lexicalization | eng: Metallica songs |
subclass of | (noun) a short musical composition with words; "a successful musical must have at least three good songs" song, vocal |
| Note: 2 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/...And Justice for All (song) |
has instance | e/Anesthesia Pulling Teeth |
has instance | e/Battery (song) |
has instance | e/Better than You (Metallica song) |
has instance | e/Dyers Eve |
has instance | e/Eye of the Beholder (song) |
has instance | e/Frantic (song) |
has instance | e/Fuel (song) |
has instance | e/I Disappear |
has instance | e/Kill 'Em All#Seek & Destroy |
has instance | e/Last Caress/Green Hell |
has instance | e/Of wolf and man |
has instance | e/Orion (song) |
has instance | e/The Memory Remains |
has instance | e/The Unforgiven (song) |
has instance | e/Welcome Home (Sanitarium) |
has instance | e/Wherever I May Roam |
has instance | e/es/Cure (canción) |
has instance | e/es/Devil's Dance |
has instance | e/es/Holier Than Thou |
has instance | e/es/Poor Twisted Me |
has instance | e/es/Ronnie |
has instance | e/es/Seek and Destroy |
has instance | e/es/The Outlaw Torn |
has instance | e/es/Thorn Within |
has instance | e/fr/Blackened |
has instance | c/fr/Single de Metallica |
has instance | e/fr/Escape (chanson) |
has instance | e/fr/Fight Fire With Fire |
has instance | e/fr/Some Kind of Monster (chanson) |
has instance | e/fr/Suicide & Redemption |
has instance | e/fr/That Was Just Your Life |
has instance | e/fr/The Shortest Straw |
has instance | e/fr/Trapped Under Ice |
has instance | e/fr/Wasting My Hate |
has instance | e/nl/Justice Medley |
has instance | e/nl/Seek & Destroy (Metallica) |
has instance | e/nl/To Live Is To Die |
has instance | e/no/Cyanide (Metallica) |
has instance | c/pt/Singles do Metallica |