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has gloss(noun) the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals
gesture, motion
has glosseng: A Gesture is a form of communication. Unlike verbal communication, which uses words, gestures use movements of the body. This form of communication is very rich in meaning. A lot of gestures are done unconsciously, to express various feelings, or states of mind. Many animals communicate extensively using gestures. The dog, who has been a companion to humans for a very long time, is very good at reading gestures.
has glosseng: A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Gestures differ from physical non-verbal communication that does not communicate specific messages, such as purely expressive displays, proxemics, or displays of joint attention.
lexicalizationeng: Gestures
lexicalizationeng: gesture
lexicalizationeng: motion
subclass of(noun) communication that relies on vision
visual communication
has subclass(noun) a gesture that is part of a sign language
has subclass(noun) a deliberate and vigorous gesture or motion
has subclass(noun) a beckoning gesture
has subclass(noun) a gesture executed with the facial muscles
facial gesture, facial expression
has subclass(noun) a showy gesture; "she entered with a great flourish"
has subclass(noun) a gesture of greeting or elation; one person's upraised palm slaps the upraised palm of another person
has subclass(noun) a motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly
previous question
has subclass(noun) a gesture involving the shoulders
has subclass(noun) the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
wave, wafture, waving
has subclass(noun) a sign (for victory); making a V with the index and middle fingers
V sign
has subclass(noun) a sign of assent or salutation or command
has subclass(noun) bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting
bow, obeisance, bowing
has subclass(noun) a gesture with the right hand moving to form a cross; used by Catholics as a profession of faith
sign of the cross
has subclass(noun) bending the knees; a gesture of respect made by women
curtsy, curtsey
has subclassc/Incidental motions
has subclassc/Motions that bring a question again before the assembly
has subclassc/Motions
has subclassc/Privileged motions
has subclassc/Subsidiary motions
Note: 55 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/de/Fußtritt
has instancee/de/Gratulation
has instancee/de/Orantenhaltung
has instancee/Air kiss
has instancee/Air quotes
has instancee/Articulatory gestures
has instancee/Bellamy salute
has instancee/Bras d'honneur
has instancee/Chironomia
has instancee/Chisanbop
has instancee/Crossed fingers
has instancee/Eskimo kissing
has instancee/Fist pump
has instancee/Gig 'em Aggies
has instancee/Hat tip
has instancee/Kuji-in
has instancee/List of gestures
has instancee/Lock and fly
has instancee/Mooning the Cog
has instancee/Pitchfork hand gesture
has instancee/Pound hug
has instancee/Sampeah
has instancee/Secret handshake
has instancee/Sic'em Bears
has instancee/Sign of the Cross
has instancee/T for Tibet
has instancee/Varadamudra
has instancee/Victory clasp
has instancee/Wanker
has instancee/War Chant
has instancee/fi/Käsimerkki
has instancee/fr/Akanbe
has instancee/fr/Coup de coude circulaire
has instancee/fr/Coup de genou remontant
has instancee/fr/Pied de nez
has instancee/he/תנועה מגונה
has instancee/ja/エンガチョ
has instancee/ja/ナマステ
has instancee/ja/ファイティングポーズ
has instancee/ru/Виктория (жест)
lexicalizationara: حركات اليد
American Sign Language
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has glossbul: Жест ( - движение на част от тялото) е способ на безмълвна комуникация, общуване между хората, изразяваща се в символично движение, в което се влага някакъв смисъл и значение. Това движение е най-често с ръцете или главата.
lexicalizationbul: жест
has glosscat: Un gest és un moviment d'una certa part del cos amb intenció comunicativa, és a dir, amb un significat, sigui conscient o inconscient. És un component essencial de la comunicació no verbal i el codi de les llengües de signes. El sentit de cada gest està condicionat culturalment, com per exemple sacsejar el cap verticalment, que pot indicar afirmació o negació segons la comunitat. Alguns gestos comuns són aixecar el polze per indicar aprovació o aplaudir per vitorejar en un espectacle.
lexicalizationcat: gest
lexicalizationcat: gesticulació
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has glossces: Gesto (z lat. gerere, jednat, konat) znamená posunek, tělesný pohyb, který něco vyjadřuje nebo dává najevo. Gesta spolu s mimikou jsou hlavními prostředky neverbální komunikace u živočichů i člověka. U člověka gesta často doprovázejí řeč a tvoří gestikulaci, zejména u herců, řečníků a politiků. Pevně stanovená gesta jsou také součástí náboženských obřadů a liturgie.
lexicalizationces: Gesta
lexicalizationces: Gesto
Mandarin Chinese
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lexicalizationcym: ystum
has glossdan: Gestik er den del af kropssproget der ikke inkluderer vores ansigt men er brug af arme, hænder og krop til at kommunikere med.
lexicalizationdan: Gestik
has glossdeu: Als Geste (v. lat.: gerere = tragen, ausführen; PPP: gestum) bezeichnet man # zeichenhafte Bewegungen bestimmter Körperteile (v. a. Hand und Kopf) zum Zwecke der nonverbalen Kommunikation. Gesten sind zumeist konventionell und müssen von der umgebenden Kultur erlernt werden. Sie unterliegen daher kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Unterschieden und können auch mit Zeit Bedeutungswandlungen erfahren (siehe Victory-Zeichen, das jetzt "Peace" bedeutet). Beispiele von Gesten sind Winken, Augenrollen, Nicken, Achselzucken, Handbewegungen beim Abwiegeln oder Vortritt lassen, Handauflegen, Kopfschütteln, Zwinkern, Augenbrauen hochziehen, Fingerspitzenküssen, „Vogelzeigen“ etc. Ein Beispiel der Konventionalität der Gesten ist die unterschiedlichen Kopfbewegungen für Bejahung und Zustimmung in verschiedenen Kulturen, z.
lexicalizationdeu: Geste
lexicalizationdeu: Gestik
lexicalizationepo: gesto
lexicalizationepo: Gestoj
lexicalizationepo: mimiko
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lexicalizationeus: keinu
has glossfin: Ele on ihmisten välisessä viestinnässä keino korvata sanallinen viestintä tai vahvistaa tai muuten ohjata sen tulkintaa. Usein ihmiset eivät edes huomaa tekemiään eleitä vaan tekevät ne vaistonvaraisesti, samoin vastapuoli myös useimmiten tulkitsee eleet vaistonvaraisesti. Elekieleen kuuluu ruumiin eri osien asentoja ja liikkeitä. Elekielelle melko rinnasteisia ovat ilmeet ja äänensävyt.
lexicalizationfin: ele
lexicalizationfin: Käsimerkit
has glossfra: La gestuelle des doigts et des mains constitue un véritable langage. Si beaucoup de gestes sont universels, la signification des gestes conscients est par contre le plus souvent culturelle.
lexicalizationfra: geste
lexicalizationfra: Geste
lexicalizationfra: Gestuelle des doigts et des mains
lexicalizationfra: gesticulation
lexicalizationfra: diagramme de phase
has glossglg: Un aceno ou xesto é unha forma de comunicación non verbal feito cunha parte do corpo, pódese usar para substituír ou complementa-la comunicación verbal.
lexicalizationglg: aceno
lexicalizationglg: xesto
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has glossheb: מחווה גופנית היא העברה מודעת ורצונית של מסר באמצעות תנועה של הגוף. אף שעיקר התקשורת בין בני אדם נעשה בדיבור או בכתב, משמשות מחוות גופניות כדרך להעברת מסרים לא מילוליים ולהעצמה של מסרים המועברים בדיבור.
lexicalizationheb: מחווה גופנית
lexicalizationheb: מחוות גופניות
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has glossind: Gerak isyarat adalah bentuk komunikasi nonverbal yang dilakukan dengan gerakan anggota tubuh. Gerak isyarat dilakukan untuk menggantikan, atau bersamaan dengan komunikasi verbal. Dengan gerak isyarat, seseorang dapat mengekspresikan berbagai perasaan dan pikiran, dari perasaan jijik, permusuhan, hingga penerimaan dan kasih sayang. Banyak orang yang menggunakan gerak tubuh dan bahasa tubuh selain kata-kata ketika berbicara. Penggunaan gerak isyarat berbeda-beda dalam berbagai budaya, dan jumlah gerak tubuh yang pantas digunakan juga berbeda-beda dari suatu lokasi ke lokasi yang lain. Lihat pula * Bahasa tubuh * Komunikasi nonverbal * Sinyal
lexicalizationind: gerak isyarat
has glossita: I gesti sono parte del linguaggio del corpo, l'aspetto più studiato e conosciuto della comunicazione non verbale. Il gesto spontaneo va distinto dai linguaggi gestuali, che sono codificati, come per esempio il linguaggio dei segni.
lexicalizationita: Gesti
lexicalizationita: gesto
has glossjpn: ジェスチャー(Gesture)とは、他の人に何かを伝えるためにする身振り手振りのこと。人間の意志の伝達方法として、言葉とともに頻繁に使用される。
lexicalizationjpn: ジェスチャー
has glosskat: ჟესტიკულაცია არის არავერბალური კომუნიკაციის ფორმა გამოხატული ხელების მოძრაობით, რომელიც ვერბალური კომუნიკაციის მაგივრად ან მის პარალელურად ხორციელდება. ჟესტიკულაციის ენა საშუალებას გვაძლევს გამოვხატოთ სხვადასხვა გრძნობები თუ აზრები.
lexicalizationkat: ჟესტიკულაცია
lexicalizationkat: ჟესტი
has glosslav: Žesti - apzinātas vai neapzinātas roku, kāju vai galvas kustības, kas pavada cilvēku saskarsmi. Lielākā daļa galveno saprašanās žestu ir vienādi visā pasaulē. Kad cilvēki ir priecīgi, viņi smaida; kad bēdājas vai ir dusmīgi, viņi sarauc pieri vai drūmi skatās.
lexicalizationlav: žesti
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has glossnld: Een gebaar is een beweging van handen, hoofd en/of andere lichaamsdelen vanuit de intentie om te communiceren of om de gesproken communicatie te ondersteunen; Vele dieren waaronder de mens maken gebaren om een paringswens aan te geven. De bekwaamheid om gebaren te meten heet Antropo-acting. Gebaren zijn bij met name doven een onderdeel van een uitgebreide gebarentaal. Gebaren zijn dikwijls cultureel bepaald. Ze worden ook in vele godsdiensten gebruikt.
lexicalizationnld: gebaar
lexicalizationnld: Gebaar
lexicalizationnld: teken
has glosspol: Gest – dowolny ruch wykonany przez kogoś świadomie lub nieświadomie, mający określone znaczenie.
lexicalizationpol: gest
lexicalizationpol: gestykulacja
has glosspor: Gesto (no Brasil: sinal) é a forma do ser humano se expressar através das mãos e do corpo.
lexicalizationpor: gesto
lexicalizationpor: Gestos
lexicalizationpor: Gesto
lexicalizationron: mimică
has glossrus: Жест (от — движение тела) — некоторое действие или движение человеческого тела или его части, имеющее определённое значение или смысл, то есть являющееся знаком или символом.
lexicalizationrus: Жесты
lexicalizationrus: жест
has glossslk: ::Slovo gesto znamená aj veľkodušný prejav priazne. Gesto alebo posunok je pohyb niektorou časťou tela (najčastejšie rukou) na vyjadrenie niečoho či na zdôraznenie reči.
lexicalizationslk: Gesto
lexicalizationslk: Gestá
lexicalizationspa: gesticulación
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Spanish Sign Language
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has glossswe: Gester är ett icke-verbalt kommunikationsmedel, där kroppsdelars position och rörelser kan användas för att överföra ett budskap. Gester och kroppsspråk används ofta i kombination med tal, för att förstärka och förtydliga det verbala budskapet.
lexicalizationswe: Gest
has glosstel: సంజ్ఞ లేదా సైగ (Gesture) అనేది ఒక విధమైన భాషారహిత భావవ్యక్తీకరణ (Non-verbal communication). ఇవి మన శరీరంలోని ఏ భాగంతోనైనా, కొన్ని సార్లు మాటలతో కలిపి ఉపయోగించే పద్ధతి. వీటితో తన మనసులోని భావాల్ని మరియు ఆలోచనల్ని ఇతరులకు తెలియజేస్తారు. కొన్ని సంజ్ఞలు వివిధ దేశాలలో, సంస్కృతులలో విభిన్నమైన భావాల్ని తెలియజేస్తే, కొన్ని ప్రపంచమంతటా ఒకే అర్ధాన్నిస్తాయి.
lexicalizationtel: సంజ్ఞ
has glossukr: Жест — це рух(дія) для вираження емоції чи інформації замість розмови, або під час розмови.
lexicalizationukr: Жести
lexicalizationukr: Жест
Classical Armenian
lexicalizationxcl: շարժումն
has glosszho: 手势是指人类用语言中枢建立起来的一套用手掌和手指位置、形状的特定语言系统。其中包括通用的,如聋哑人使用的手语。还有在特定情况下的该种系统,如海军陆战队。
lexicalizationzho: 手势
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