lexicalization | eng: Explosive chemicals |
subclass of | (noun) the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions chemical science, chemistry |
has subclass | e/Picrate |
| Note: 187 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/de/Gelatinöse Sprengstoffe |
has instance | e/de/Nitriersäure |
has instance | e/de/QDX |
has instance | e/de/Zünder |
has instance | e/1,2,4-Butanetriol trinitrate |
has instance | e/1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene |
has instance | e/2,4,6-Trinitroaniline |
has instance | e/4,4'-Dinitro-3,3'-diazenofuroxan |
has instance | e/C4 explosive |
has instance | c/Explosives stubs |
has instance | e/Chapman-Jouguet condition |
has instance | e/Cheddite |
has instance | e/Detonating cord |
has instance | e/Explosion welding |
has instance | e/Explosive detection |
has instance | e/Friction sensitivity |
has instance | e/Goma-2 |
has instance | e/Heptanitrocubane |
has instance | e/Pyrophoricity |
has instance | e/Sensitivity (explosives) |
has instance | e/Slapper detonator |
has instance | e/Strength (explosive) |
has instance | e/ZND detonation model |
has instance | e/ja/ピカティニー・アーセナル爆薬 |
has instance | e/ja/低速爆轟 |
has instance | e/ja/殉爆 |
has instance | e/ja/火管 |
has instance | e/ja/火薬類保安責任者 |
has instance | e/ja/爆破 |
has instance | e/ja/爆薬レンズ |
has instance | e/ja/鈍化剤 |
has instance | e/ja/電子励起爆薬 |
has instance | e/ru/Пластит |
has instance | e/ru/Скорость горения |
has instance | e/uk/Акваніти |
has instance | e/uk/Амонійний динаміт |
has instance | e/uk/Динафталіт |
has instance | e/uk/Конверсійні вибухові речовини |
has instance | e/uk/Найпростіші вибухові речовини |
has instance | e/uk/Нітрогліцеринові вибухові речовини |