: Dụ ngôn của Chúa Giê-xu
has glosszho: 耶稣的比喻是《圣经》中(主要在对观福音中)出现的一些比喻,它们在耶稣的教导中大量出现。
lexicalizationzho: 耶稣的比喻
lexicalizationzho: 耶穌的比喻
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