has gloss | (noun) a gesture executed with the facial muscles facial gesture, facial expression |
lexicalization | eng: facial expression |
lexicalization | eng: facial gesture |
subclass of | (noun) the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals gesture, motion |
has subclass | (noun) a representation of a facial expression (as a smile or frown) created by typing a sequence of characters in sending email; ":-( and :-) are emoticons" emoticon |
has subclass | (noun) an expression of openmouthed astonishment gape |
has subclass | (noun) a contorted facial expression; "she made a grimace at the prospect" grimace, face |
has subclass | (noun) a facial expression of dislike or displeasure scowl, frown |
has subclass | (noun) a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement smiling, smile, grin, grinning |
has subclass | (noun) a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing; "his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision" laugh |
has subclass | (noun) an angry vicious expression snarl |
has subclass | (noun) a serious facial expression giving no evidence of interest or amusement straight face |
has subclass | (noun) closing one eye quickly as a signal wink |
has subclass | (noun) the facial expression of sudden pain wince |