Information | |
has gloss | (noun) the region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River West, western United States |
has gloss | eng: The Western United States, commonly referred to as the American West or simply "the West," traditionally refers to the region comprising the westernmost states of the United States. Because the U.S. expanded westward after its founding, the meaning of the West has evolved over time. Prior to about 1800, the crest of the Appalachian Mountains was seen as the western frontier. Since then, the frontier moved further west and the Mississippi River was referenced as the easternmost possible boundary of The West. |
has gloss | eng: The Western United States—commonly referred to as the American West or simply The West—traditionally refers to the westernmost states of the United States. Since the United States has expanded westward since its founding, the definition of the West has changed over time. The Mississippi River is often referenced as the easternmost possible boundary of the West. The Census Bureau defines the western United States as these 13 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,New Mexico,Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. |
lexicalization | eng: Western United States |
lexicalization | eng: West |
instance of | (noun) a demarcated area of the Earth geographic region, geographic area, geographical region, geographical area |
has instance | (noun) the western United States during its frontier period Wild West |
has instance | e/Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty |
has instance | c/Culture of the American West |
has instance | c/Culture of the Western United States |
has instance | c/Regions within the American West |
has instance | c/Western United States geography stubs |
has instance | c/Western United States television station stubs |
has instance | e/Cooperative Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Terrestrial Applications |
has instance | e/Cowboy church |
has instance | e/Cuisine of the Western United States |
has instance | e/Medicinal plants of the American West |
has instance | e/New Great Migration |
has instance | e/Second Great Migration (African American) |
has instance | e/Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) |
has instance | e/Tukabatchee |
has instance | e/Western Jewish History Center |
has instance | c/ja/アメリカ合衆国西部を舞台とした作品 |
has instance | e/pl/Joseph G. Rosa |
has instance | e/pl/Ruch na rzecz aneksji w Kolumbii Brytyjskiej |
has instance | e/pl/Spór o Góry Czarne |
has instance | e/pl/Wolfers |
Meaning | |
Bulgarian | |
has gloss | bul: Западът е регион в САЩ. |
lexicalization | bul: Запад |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: ایالتهای غرب آمریکا ناحیهای از مناطق جغرافیایی و فرهنگی ایالات متحده آمریکا است. |
lexicalization | fas: ایالتهای غرب آمریکا |
French | |
has gloss | fra: LOuest américain, parfois appelé Far West (Extrême-Ouest en anglais, pendant occidental du Far East, Extrême-Orient pour les anglophones), est une région située à louest des États-Unis. Sa définition a évolué avec le temps, puisque la population a colonisé les terres intérieures en se dirigeant vers locéan Pacifique. La colonisation est régulièrement appelée la conquête de lOuest. Le Far West est une région où se développe une société originale, où se croisent des individus dorigines et dhorizon très différents. LAmérique mythique des montagnes Rocheuses, où saffrontent les tribus indiennes, premiers habitants du Nouveau Monde et les pionniers venus fonder les États-Unis est à jamais symbolisée, dans la mémoire des peuples, par des déserts rouges à perte de vue et des montagnes sculptées par l'érosion. |
lexicalization | fra: Ouest americain |
lexicalization | fra: Ouest américain |
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lexicalization | fra: Ouest |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Amerika Serikat Barat-umumnya disebut American West atau hanya The West-secara tradisional merujuk pada daerah yang terdiri dari negara bagian paling barat di Amerika Serikat. Karena Amerika Serikat berkembang ke barat setelah pendiriannya, arti the West telah berubah-ubah. Sungai Mississippi sering dianggap sebagai batasan the West yang paling timur. |
lexicalization | ind: Amerika serikat barat |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: アメリカ合衆国西部( がっしゅうこくせいぶ、英語: 、通常は tまたは単に )は、アメリカ合衆国の西部にある諸州の伝統的な呼び方である。 |
lexicalization | jpn: アメリカ合衆国西部 |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 미국 서부(Western United States)는 미국 서쪽지역에 있는 여러 주를 가리키는 말로, 보통 아메리칸 웨스트(American West)라고도 부르며, 미국 내에서는 더 웨스트(the West)라고 부르기도 한다. 미국 인구 조사국에서는 네바다 주, 뉴 맥시코 주, 몬타나 주, 아리조나 주, 아이다호 주, 알래스카 주, 오레곤 주, 와이오밍 주, 워싱턴 주, 유타 주, 캘리포니아 주, 콜로라도 주, 하와이 주를 포함해 13개의 주를 미국 서부로 나눈다. |
lexicalization | kor: 미국 서부 |
Macedonian | |
has gloss | mkd: Запад е регион во САД. |
lexicalization | mkd: Запад |
Malay (macrolanguage) | |
has gloss | msa: Barat Amerika Syarikat, selalunya dirujuk sebagai Barat Amerika (American West) atau hanya Barat (the West) secara tradisi merujuk kepada wilayah atau kawasan yang terdiri daripada negeri-negeri di sebelah barat Amerika Syarikat. |
lexicalization | msa: Barat Amerika Syarikat |
Polish | |
lexicalization | pol: Amerykański Zachód |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O Oeste Americano (inglês:American West), chamado em algumas ocasiões de "O Oeste", é uma região dos Estados Unidos que inclui os estados ao oeste do Rio Mississippi. Esta definição foi variando ao longo do tempo devido à expansão territorial dos Estados Unidos como nação para o Oceano Pacífico. |
lexicalization | por: Região Oeste dos Estados Unidos da América |
Moldavian | |
has gloss | ron: Vestul Statelor Unite, numit şi Vestul American, sau mai simplu Vestul, conform termenului original Western United States sau The West sau doar West, se referă în mod tradiţional la regiunea în care se află cele mai apusene state ale SUA. Datorită faptului că SUA au trecut printr-un proces de extindere către apus, definiţia "vestului" a evoluat odată cu creşterea ţării. |
lexicalization | ron: Vestul Statelor Unite |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Запад США — термин, значение которого в истории страны неоднократно менялось. Это происходило по причине того, что государство расширялось в основном именно на запад. До 1800 года западная граница проходила по Аппалачам, затем восточной границей Запада считалась река Миссисипи. |
lexicalization | rus: Запад США |
Slovak | |
has gloss | slk: Západ (, American West alebo iba The West) je región Spojených štátov, ktorý obyčajne označuje najzápadnejšie štáty USA. Rieka Mississippi sa často používa ako najvýchodnejšia možná hranica medzi Východom a Západom. |
lexicalization | slk: Západ |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: Oeste de Estados Unidos |
Serbian | |
has gloss | srp: Запад је регион у САД. |
lexicalization | srp: Запад |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: Batı ABD |
Vietnamese | |
has gloss | vie: Tây Hoa Kỳ (tiếng Anh: Western United States, thường được gọi là American West hay đơn giản là "the West"), theo truyền thống là vùng bao gồm các tiểu bang cận tây nhất của Hoa Kỳ. Vì Hoa Kỳ bành trướng về phía tây sau khi thành lập nên ý nghĩa về Miền Tây cứ thay đổi theo thời gian. Trước năm 1800, sống lưng của Dãy núi Appalachian được xem là biên cương phía tây của Hoa Kỳ. Kể từ đó, biên cương di chuyển xa hơn về hướng tây và rồi sau đó Sông Mississippi được dùng làm mốc biên cương cận đông nhất của miền Tây. |
lexicalization | vie: Tây Hoa Kỳ |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 美國西部(Western United States)泛指美國西部各州。由於美國自建國以來疆域多次向西擴展,因此美國西部的定義也隨著時代而變化。一般多以密西西比河作為美國東西部的分界線。如果采用廣義的定義,美國西部占去了美國一半以上的領土。美國西部包括了自路易西安納購地中獲得的土地、1818年自英國獲得的土地、德克薩斯加入美國時的土地、1846年自英國獲得的土地、1848年墨西哥割讓予美國的土地及蓋茲登購地中獲得的土地。 |
lexicalization | zho: 美國西部 |
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