Information | |
has gloss | (noun) large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails lemur |
has gloss | eng: A lemur (, ) is a member of the biological infraorder Lemuriformes, a prosimian and strepsirrhine primate that is endemic to the island of Madagascar. The term "lemur" is derived from the Latin word lemures, meaning "spirits of the night" or "haunter". This likely refers to their large, reflective eyes and the wailing cries of some species (the Indri in particular). The term is generically used for the members of the five lemuriform families, but it is also the genus of one of the lemuriform species, the Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta). The two so-called flying lemur species, known formally as colugos, are not lemurs or even primates. |
has gloss | eng: Lemurs are primates and prosimians (not monkeys). The word "lemur" comes from the Latin word lemures, which means "ghosts". This name refers to many of the nocturnal lemur species and their large eyes. Lemur may be any member of the four lemuriform families, but it is also the genus of one of the lemuriform species. There are two so-called flying lemurs, but they are not real lemurs. |
lexicalization | eng: lemur |
subclass of | (noun) any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet primate |
has subclass | (noun) small lemur having its tail barred with black Madagascar cat, Lemur catta, ring-tailed lemur |
has subclass | (noun) nocturnal lemur with long bony fingers and rodent-like incisor teeth closely related to the lemurs Daubentonia madagascariensis, aye-aye |
has subclass | (noun) slim-bodied lemur of southern India and Sri Lanka slender loris, Loris gracilis |
has subclass | (noun) stocky lemur of southeastern Asia Nycticebus tardigradua, slow loris, Nycticebus pygmaeus |
has subclass | (noun) a kind of lemur potto, kinkajou, Perodicticus potto |
has subclass | (noun) a kind of lemur golden potto, Arctocebus calabarensis, angwantibo |
has subclass | (noun) agile long-tailed nocturnal African lemur with dense woolly fur and large eyes and ears bushbaby, bush baby, galago |
has subclass | (noun) large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in black and white and fawn indris, Indri brevicaudatus, indri, Indri indri |
has subclass | (noun) nocturnal indris with thick grey-brown fur and a long tail Avahi laniger, woolly indris |
has subclass | c/Sportive lemurs |
has subclass | c/Subfossil lemurs |
has subclass | e/Dwarf lemur |
has subclass | e/Eulemur |
has subclass | e/Hapalemur |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: الليمور من الرئيسيات البدائية المعروفة ببروسيميانس prosimians اي ماقبل القردة. يعتبر هذا النوع من الرئيسيات بأنه الأصل الذي تتطورت منه القردة simians أو ما يعرف بالرئيسيات العليا. |
lexicalization | ara: ليمور |
lexicalization | ara: لیمور |
Asturian | |
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lexicalization | ast: llémur |
lexicalization | ast: lémur |
Bosnian | |
has gloss | bos: Lemur je pripadnik biološkog infrareda Lemuriformes, vrsta primata endemičnog na Madagaskaru. Riječ lemur dolazi od latinske riječi lemures što znači "duhovi noći". Ovo ime se odnosi na njihove velike, reflektirajuće oči i krikove pojedinih vrsta. Termin lemur se koristi za vrste iz pet lemuriformnih porodica, a također jedan rod unutar lemuriformne porodice nosi naziv Lemur. |
lexicalization | bos: lemur |
lexicalization | bos: lehmur |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: Els lemuriformes són un infraordre de primats del subordre dels estrepsirins. |
lexicalization | cat: Lemuriforme |
lexicalization | cat: lèmur |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: lemur-animal |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: hú hou |
lexicalization | cmn: 狐猴 |
German | |
lexicalization | deu: Lemur |
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lexicalization | deu: Lemure |
lexicalization | deu: Larva |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
has gloss | ell: Ο λεμούριος είναι είδος προπίθηκου, της τάξης των πρωτευόντων. Αποτελεί ενδημικό είδος στη Μαδαγασκάρη και το είδος καφέ λεμούριος απειλείται με εξαφάνιση. Επίσης, αρκετά είδη απειλούνται εξαιτίας της λαθροθηρίας . Η ονομασία τους προέρχεται από το λατινικό lemures, που σημαίνει: «πνεύματα της νύχτας» και αναφέρεται στα έντονα και εκτυφλωτικά μάτια των νυκτόβιων ειδών. |
lexicalization | ell: λεμούριος |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: Lemuro |
lexicalization | epo: lemuro |
Basque | |
has gloss | eus: Lemuriformes Strepsirrhini azpiordenaren bi taldeetako bat da. Orokorrean Lemur moduan ere ezagutzen dira, nahiz eta izen hau ez den oso zehatza, askotan lemur gisa izendatzen diren taldeetako batzuk ez direlako primateak ere. |
lexicalization | eus: Lemuriformes |
Finnish | |
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lexicalization | fin: maki |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Les lémuriformes (Lemuriformes) vivent tous à Madagascar, île quils ont colonisée en labsence d'autres primates, ni même mammifères, plus évolués. |
lexicalization | fra: Lemuriformes |
lexicalization | fra: Lémuriformes |
lexicalization | fra: lémur |
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lexicalization | fra: lémure |
Gaelic | |
has gloss | gla: Se seòrsa mhamal a tha ann an lèamur (Beurla: lemur). Tha iad coltach ri muncaidhean is apaichean, agus air sgàth sin cairdeil ri cinne-daonna. |
lexicalization | gla: Leamur |
lexicalization | gla: Lèamur |
Hebrew | |
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lexicalization | heb: לֶמוּר |
lexicalization | heb: למור |
Hindi | |
lexicalization | hin: lemUra |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: A maki köznapi elnevezés, amely többnyire a méhlepényesek (Eutheria) alosztályának Euarchonta csoportján belül a főemlősök (Primates) rendjéhez tartozó félmajmok fajait, valamint a bőrszárnyúak (Dermoptera) rendjének egyes fajait jelöli. Főleg gyerekkönyvekben a makimajom kifejezés is előfordul a fán élő főemlősök (makik és majmok) együttes jelölésére. |
lexicalization | hun: maki |
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lexicalization | hun: makimajom |
Armenian | |
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lexicalization | hye: լեմուր |
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) | |
lexicalization | ina: lemure |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Lemur yang berasal dari bahasa latin lemures, adalah hewan dari ordo primata yang hidup dan tinggal di Madagaskar, Afrika. Arti dari kata lemures ini adalah makhluk atau arwah di malam hari atau hantu. Hal ini mungkin karena bentuk mata dari hewan ini dapat memantulkan cahaya di malam hari disertai dengan suara tangis/teriakan dari binatang lemur (terutama dari jenis yang dinamakan Indri). |
lexicalization | ind: lemur |
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lexicalization | ind: kukang |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: I lemuri (Lemuriformes, Gray 1821) sono un infraordine di primati del sottordine degli Strepsirrhini. |
lexicalization | ita: Lemure |
lexicalization | ita: Lemuriformes |
lexicalization | ita: lemure |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: キツネザル下目(キツネザルかもく、Lemuriformes)は、霊長目曲鼻猿亜目の1下目。 |
lexicalization | jpn: キツネザル下目 |
lexicalization | jpn: キツネザル |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 여우원숭이(lemur monkey)는 영장류 하위의 곡비원류 원숭이의 분류로, 난쟁이여우원숭이와 여우원숭이, 족제비여우원숭이, 인드리 원숭이를 포함한다. 최근의 연구에 의하면 여우원숭이하목은 모두 5과 99종으로 분류된다. |
lexicalization | kor: 여우원숭이 |
Ligurian | |
has gloss | lij: Taxonavigaçion Lemuriformes |
lexicalization | lij: Lemuriformes |
Lithuanian | |
lexicalization | lit: lemūras |
Malagasy | |
has gloss | mlg: Maky (Lemuriformes) |
lexicalization | mlg: Maky |
Navaho | |
lexicalization | nav: mágí bitseeʼ noodǫ́zígíí |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Lemuren (Lemuriformes) behoren tot de orde van primaten. Er bestaan heel wat verschillende soorten. Een aantal daarvan zijn nachtdieren met relatief grote ogen, die in het wild slechts op het eiland Madagaskar en een aantal omliggende eilanden voorkomen. Ook is er een aantal lemuren dat overdag leeft. Lemuren zijn waarschijnlijk de evolutionaire voorgangers van de apen. |
lexicalization | nld: lemuren |
lexicalization | nld: lemur |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: * Cheirogaleoidea ** Cheirogaleidae * Lemuroidea ** Lemuridae ** Lepilemuridae ** indrier Lemurer (Lemuriformes), er 50 ulike arter av primater i gruppen halvaper. De er naturlig hjemmehørende på Madagaskar og noen øyer i nærheten. |
lexicalization | nor: lemurer |
lexicalization | nor: lemur |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Lemurokształtne (Lemuriformes) – infrarząd małpiatek z podrzędu Strepsirrhini, występujących na Madagaskarze i Komorach. Rodziny zaliczane do lemurokształtnych dzielą się na dwie nadrodziny: * Cheirogaleoidea ** Cheirogaleidae – lemurkowate * Lemuroidea ** Lemuridae – lemurowate ** Lepilemuridae – lepilemurowate ** Indridae – indrisowate |
lexicalization | pol: Lemurokształtne |
lexicalization | pol: lemur |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: . Refere-se a qualquer espécie da infra-ordem Lemuriformes, todas elas arborícolas, de hábitos noturnos, endémicas da ilha de Madagascar, (África). Assemelham-se aos símios, no aspecto e nos hábitos, mas são dotados de focinho que lembra o da raposa, grandes olhos, pêlo lanoso, muito macio, e cauda geralmente longa e peluda, nunca preênsil. |
lexicalization | por: Lémure |
lexicalization | por: lêmure |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: lemur |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Лемурообразные или лемуры — инфраотряд приматов в подотряде мокроносых обезьян (Strepsirrhini). В нём объединены все представители отряда, живущие на Мадагаскаре. |
lexicalization | rus: Лемурообразные |
lexicalization | rus: лемур |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Para los seres de la mitología romana, véase Larvae. Los lemuriformes o lémures (Lemuriformes) son un infraorden de primates estrepsirrinos endémicos de Madagascar. Lémur viene del latín lemures o "espíritus de la noche". Todas las especies de lémures están en peligro de extinción, por destrucción de su hábitat (deforestación) y por la caza. |
lexicalization | spa: Lemuriformes |
lexicalization | spa: Lémur |
lexicalization | spa: lémur |
Swedish | |
lexicalization | swe: Lemur |
lexicalization | swe: lemur |
Tamil | |
has gloss | tam: லெமூர் என்பது குரங்குக்கு இனமான ஒரு விலங்கினம். இது ஆப்பிரிக்காவின் தென் கிழக்கே உள்ள மடகாஸ்கர் தீவில் வாழ்கின்றது. லெமூர் பார்பதற்கு நாயின் முகத்தோடு கூடிய குரங்கினம் போல தெரியும். படத்தில் வரிவால் லெமூர் காட்டப்படுள்ளது. லெமுர்களும் முதனி என்னும் உயிரின உட்பிரிவைச் சேரும் ஆனால் வாலிலாக் குரங்கு இனத்தில் இருந்து வேறுபட்ட கிளையினம். கொரில்லா, சிம்ப்பன்சி, போனபோ, ஒராங்குட்டான் ஆகிய ஐந்து வாலில்லாக் குரங்குகளையும் பெரிய மனிதக்குரங்கு இனம் (simian, apes) என்றும், இந்த லெமூர்களை குரங்கின்முன்னினம் (prosmian) என்றும் வகைப்படுத்துகிறார்கள். |
lexicalization | tam: லெமூர் |
Thai | |
has gloss | tha: ลีเมอร์ เป็น สัตว์ในวงษ์ย่อย Lemuriformes อันดับลิง มีถิ่นที่อยู่ในเกาะมาดาร์กัสกา |
lexicalization | tha: ลีเมอร์ |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Lemur, uzun burunlu, uzun kuyruklu, ağaçta yaşayan, prosimiyen primat. Sadece Madagaskar'da bulunur. |
lexicalization | tur: Lemur |
lexicalization | tur: maki |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Лему́ри (Lemuriformes, від — «духи ночі», «привиди») — представники ряду приматів, що складають інфраряд лемуроподібних та входять до підряду мокроносих мавп. У природі мешкають лише на острові Мадагаскар та на деяких сусідніх островах. |
lexicalization | ukr: лемур |
Media | |
media:img | Black Lemurs-in Madagascar.jpg |
media:img | Black and white ruffed lemur.jpg |
media:img | CHEIROGALEUS-1.JPG |
media:img | Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema).jpg |
media:img | Dwarf Lemur.jpg |
media:img | Eulemur coronatus.jpg |
media:img | Lemur catta2.jpg |
media:img | Lemur walking.jpg |
media:img | Lepilemur ruficaudatus.jpg |
media:img | Red.ruffed.lemur.ontree.arp.jpg |
media:img | Ring tailed lemur and twins.jpg |
media:img | Ring tailed lemurs.jpg |
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