Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a metropolitan county in northern England South Yorkshire |
has gloss | eng: South Yorkshire is a metropolitan county in the Yorkshire and the Humber region of England, in the north. The county was created in 1974 by the Local Government Act 1972 and in 2001 covered an area of 155,205 hectares. |
has gloss | eng: South Yorkshire is a metropolitan county in the Yorkshire and the Humber region of England. It has a population of 1.29 million. It consists of four metropolitan boroughs: Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, and the city of Sheffield. South Yorkshire was created on 1 April 1974 as a result of the Local Government Act 1972. |
lexicalization | eng: South Yorkshire |
instance of | (noun) (United Kingdom) a region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government; "the county has a population of 12,345 people" county |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: جنوب يوركشير (بالانجليزية: South Yorkshire) مقاطعة إنجليزية تقع منطقة يوركشير وهمبر من إنجلترا, المقاطعة مقسمة إلى اربع مناطق مدارة ذاتيا أحدها مدينة شفيلد من البلدات المهمة أيضا في المقاطعة بلدة دونكاستر و روثيرهام وبارنسليي. المقاطعة تتوسط مقاطعة دربيشير، لينكولنشير، نوتنغهامشير، غرب يوركشير, شمال يوركشير وايست رايدينج اوف يوركشير. قديما أشتهرت المقاطعة بمناجم الفحم وصناعة الحديد.أقتصاد المقاطعة اليوم يقوم على شركات الخدمات والتجارة وتشكل الصناعة المورد الاقتصادي الثاني، توجد في المقاطعة القليل من الانشطة الزراعية. |
lexicalization | ara: جنوب يوركشير |
Asturian | |
has gloss | ast: South Yorkshire (Yorkshire del Sur en castellanu) ye un condáu metropolitanu que salcuentra na rexón de Yorkshire y el Humber, nInglaterra. El condáu foi creáu en 1974 pol Acta del Gobiernu Llocal de 1972 y en 2001 cubría una área de 1.552,05 km². |
lexicalization | ast: South Yorkshire |
Breton | |
has gloss | bre: Ur gontelezh eus Bro-Saoz eo Su Yorkshire. Krouet e voe e 1974 (diwar-goust Riding Kornôg Yorkshire) evel ar “c’hontelezhioù meurgêriat” (Metropolitan counties) all. Evelto ivez, pa voe freuzet o C’huzulioù Kontelezh e 1986, e teuas da vezañ en devoud ur gontelezh lidel hepken. Lodennek er rannbarzh Yorkshire hag an Humber eo. |
lexicalization | bre: Su Yorkshire |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: South Yorkshire és un comtat situat al nord d'Anglaterra. La seva capital és la ciutat de Barnsley. South Yorkshire té frontera amb els comtats de anglesos de Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding de Yorkshire, Lincolnshire i Nottinghamshire. Les principals ciutats del comtat a part de la capital són Sheffield, Doncaster i Rotherham. |
lexicalization | cat: South Yorkshire |
Welsh | |
has gloss | cym: Sir yng ngogledd Lloegr yw Swydd De Efrog (Saesneg: South Yorkshire). Ei chanolfan weinyddol yw Barnsley. |
lexicalization | cym: De Efrog |
German | |
lexicalization | deu: South Yorkshire |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: South Yorkshire estas metropola provinco en la angla regiono North West England. |
lexicalization | epo: South Yorkshire |
Estonian | |
has gloss | est: Lõuna-Yorkshire on linnkrahvkond Kesk-Inglismaal, mis loodi 1974. aastal ajaloolise Yorkshire'i krahvkonna lõunaosast. |
lexicalization | est: Lõuna-Yorkshire |
Basque | |
has gloss | eus: South Yorkshire Ingalaterrako konderria da, Erresuma Batuan. Konderria zeremoniala ez ezik konderri metropolitarra ere bada. Mugakide hauek ditu: Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire eta Nottinghamshire. |
lexicalization | eus: Hegoaldeko Yorkshire |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: South Yorkshire (suomeksi myös Etelä-Yorkshire) on metropolikreivikunta Englannin pohjoisosassa. Se sijaitsee perinteisen Yorkshiren kreivikunnan eteläosassa, ja sen muodostavat kaupungit Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham ja Barnsley. Kreivikunnan asukasluku vuonna 2004 oli 1 278 400. |
lexicalization | fin: South Yorkshire |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le Yorkshire du Sud est un comté métropolitain d'Angleterre. |
lexicalization | fra: Yorkshire du Sud |
Hindi | |
has gloss | hin: साउथ यॉर्कशायर (अंग्रेज़ी: South Yorkshire) एक इंग्लैंड का काउंटी है। |
lexicalization | hin: साउथ यॉर्कशायर |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: South Yorkshire merupakan sebuah county di Inggris yang memiliki luas wilayah 1.552 km² dan populasi 1.285.600 jiwa (2005). Ibu kotanya ialah Sheffield. |
lexicalization | ind: Yorkshire Selatan |
Icelandic | |
has gloss | isl: Suður-Yorkshire (e. South Yorkshire) er sýsla á Norður-Englandi á Bretlandi. Sheffield er stærsta borgin í sýslunni. |
lexicalization | isl: Suður-Yorkshire |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il South Yorkshire è una contea dell'Inghilterra del nord nella regione di Yorkshire e Humber. |
lexicalization | ita: South Yorkshire |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: サウス・ヨークシャー (South Yorkshire) はヨークシャー・アンド・ザ・ハンバーに所在するイングランドの都市州。州は1972年の地方行政法によって1974年に成立し、2001年には1,552.05km2の面積をカバーした。 |
lexicalization | jpn: サウス・ヨークシャー |
Korean | |
lexicalization | kor: 사우스요크셔 주 |
Latin | |
has gloss | lat: Isuria meridionalis est Angliae septemtrionalis comitatus anno 1974 creatus circiter 1,292,900 incolarum. |
lexicalization | lat: Isuria Meridionalis |
Latvian | |
lexicalization | lav: Sautjorkšīra |
Letzeburgesch | |
lexicalization | ltz: Süd Yorkshire |
Marathi | |
has gloss | mar: साउथ यॉर्कशायर हा इंग्लंडमधील एक परगणा (काउंटी) आहे. शेफील्ड हे शहर ह्याच काउंटीमध्ये आहे. |
lexicalization | mar: साउथ यॉर्कशायर |
Min Nan Chinese | |
has gloss | nan: South Yorkshire sī England Yorkshire and the Humber khu-he̍k (region) ê chi̍t-ê kūn (county), sī chi̍t-ê to͘-chhī-kūn (metropolitan county), jîn-kháu tāi-iok ū 129 bān, sì-chiu-ûi ū Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire kap Nottinghamshire. |
lexicalization | nan: South Yorkshire |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: South Yorkshire is een graafschap in de Engelse regio Yorkshire and the Humber en telt 1.266.338 inwoners. De oppervlakte bedraagt 1551,5 km2. |
lexicalization | nld: South Yorkshire |
Norwegian Nynorsk | |
has gloss | nno: South Yorkshire er eit metropolitansk grevskap i Yorkshire and the Humber i England. Det har kring 1,3 millionar innbyggjarar og består av fire bykommunar: Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham og Sheffield. South Yorkshire vart skipa 1. april 1974. |
lexicalization | nno: South Yorkshire |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: South Yorkshire er et grevskap i England. Det tilhører regionen Yorkshire og Humber, og grenser mot West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire og Nottinghamshire. |
lexicalization | nor: South Yorkshire |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: South Yorkshire - hrabstwo metropolitarne w północno-wschodniej Anglii, składające się z czterech dystryktów metropolitarnych. |
lexicalization | pol: South Yorkshire |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: South Yorkshire é um condado metropolitano localizado na região Yorkshire and Humber da Inglaterra. O condado foi criado em 1974 e possui (2001) uma área de 155.205 hectares. É dividido em quatro distritos de governo local, a saber: a cidade de Sheffield e os "boroughs" metropolitanos de Doncaster, Barnsley, e Rotherham. South Yorkshire possui fronteiras com os condados vizinhos de Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, e Nottinghamshire. |
lexicalization | por: South yorkshire |
Moldavian | |
has gloss | ron: South Yorkshire (Yorkshire-ul de Sud) este un comitat în nord-estul Angliei. |
lexicalization | ron: South Yorkshire |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Южный Йоркшир — церемониальное метропольное графство в центре Англии. Входит в состав региона Йоркшир и Хамбер. Крупнейший город — Шеффилд. Население 1,299 млн человек (10-е место среди церемониальных графств; данные 2007 г.). |
lexicalization | rus: Южный Йоркшир |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: South Yorkshire |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Yorkshire del Sur (en inglés South Yorkshire) es un condado metropolitano que se localiza en la región de Yorkshire y el Humber, en Inglaterra. El condado fue creado en 1974 por el Acta del Gobierno Local de 1972 y en 2001 cubría una área de 1.552,05 km². |
lexicalization | spa: Yorkshire del sur |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: South Yorkshire är ett storstadsområde i England, Storbritannien. Det gränsar till Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire och Nottinghamshire. |
lexicalization | swe: South Yorkshire |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Південний Йоркшир - графство в Англії. |
lexicalization | ukr: Південний Йоркшир |
Volapük | |
has gloss | vol: South Yorkshire (brefod: S Yorks) binon grafän lezälik in Linglän. |
lexicalization | vol: South Yorkshire |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 南約克郡(),英国英格兰約克郡-亨伯的郡,有1,292,900人口,佔地1,552平方公里。在1974年4月1日起成為名譽郡、都市郡。以人口計算,利物浦是第1大(亦是唯一一個)城市,唐卡斯特是第1大鎮,羅瑟漢姆是第2大鎮,巴恩斯利是第3大鎮。 |
lexicalization | zho: 南约克郡 |
Media | |
geo loc | geographic location 53.38305555555556 -1.4647222222222223 |
media:img | AP Icon.PNG |
media:img | CP icon.png |
media:img | Conisbrough Castle Doncaster winter time.jpg |
media:img | Dunford Bridge (RLH).jpg |
media:img | EH icon.png |
media:img | EH icon.svg |
media:img | EnglandSouthYorkshire.png |
media:img | Flag of England.svg |
media:img | Flag of the United Kingdom.svg |
media:img | HH icon.png |
media:img | HR icon.svg |
media:img | Harry Brearley.jpg |
media:img | Museum icon (red).png |
media:img | S yorks.JPG |
media:img | S yorks.jpg |
media:img | S-York outline.png |
media:img | SYorks-Barnsley.png |
media:img | SYorks-Doncaster.png |
media:img | SYorks-Rotherham.png |
media:img | SYorks-Sheffield.png |
media:img | Sheffield Town Hall 04-10-04.jpg |
media:img | Sheffield outline map with UK.svg |
media:img | South Yorkshire County.png |
media:img | SouthYorkshireNumbered.png |
media:img | UKAL icon.png |
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