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has gloss(noun) a group of artists who agree on general principles
art movement, artistic movement
has glosseng: An art movement is a tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy or goal, followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time, or, at least, with the heyday of the movement defined within usually a number of years.
lexicalizationeng: art movement
lexicalizationeng: artistic movement
subclass of(noun) a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
movement, front, social movement
has subclass(noun) a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles
Abstract Expressionism, action painting
has subclass(noun) early 20th-century United States painting; portrays realistic and sordid scenes of city life
Ashcan school, Ash Can
has subclass(noun) a school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light
has subclass(noun) a school of art that emerged in the United Kingdom in the 1950s and became prevalent in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 1960s; it imitated the techniques of commercial art (as the soup cans of Andy Warhol) and the styles of popular culture and the mass media
Pop Art
has subclass(noun) a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life
Eight, Ashcan School
has subclass(noun) a school of painters who used a technique of painting with tiny dots of pure colors that would blend in the viewer's eye; developed by Georges Seurat and his followers late in 19th century France
has subclass(noun) a style of design that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s; marked by stylized forms and geometric designs adapted to mass production
art deco, deco
has subclass(noun) a French school of art and architecture popular in the 1890s; characterized by stylized natural forms and sinuous outlines of such objects as leaves and vines and flowers
art nouveau
has subclass(noun) any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)
avant-garde, vanguard, van, new wave
has subclass(noun) an abstractionist artistic movement in Russia after World War I; industrial materials were used to construct nonrepresentational objects
has subclass(noun) a geometric abstractionist movement originated by Kazimir Malevich in Russia that influenced constructivism
has subclass(noun) an artistic movement in France beginning in 1907 that featured surfaces of geometrical planes
has subclass(noun) a nihilistic art movement (especially in painting) that flourished in Europe early in the 20th century; based on irrationality and negation of the accepted laws of beauty
dadaism, dada
has subclass(noun) an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality
has subclass(noun) an art movement launched in 1905 whose work was characterized by bright and nonnatural colors and simple forms; influenced the expressionists
has subclass(noun) an artistic movement in Italy around 1910 that tried to express the energy and values of the machine age
has subclass(noun) the first coherent school of American art; active from 1825 to 1870; painted wilderness landscapes of the Hudson River valley and surrounding New England
Hudson River school, romantic realism
has subclass(noun) a movement by American and English poets early in the 20th century in reaction to Victorian sentimentality; used common speech in free verse with clear concrete imagery
has subclass(noun) English poets at the beginning of the 19th century who lived in the Lake District and were inspired by it
lake poets
has subclass(noun) an artistic movement in the United States that was derived from the Hudson River school; active from 1850 to 1870; painted realistic landscapes in a style that pictured atmospheric light and the use of aerial perspective
has subclass(noun) an art movement in sculpture and painting that began in the 1950s and emphasized extreme simplification of form and color
reductivism, minimal art, minimalism
has subclass(noun) an artistic movement in 19th century France; artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description
realism, naturalism
has subclass(noun) an art movement based on a revival of Romanticism in art and literature
has subclass(noun) an art movement in French cinema in the 1960s
Nouvelle Vague, New Wave
has subclass(noun) an Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s
sezession, secession
has subclass(noun) a 20th century movement of artists and writers (developing out of dadaism) who used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams
has subclass(noun) an artistic movement in the late 19th century that tried to express abstract or mystical ideas through the symbolic use of images
has subclassc/Art movements by country
has subclassc/Art movements in Dutch painting
has glosscat: Un moviment artístic és una tendència o estil en lart amb una filosofia o amb una finalitat comuna, seguida per un grup dartistes durant un període de temps restringit o si més no, amb lapogeu del moviment més o menys delimitat (usualment per pocs mesos, anys o dècades). Els moviments artístics van esdevenir especialment importants en lart modern, on cada moviment consecutiu va ser considerat com una avantguarda nova. Els moviments han quasi desaparegut per complet en lart contemporani, on lindividualisme i la diversitat prevalen. El terme es refereix a les tendències en les arts visuals, als conceptes nous i a larquitectura, i algunes vegades a la literatura. En la música és més usual parlar de gèneres i destils. Algunes vegades sal·ludeix als moviments dart irònicament com a -ismes.
lexicalizationcat: Moviment artístic
has glossces: Umělecký směr je koncepce nebo styl v umění se shodnými specifickými rysy nebo filozofií v tvorbě autorů během určitého časového období. __NOTOC__ Seznam uměleckých směrů 19. století * neoklasicismus * romantismus * realismus * symbolismus * impresionismus * postimpresionismus * neoimpresionismus * secese
lexicalizationces: Umělecký směr
has glossepo: Arta movado estas arta tendenco aŭ stilo havanta specifan komunan idearon aŭ celojn, kiujn sekvas grupo de artistoj dum specifa tempoperiodo. Artaj movadoj estis speciale gravaj en moderna arto, en kiu ĉiu postsekvanta movado estis konsiderata antaŭgvardio. Movadoj estas preskaŭ tute malaperintaj en nuntempa arto, en kiu individualismo kaj diverseco plejmultas.
lexicalizationepo: Arta movado
has glossfas: جنبش هنری یک جريان‌ و حركت‌ هنر‌ی می‌باشد كه تحت تاثير تحولات فرهنگى، اجتماعى، اقتصادى، سياسی و يا عوامل ديگر شكل گرفته‌است و براى مدتی گروهى از هنرمندان را به تفكر و عملكرد مشابه مى‌كشاند. اين جنبش‌ها بسته به بنيان و زمينه‌هاى به‌وجود آورنده و توسعه دهندهٔ آن‌ها مى‌توانند كوتاه‌مدت يا نسبتاً پايدار باشند. همچنين جنبش‌های هنری ممكن است در یک منطقهٔ جغرافیایی خاص و تنها در يك رشتهٔ هنری رايج شوند يا به‌صورت فراگير بخش وسيعی از دنياى هنر را تحت تاثير خود قرار دهند.
lexicalizationfas: جنبش هنری
lexicalizationfra: Mouvement Artistique
has glossglg: Un movemento artístico ou estilo artístico é unha tendencia ou estilo referente á arte cunha filosofía ou meta específica en común, seguida por un grupo de artistas repercutores durante un período de tempo (como o movemento dadaísta ou o pop-art); ou característico dun período máis extenso da Historia da arte (coma o renacemento ou o barroco); ou restrinxido a un lugar determinado, co que se fala entón dunha escola artística (por exemplo a escola sienesa, a escola florentina ou a escola sevillana); ou limitado a un grupo de artistas nun lugar e intre concreto. Coa palabra estilo tamén se alude particularmente ás características que unifican ou distinguen unha obra artística doutra e a un autor doutro (o estilo persoal ou a vontade de estilo, que se fai máis marcada nos xenios da arte e na personalidade dos artistas burgueses, sometidos ao mercado de arte, sobre todo a partir do romanticismo); ou, menos usualmente, á kunstwollen (vontade da arte ou vontade artística, en expresión de Alois Riegl).
lexicalizationglg: estilo artístico
has glossheb: תנועה אומנותית היא נטייה או סגנון באומנות שיש לו מטרה או פילוסופיה המשותפת לקבוצת אמנים בתקופת זמן נתונה (יכול להיות בחודשים, שנים או עשורים). תנועות אמנות היו חשובות ביותר באמנות מודרנית אז כל תנועה ממשיכה נחשבה לאוונגרד החדש. תנועות אמנות כמעט ואינן קיימות באמנות בת זמננו בה הגיוון והאינדיבידואליזם מושלים בכיפה.
lexicalizationheb: תנועה אומנותית
has glossspa: Un movimiento artístico o estilo artístico es una tendencia o estilo referente al arte con una filosofía o meta específica en común, seguida por un grupo de artistas repercutores durante un período (como el movimiento dadaísta o el pop-art); o característico de un periodo más extenso de la Historia del Arte (como el renacimiento o el barroco); o restringido a un lugar determinado, con lo que se habla entonces de una escuela artística (como por ejemplo la escuela sienesa, la escuela florentina o la escuela sevillana); o limitado a un grupo de artistas en un lugar y momento concreto. Con la palabra estilo también se alude particularmente a las características que unifican o distinguen una obra artística de otra y a un autor de otro (el estilo personal o la voluntad de estilo, que se hace más marcada en los genios del arte y en la personalidad de los artistas burgueses, sometidos al mercado de arte, sobre todo a partir del romanticismo); o, menos usualmente, a la kunstwollen (voluntad de arte o voluntad artística, en expresión de Alois Riegl).
lexicalizationspa: Movimiento artistico
lexicalizationspa: Movimiento artístico
has glossswe: En konströrelse är en tendens eller stil inom konsten med ett specifikt gemensamt mål eller filosofi och sammanhängande uttryckssätt, utövat av en grupp konstnärer under en avgränsad tidsperiod. Termen refererar till tendenser inom bildkonst, litteratur, arkitektur. Inom musik, dans och teater talas det vanligtvis om genre och stil. För ett bredare perspektiv se även kulturrörelse.
lexicalizationswe: konströrelse
has glosstam: கலை இயக்கம் என்பது ஒரு வரையறுக்கப்பட்ட காலப்பகுதியுள், ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட கலைஞர் குழுவால் பின்பற்றப்படுகின்ற, ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட பொதுத் தத்துவத்தை அல்லது நோக்கத்தை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்ட, கலையின் ஒரு போக்கு அல்லது பாணியாகும். கலை இயக்கங்கள் சிறப்பாக நவீன கலைகள் (Modern Art) தொடர்பில் முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்தவை. இங்கே தொடர்ந்து வருகின்ற ஒவ்வொரு இயக்கமும், ஒரு புதிய முழு வளர்ச்சி பெற்ற குழுவாகக் கருதப்பட்டது. individualism மற்றும் பன்முகத் தன்மை நிலை பெற்றிருக்கும் தற்காலக் கலையில் இயக்கங்கள் ஏறத்தாழ முற்றாகவே மறைந்துவிட்டன எனலாம்.
lexicalizationtam: கலைப் பாணிகள், காலம் மற்றும் இயக்கங்கள்
has glossvie: Trào lưu mỹ thuật hay trường phái mỹ thuật là một xu hướng hoặc phong cách mỹ thuật tuân theo một mục đích hoặc triết lý cụ thể, trào lưu mỹ thuật được những nhóm các nghệ sĩ theo đuổi trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định. Trong mỹ thuật phương Tây, khái niệm trào lưu mỹ thuật có vai trò phân loại quan trọng, đặc biệt là cho mỹ thuật phương Tây thế kỷ 20 vì có rất nhiều trào lưu và nhóm nghệ sĩ khác nhau coi họ là trào lưu mang tính tiên phong. Khi triết lý của trào lưu không chỉ dừng lại ở các hình thức nghệ thuật thị giác như hội họa, điêu khắc, kiến trúc mà còn là một phần của trào lưu nghệ thuật lớn hơn trong văn học, âm nhạc, trào lưu mỹ thuật thường được coi là một phần của trào lưu hay chủ nghĩa nghệ thuật.
lexicalizationvie: trào lưu mỹ thuật
has glosszho: 艺术运动是指一种在艺术上具有共同宗旨和目标,被一群艺术家在一段时期内(从几个月至数十年不等)所遵循的潮流或风格。每个连贯的艺术运动都被归为一种新的先锋派,所以艺术运动在现代艺术中占有特别重要的地位。因为个人主义和流行的多样化,旧的艺术运动通常会整个消失在当代艺术中。
lexicalizationzho: 艺术运动
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