has gloss | (noun) any of numerous sharks from small relatively harmless bottom-dwellers to large dangerous oceanic and coastal species requiem shark |
lexicalization | eng: requiem shark |
subclass of | (noun) any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales shark |
has subclass | (noun) a most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide; heavy-bodied and dangerous Carcharhinus leucas, cub shark, bull shark |
has subclass | (noun) most common grey shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states; sluggish and occasionally caught by fishermen Carcharhinus plumbeus, sandbar shark |
has subclass | (noun) widely distributed shallow-water shark with fins seemingly dipped in ink blacktip shark, sandbar shark, Carcharhinus limbatus |
has subclass | (noun) large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin; worldwide distribution; most dangerous shark Carcharinus longimanus, white-tipped shark, whitetip shark, oceanic whitetip shark |
has subclass | (noun) relatively slender blue-grey shark; nearly worldwide in tropical and temperate waters dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus |
has subclass | (noun) common shallow-water schooling shark of the Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil and off west Africa; dangerous Negaprion brevirostris, lemon shark |
has subclass | (noun) slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous especially during maritime disasters Prionace glauca, great blue shark, blue shark |
has subclass | (noun) large dangerous warm-water shark with striped or spotted body Galeocerdo cuvieri, tiger shark |
has subclass | (noun) Pacific shark valued for its fins (used by Chinese in soup) and liver (rich in vitamin A) soupfin, soup-fin, soupfin shark, Galeorhinus zyopterus |