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has gloss(noun) a usually soluble substance for staining or coloring e.g. fabrics or hair
dye, dyestuff
has glosseng: A dye can generally be described as a colored substance that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is being applied. The dye is generally applied in an aqueous solution, and may require a mordant to improve the fastness of the dye on the fiber.
has glosseng: Dye is a substance used to color materials. It is often used to color the fabric used to make clothing.
lexicalizationeng: dyestuff
lexicalizationeng: Dyes
lexicalizationeng: Dye
subclass of(noun) any material used for its color; "she used a different color for the trim"
colouring material, colour, coloring material, color
Note: 5 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) dye in which the chromophore is part of a negative ion
acid dye
has subclass(noun) any of various yellow dyes; not related chemically to alizarin but applied in the same manner
alizarin yellow
has subclass(noun) a blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically
indigotin, indigo, anil
has subclass(noun) any of many dyes made from aniline
aniline dye
has subclass(noun) any dye containing one or more azo groups
azo dye
has subclass(noun) a dye that is considered to be a base because the chromophore is part of a positive ion
basic colour, basic color, basic dye
has subclass(noun) used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge
blueing, blue, bluing
has subclass(noun) a dye used as an acid-base indicator
bromphenol blue, tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein, bromophenol blue
has subclass(noun) a dye used as an acid-base indicator
bromthymol blue, bromothymol blue
has subclass(noun) a red dyestuff consisting of dried bodies of female cochineal insects
has subclass(noun) any of a class of dyes containing a -CH= group linking two heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen; used as sensitizers in photography
cyanine dye
has subclass(noun) dye with a high affinity for cellulose fibers (cotton or rayon etc.)
substantive dye, direct dye
has subclass(noun) a yellow dye that is visible even when highly diluted; used as an absorption indicator when silver nitrate solution is added to sodium chloride in order to precipitate silver chloride (turns pink when no chloride ions are left in solution and negative fluorescein ions are then absorbed)
fluorescent dye, fluorescein, fluoresceine, resorcinolphthalein
has subclass(noun) any of various fluorescent substances used in fluorescence microscopy to stain specimens
has subclass(noun) a dye or tint for the hair
hair coloring, hair dye
has subclass(noun) a green dye, often used to color cloth, which is obtained from the woad plant
Kendal green, Kendal
has subclass(noun) a poisonous white solid (Pb[CH3CO]2) used in dyeing cotton and in making enamels and varnishes
lead acetate, sugar of lead
has subclass(noun) a purplish dye obtained from orchil lichens
archil, cudbear, orchil
has subclass(noun) a yellow dye made from the bark of the quercitron oak tree
has subclass(noun) dye that does not allow the passage of X rays or other radiation; used to outline certain organs during X-ray examination
radiopaque dye
has subclass(noun) any of a class of chiefly red organic dyes
safranine, safranin, saffranine
has subclass(noun) a red-purple to deep purple dye obtained from snails or made synthetically
Tyrian purple
has subclass(noun) a water-insoluble dye that is applied by reducing the dye to an alkaline form, applying the dye, then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material; used for dyeing cotton
vat color, vat dye
has subclass(noun) a blue dyestuff obtained from the woad plant
has subclassc/Acridine dyes
has subclassc/Animal dyes
has subclassc/Anthraquinone dyes
has subclassc/Azin dyes
has subclassc/Cyanine dyes
has subclassc/Diarylmethane dyes
has subclassc/Eurhodin dyes
has subclassc/Indophenol dyes
has subclassc/Phenanthridine dyes
has subclassc/Quinoline dyes
has subclassc/Solvent dyes
has subclassc/Staining dyes
has subclassc/Thiazin dyes
has subclassc/Triarylmethane dyes
has subclasse/Fuel dyes
has subclasse/Rhodamine
Note: 135 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancec/ar/أصبغة حيوية
has instancee/bg/Кармин
has instancee/de/Chinonimine
has instancee/de/Echtgelb
has instancee/de/Farbstofftheorie nach Witt
has instancee/de/Lackdye
has instancee/de/Substantive Farbstoffe
has instancee/de/Teerfarben
has instancee/ANNINE-6plus
has instancee/Abir
has instancee/Colourant
has instancee/Indulines
has instancee/Lithopone
has instancee/Marking blue
has instancee/Pittacal
has instancee/Reactive dye printing
has instancee/Silicate mineral paint
has instancee/Squaraine dye
has instancee/Tiedye
has instancee/Voltage sensitive dye
has instancee/fr/Colorant métallifère 1.1
has instancee/fr/Encre chromotrope
has instancee/hu/Eozinmáz
has instancee/it/Azzurrante ottico
has instancee/it/Nitro coloranti
has instancee/ja/合成着色料
has instancee/nl/Meekrapstoof
has instancee/pl/Błękit molibdenowy
has instancee/pl/Purpura (barwnik)
has instancee/pl/Sepia (barwnik)
has instancee/pt/Amarelo de quinoleína
has instancee/pt/Corante de Shorr
has instancee/ro/Hematoxilină
has instancee/ro/Orange acridină
has instancee/ru/Желтая композиция
has instancec/ru/Арилметановые красители
has instancec/ru/Диазиновые красители
has instancee/ru/Яркий желтый
has instancee/uk/Бензантронові барвники
has instancee/zh/天然染料
lexicalizationafr: kleur
has glossara: في اللغة العربية الصِّبْغُ والصِّباغُ والصِّبْغةُ ما يُصْبَغُ به وتُلَوَّنُ به الثياب، والجمع أَصْباغٌ وأَصْبِغةٌ.
lexicalizationara: أصبغة
lexicalizationara: صباغ
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Standard Arabic
lexicalizationarb: يموت
American Sign Language
lexicalizationase: 9@SideNeckhigh-PalmDown-9@SideNeckhigh-PalmDown Upanddown-Upanddown 9@SideChesthigh-PalmDown-9@SideChesthigh-PalmDown
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lexicalizationbul: боя
lexicalizationbul: Багрила
lexicalizationbul: Боя
has glosscat: Un colorant és una substància que és capaç de tenyir les fibres vegetals i animals. Els colorants shan usat des de temps remots, emprant-se per a això diverses matèries procedents de vegetals (cúrcuma, indi natural, etc.) i danimals (cotxinilla, mol·luscs, etc.) així com diferents minerals.
lexicalizationcat: Colorants
lexicalizationcat: colorant
lexicalizationcat: color
lexicalizationcat: tint
lexicalizationces: barva
lexicalizationces: barvivo
lexicalizationces: Barviva
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: rǎn se
lexicalizationcmn: 染色
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Crimean Tatar
lexicalizationcrh: tüs
lexicalizationdan: farvestof
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has glossdeu: Als Farbstoff werden chemische Verbindungen bezeichnet, die die Eigenschaft haben, andere Materialien zu färben. Nach DIN 55934 sind Farbstoffe solche Farbmittel, die in ihrem Anwendungsmedium löslich sind. Farbstoffe werden vorwiegend zum Färben von Textilien, Papier, Leder, Kunststoffen und Lacken verwendet.
lexicalizationdeu: Farbstoff
lexicalizationdeu: Farbstoffe
lexicalizationdeu: Farbe
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Modern Greek (1453-)
lexicalizationell: βαφή
lexicalizationell: χρωστική ύλη
lexicalizationell: χρωστική ύλη/βαφή
lexicalizationell: χρώμα
lexicalizationepo: tinkturo
lexicalizationepo: koloro
lexicalizationepo: farbo
lexicalizationest: värvaine
lexicalizationest: värv
lexicalizationeus: koloratzaile
lexicalizationeus: koloregai
lexicalizationeus: koloratzaile; koloregai
lexicalizationfin: väriaine
lexicalizationfin: värjätä
lexicalizationfin: väri
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has glossfra: La teinture est l'action utilisée par le teinturier pour faire absorber un colorant par le support et qui se mélange à sa couleur initiale, au lieu de la recouvrir comme un pigment. Par exemple un tissu bleu plongé dans un bain de teinture jaune deviendra vert, par combinaison du bleu et du jaune.
lexicalizationfra: teinture
lexicalizationfra: Colorant
lexicalizationfra: couleur
lexicalizationfra: teinte
lexicalizationfra: matière colorante
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lexicalizationglv: daah
Ancient Greek (to 1453)
lexicalizationgrc: βαφή
lexicalizationhbs: boja
lexicalizationhbs: боја
lexicalizationheb: צבע
lexicalizationhin: raMga
has glosshrv: Bojilo je obojana tvar s afinitetom kemijskog vezivanja na supstrat na koji se nanosi. Bojila se uglavnom primjenjuju kao vodena otopina. Obojane tvari koje se kemijski ne vežu za supstrat zovu se pigmenti.
lexicalizationhrv: boja
lexicalizationhrv: Bojilo
lexicalizationhrv: farba
lexicalizationhrv: pigment
lexicalizationhun: festék
lexicalizationhun: Festékek
lexicalizationhun: színezőanyag
lexicalizationhun: színárnyalat
lexicalizationhye: ներկատու նյութ
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lexicalizationido: Tinti
has glossind: Bahan pewarna secara sederhana dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu benda berwarna yang memiliki afinitas kimia terhadap benda yang diwarnainya. Bahan pewarna pada umumnya memiliki bentuk cair dan larut di air. Pada berbagai situasi, proses pewarnaan menggunakan mordant untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menempel bahan pewarna.
lexicalizationind: Bahan pewarna
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has glossita: Con il termine generico colorante si identifica una sostanza in grado di conferire un particolare colore ad un determinato substrato. Questo termine tuttavia è anche usato specificatamente per una determinata tipologia di sostanze coloranti, per cui ci si dovrebbe riferire ai coloranti in senso generico come alle sostanze coloranti. Leffetto fisico del colore per queste sostanze è perlopiù dovuto al fenomeno della trasmittanza e dellassorbimento di determinate lunghezze d'onda della luce visibile. Il gruppo della molecola responsabile del colore è detta cromoforo.
lexicalizationita: tintura
lexicalizationita: colorante
lexicalizationita: Coloranti
lexicalizationita: tinta
lexicalizationita: colore
has glossjpn: 染料(せんりょう) とは、水など特定の溶媒に溶解させて着色に用いる有色の物質。普通は水を溶媒として布や紙などを染色する。無色の前駆体が溶媒に可溶であり、染着後に発色させた色素は不溶となるような、いわゆる建染染料も含む。建染染料の内、インジゴやインダンスレン青、ペリノンオレンジ、フラバンスロンイエローなどは顔料としての確固たる使用実績があり、顔料としての認知度も高い。特定の媒体に分散するという性質が着色の上で重要なものは顔料と呼ばれる。
lexicalizationjpn: 染料
lexicalizationjpn: 色素
lexicalizationkat: საღებავი
has glosskor: 염료(染料)는 실이나 천, 옷감 등을 물들이는 색소로 물이나 기름, 알코올에 녹지 않는 안료와 구분된다. 물에 우려내어 명반 등의 매염제로 염색한다.
lexicalizationkor: 물감
lexicalizationkor: 염료
lexicalizationlat: Tincturae
lexicalizationlat: pigmentum
has glosslit: Dažiklis yra medžiaga naudojama dažymui. Dažniausiai dažikliai naudojami vandeniniuose tirpaluose.
lexicalizationlit: Dažiklis
Classical Nahuatl
lexicalizationnci: tlapalli
has glossnld: Een kleurstof is een stof om aan producten een kleur te geven.
lexicalizationnld: kleurstof
lexicalizationnld: Kleurstof
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Norwegian Nynorsk
lexicalizationnno: Fargestoff
Norwegian Bokmål
lexicalizationnob: fargestoff
lexicalizationnob: farge
lexicalizationnor: farge
lexicalizationnor: fargestoff
Occitan (post 1500)
lexicalizationoci: Colorant
Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)
lexicalizationota: بویا
Iranian Persian
lexicalizationpes: رنگينه
has glosspol: Substancje barwiące – substancje nadające barwę innej substancji pozbawionej barwy (przezroczystej, białej lub szarej), lub też zmieniające barwę substancji posiadającej już jakąś barwę. Można je podzielić na pigmenty, laki i barwniki. Pigmenty są nierozpuszczalnymi kryształami wymagającymi procesu dyspersji w celu ich użycia do barwienia substancji. Barwniki są substancjami rozpuszczalnymi. Barwniki są łatwe w użyciu niemniej jednak ich odporności są mniejsze od pigmentów. Barwniki są transparentne, pigmenty są różne - część jest kryjąca, część transparentna.
lexicalizationpol: barwnik
lexicalizationpol: barwa
lexicalizationpol: farba
lexicalizationpol: Barwniki
lexicalizationpol: Substancje barwiące
lexicalizationpol: kolor
lexicalizationpor: corante
lexicalizationpor: Corantes
lexicalizationpor: corantes têxteis
lexicalizationpor: cor
has glossque: Tullpuna nisqaqa llimphiyuq imayaymi, pachakunata tullpunapaq llamkachisqa.
lexicalizationque: Tullpuna
has glossron: Colorantul este o substanţă naturală sau obţinută prin sinteză chimică, care într-o cantitate foarte mică este capabilă să imprime culoarea sa altor compuşi cu care intră în contact:piele, materiale textile.Dacă foarte mulţi coloranţi naturali erau cunoscuţi încă din antichitate: indigoul, şofranul, purpura, primul colorant chimic a fost negrul de anilină, obţinut de William Henry Perkin în 1856, prin oxidarea anilinei cu bicromat de potasiu.
lexicalizationron: colorant
lexicalizationron: Coloranţi
has glossrus: Краси́тели — химические соединения, обладающие способностью интенсивно поглощать и преобразовывать энергию электромагнитного излучения в видимой и в ближних ультрафиолетовой и инфракрасной областях спектра и применяемые для придания этой способности другим телам. Само слово «краситель» происхождением своим обязано А. Е. Порай-Кошицу .
lexicalizationrus: краситель
lexicalizationrus: красители
lexicalizationrus: краска
lexicalizationrus: цвет
Old Irish (to 900)
lexicalizationsga: dath
lexicalizationslk: farba
lexicalizationslk: farbivo
has glossslv: Barvílo je sredstvo za barvanje, ki so ga do srede 19. stoletja izdelovali iz naravnih snovi in sicer: * škrlatno iz različnih školjk * rumeno in oranžno iz žafrana, kurkuma, hene * modro iz indiga in oblajsta * Škrlatno rdečo iz posušenih mehiških žuželk coccus
lexicalizationslv: barva
lexicalizationslv: Barvila
lexicalizationslv: Barvilo
lexicalizationslv: barvilo
lexicalizationslv: värv
has glossspa: El tinte o tintura es una sustancia con la que se le da color a un objeto o cosa (usualmente tejido, ropa o cabello) sobre el que ya tenía, por lo que usa en ámbitos domésticos para cambiar el aspecto de ropa usada o bien pasada de moda. Aunque existen multitud de tintes naturales, la mayoría de los tintes usados hoy en día contienen productos químicos. Los tintes capilares se dividen en oxidantes y no oxidantes.
lexicalizationspa: colorante
lexicalizationspa: Colorantes
lexicalizationspa: tinte
lexicalizationspa: color
lexicalizationspa: tintura
lexicalizationspa: colorantes
lexicalizationsrp: farba
lexicalizationsrp: фарба
lexicalizationsrp: boja
lexicalizationsrp: боја
Swahili (macrolanguage)
lexicalizationswa: rangi
has glossswe: Ett färgämne är ett ämne som används för att ge färg åt ett föremål eller material. Vid färgning av papper och textilier, vid betsning med mera används i allmänhet organiska färgämnen, till exempel växtfärger eller syntetiska färger, som är lösliga i vatten, sprit eller liknande. Vid målning används finfördelade olösliga färgämnen, pigment, som i regel är oorganiska.
lexicalizationswe: färg
lexicalizationswe: färgmedel
lexicalizationswe: Färgämnen
lexicalizationswe: färgämne
lexicalizationswe: färg, färgmedel, lösligt färgämne
lexicalizationtel: రంగు
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has glosstgl: Ang tina o pangtina Tinatawag din itong anyil o tayum. Kapag natinahan o nalagyan ng tina ang isang bagay, mabilis na kumakapit sa bagay na ito ang kulay dahil sa mga puwersang kimikal o pisikal. Ngunit hindi tinatawag na pagtitina ang pagkakalagay ng kulay sa isang bagay kung hindi "hinahawakan", pinagtatagal, o pinakakapit ng mga puwersang kimikal o pisikal ang mga kulay sa bagay na ito; sa halip, isa lamang itong "paghawa" o bahid ng mantsa.
lexicalizationtgl: tina
lexicalizationtha: สารสี
lexicalizationtha: สีย้อม
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lexicalizationtur: boya
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has glossukr: Барвники — інтенсивно забарвлені органічні сполуки, придатні для фарбування різних матеріалів. Колір барвників залежить від того, що вони вибірно поглинають частину світлових хвиль видимого спектра, а решту відбивають. Хімічний склад барвників характерний наявністю в їхніх молекулах ланцюгів спряження (чергування простих та подвійних зв'язків) і ароматичних або гетероциклічних ядер з ауксохромами (див. Кольоровості теорія).
lexicalizationukr: Барвники
Classical Armenian
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has glossyid: א פארב איז א סובסטאנץ מיט א קאליר וואס מען ניצט צו געבן דעם קאליר צו א שטאף, אמאליגע צייטן זענען רוב פֿארבן געמאכט געווארן פון פלאנצן, ד.ה. פון די ווארצלען, יאגדעס און האלץ. היינטיגע צייטן טוט מען סינטעטיזירן פארבן. מען ניצט סינטעטישע פארבן, וואס זענען אסאך ביליגער פון נאטורלעכע פארבן.
lexicalizationyid: פארב
has glosszho: 染料是有颜色的物质。但有颜色的物质并不一定是染料。作为染料,必须能够使一定颜色附着在纤维上。且不易脱落、变色。染料通常溶於水中,一部份的染料需要媒染劑使染料能黏著於纖維上。
lexicalizationzho: 染料
Standard Malay
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has part(noun) the chemical group that gives color to a molecule
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