Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula shoulder, articulatio humeri, shoulder joint |
has gloss | eng: In human anatomy, the shoulder joint comprises the part of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula. The shoulder is the group of structures in the region of the joint. |
lexicalization | eng: articulatio humeri |
lexicalization | eng: shoulder joint |
lexicalization | eng: Shoulder |
subclass of | (noun) a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone enarthrodial joint, spheroid joint, articulatio spheroidea, ball-and-socket joint, enarthrosis, cotyloid joint |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
lexicalization | afr: skouer |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | |
has gloss | aii: ܟܬܦܐ ܐܘ ܪܦܫܐ ܗܝ ܡܢܬܐ ܕܓܘܫܡܐ ܕܐܚܝܕܐ ܒܝܢܬ ܩܕܠܐ ܠܕܪܥܐ܀ |
lexicalization | aii: ܟܬܦܐ |
Old English (ca. 450-1100) | |
lexicalization | ang: eaxl |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: الكتف هي المنطقة التي تربط الذراع مع الجذع. تتكون من 3 عظام الترقوة ولوح الكتف والجزء العلوي من عظمة العضد. |
lexicalization | ara: كتف |
Asturian | |
has gloss | ast: Nanatomía humana, el costazu ye la parte au se xunen el brazu col troncu. Ta ensamáu por tres güesos: la clavícula, lomóplatu o paletiella y l'húmeru; asina como por músculos, lligamentos y tendones. Tien cinco xuegos, gonces o articulaciones: tres verdaderes y dos falses o fisiolóxiques. La so flexibilidá ya fortaleza déxanos facer toa mena de funciones. |
lexicalization | ast: Costazu |
Aymara | |
has gloss | aym: Taru , janchina kunkata amparkama chiqapa. Qullasuyu warminakaxa paypacha tarku patxaruwa q'ipi apapxi. |
lexicalization | aym: Taru |
Breton | |
has gloss | bre: Ar skoaz eo rann uhelañ ar vrech hag al lech maz eo staget ouzh korf an den, pe maz eo staget pavioù al loened pevarzroadek ouzh o chorf. Pa vez div vrech e vez implijet an droienn, mark an daouder warni, an divrec'h ha staget ouzh an divskoaz ez int. |
lexicalization | bre: skoaz |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: En anatomia humana, lespatlla o muscle està formada per tres articulacions: *la clavícula *lescàpula *lhúmer (los del braç). |
lexicalization | cat: espatlla |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Rameno (ramenní kloub - latinsky: articulatio humeri) - jedná se o spojení celé horní končetiny lidského těla s ostatní kostrou. Hlavní roli ve spojení hraje pažní kost (humerus), která se pomocí hlavice skloubí z lopatkou (scapula) a klíční kostí (clavicula). |
lexicalization | ces: Rameno |
Welsh | |
has gloss | cym: Mewn anatomeg ddynol, yr ysgwydd ydyr rhan ble maer hwmerws yn cysylltu gydar sgapiwla gan ffurfio cymal. Clwstwr o strwythuarau yn yr rdal yma, felly, ydyr ysgwydd. Rhan uchar ysgwydd, syn cysylltu â'r gwddf ydy pont yr ysgwydd neu clificl i ddefnyddio geirfa arferol anatomi. |
lexicalization | cym: ysgwydd |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Skulderen er i anatomien den del af kroppen (et led), der forbinder forben/arm og torso. |
lexicalization | dan: Skulder |
lexicalization | dan: skulder |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Als Schulter wird bei Wirbeltieren und beim Menschen die Körperregion zwischen Halsansatz und jedem der zwei Schultergelenke bezeichnet. Bestimmend für die äußere Form der Schultern sind die Schulterhöhe, der Deltamuskel und die Körperhaltung. |
lexicalization | deu: Schulter |
lexicalization | deu: Schultergelenk |
lexicalization | deu: Achsel |
Dhivehi | |
lexicalization | div: ކޮނޑު |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Laŭ homa anatomio, la ŝultro estas artiko komponata de tri ostoj: la klaviklo, la skapulo kaj la humero. Ĝi estas la konektpunkto de la torso al la brako. |
lexicalization | epo: ŝultro |
Basque | |
has gloss | eus: Sorbalda, besaburu edo soinburua goiko gorputz-adarren zatia eta giltzadura da, besoa eta toraxa lotzen dituena. |
lexicalization | eus: Sorbalda |
Faroese | |
lexicalization | fao: øksl |
Persian | |
lexicalization | fas: شانه |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Olkapää eli hartia on kädellisten ruumiinosa, joka sijaitsee olkavarren yläosassa kaulan vieressä. Olkapään kohdalla on olkanivel. Miehillä hartiat levenevät murrosiässä lihasten kehittyessä. |
lexicalization | fin: Olkapää |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La région morphologique de lépaule (nom féminin) permet la jonction du tronc avec le membre supérieur au niveau du bras. Elle comporte plusieurs articulations qui concourent à en faire larticulation la plus mobile du corps humain. Elle permet dorienter le membre supérieur dans lespace, permettant en particulier à son extrémité effectrice, la main, dassurer ses rôles de préhension et de communication avec lenvironnement situé à sa portée. |
lexicalization | fra: Epaule |
lexicalization | fra: épaule |
Gan Chinese | |
has gloss | gan: 肩係動物嗰文身同得手嗰交接點,佢主要有鎖骨、肩胛骨跟得肱骨箇三塊骨頭組成。 |
lexicalization | gan: 肩 |
Irish | |
has gloss | gle: Tugtar gualainn nó alt gualainne ar an alt idir an lámh uachtarach agus príomhpháirt an choirp. |
lexicalization | gle: gualainn |
Guarani | |
has gloss | grn: Ati'y ñande rete ojoapyhápe yvate gotyo jyva pyti’áre. |
lexicalization | grn: Ati'y |
Hakka Chinese | |
has gloss | hak: Kiên he thung-vu̍t Khi-kòn lâu song-kî ke kâu-tsiap tiám. |
lexicalization | hak: Kiên |
Haitian | |
has gloss | hat: Zepòl se pati nan kò. |
lexicalization | hat: Zepol |
lexicalization | hat: Zepòl |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: באנטומיה, כתף הוא החיבור בין הגפה העליונה לגו. בעוד שבשימוש יום-יומי, נהוג לקרוא לאחד ממפרקי הכתף בשם כתף, נכון יותר להתייחס למערכת שלמה יותר הקרויה חגורת הכתף. לחגורת הכתף אפשרויות תנועה רבות ומורכבות, המהוות את הבסיס התנועתי ליכולת המפותחת של הגפה העליונה, לחוש ולתמרן אובייקטים במרחב. |
lexicalization | heb: כתף |
Croatian | |
has gloss | hrv: Rame (latinski: articulatio humeri) - označava kod kralježnjaka i kod čovjeka dio tijela između vrata i zglobova ramena. Vanjski oblik ramena određuje visina ramena, deltoidni mišić i držanje. |
lexicalization | hrv: rame |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: Váll |
lexicalization | hun: váll |
Ido | |
has gloss | ido: Shultro es parto di la korpo homala, per qua la brakio unionas su an la torso. |
lexicalization | ido: Shultro |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Bahu adalah bagian tubuh mamalia yang menyangga leher. Pada manusia, bahu terletak di antara punggung dan leher dan berada di bagian belakang (dorsal). Pada kebanyakan hewan, bahu terletak di bagian atas tungkai depan. |
lexicalization | ind: bahu |
Icelandic | |
lexicalization | isl: öxl |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: La spalla, più propriamente chiamata cingolo scapolare, è la parte dellorganismo umano tramite la quale larto superiore, in particolare il braccio, si unisce al tronco e con esso si articola. I movimenti che una spalla può compiere sono fondamentalmente quelli di adduzione e abduzione, rispettivamente lavvicinamento e lallontanamento dellarto dallasse mediano del corpo, ma non bisogna dimenticare il movimento di rotazione, che la maggior parte degli animali di specie diversa da quella umana non può compiere. |
lexicalization | ita: spalla |
Javanese | |
has gloss | jav: Pundhak utawa Bahu iku bagéan awak mamalia sing nyangga gulu. Ing akèh kéwan, bahu dumunung ing bagéan ndhuwur tungkai ngarep. Ing manungsa, bahu dumunung ing antara geger lan gulu lan dumunung ing bagéan mburi (dorsal). |
lexicalization | jav: Pundhak |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 肩(かた)とは、ヒトおよび哺乳類の胴体のうち、腕、前肢、翼に接している部分のことである。一般に球関節の構造を持ち、回転(外転、内転)、旋回(外旋、内旋、上方回旋、下方回旋)、挙上、下制(引き下げ)、牽引(前方牽引、後方牽引)、屈曲(関節屈曲、水平屈曲)、伸展(関節伸展、水平伸展)などの複雑な動作が可能である。また、多くの筋肉から構成されており、強い力を出すことができる。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 肩 |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: მხარი |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 어깨(Shoulder)는 팔이 몸에 붙은 관절의 윗부분을 말한다. |
lexicalization | kor: 어깨 |
Kölsch | |
lexicalization | ksh: Schollder |
Latin | |
has gloss | lat: Umerus est pars anatomica vertebratum et ergo etiam hominum, quae inter insertionem colli et articolationes ossis umeri est. Praecipuus musculus umeri est musculus deltoideus. |
lexicalization | lat: Umerus |
Lingala | |
has gloss | lin: Libɛkɛ tǒ lipɛkɛ ezalí eténi ya nzóto epái ya likólo ya ntólo. Bizalí mabɛkɛ mábalé (2) na moto mpé na nyama. |
lexicalization | lin: Libɛkɛ |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Petys (daugiskaita pečiai) - anatomijos terminas apibūdinti žmogaus kūno vietą, kurioje ranka susijungia su krūtine. |
lexicalization | lit: Petys |
Marathi | |
lexicalization | mar: खांदा |
Low German | |
has gloss | nds: De schoere, scholder of schouwer is een deel van t meenselijk lichaam. De schoere is t deel van de halze tot an t bovenste gedeelte van de narms. Een meens hef (as t goed is) an allebeie de kaanten van de kop een schoere zitten. |
lexicalization | nds: schoere |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De schouder is in de menselijke anatomie het deel van het lichaam tussen de hals en de bovenarm. |
lexicalization | nld: schouder |
Norwegian Nynorsk | |
has gloss | nno: Skuldra (skuldri), herda (herdi) eller aksla (aksli) er den delen av menneskekroppen som bind armen til overkroppen. |
lexicalization | nno: skulder |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Skulderen eller akslen er den delen av menneskekroppen som binder armen til overkroppen. |
lexicalization | nor: skulder |
Occitan (post 1500) | |
has gloss | oci: Lespatla o cinta escapulària es larradit deu membre superior, es formada de 3 òs (clavicula, escapula e lo cap de lumerus e de 5 articulacions. Atau, ende bolegar lo membre superior, laccion deus muscles darà un movement complèxe de totas las articulacions, pe'u biaish de flechors ventraus, extensors dorsaus, abductors lateraus, adductors mediaus e rotators. |
lexicalization | oci: espatla |
Pangasinan | |
lexicalization | pag: Abala |
Pennsylvania German | |
has gloss | pdc: En Schulter odder en Axel iss en Shoulder. |
lexicalization | pdc: Schulter |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Obręcz kończyny górnej, obręcz barkowa (łac. cingulum membri superioris) - struktura kostna, połączona za pomocą stawów. Jest punktem podparcia dla mięśni kończyn górnych. Połączone są z nią kończyny: prawa i lewa. |
lexicalization | pol: Obręcz kończyny górnej |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | pol: bark |
lexicalization | pol: plecy |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O ombro é a articulação complexa entre o braço (ou membro superior) e a cintura escapular, ou seja, a estrutura do tórax dos vertebrados constituída pela clavícula e pela escápula. |
lexicalization | por: ombro |
lexicalization | por: Ombro |
Quechua | |
has gloss | que: Rikra (Articulatio humeri) nisqaqa qhasqup, kurkup hananpa kinrayninpi kaq, qharminpa rikra chaka tulluwan maka tulluwan muqunmi. Rikrapiqa marqam qallarin. |
lexicalization | que: rikra |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Плечевой сустав - у позвоночных, сочленение, соединяющее верхнюю или переднюю конечность с туловищем. |
lexicalization | rus: Плечевой сустав |
lexicalization | rus: плечо |
Sicilian | |
has gloss | scn: La spadda è ogniduna dî dui parti di lu corpu umanu cumprisi tra l’attaccatura di lu vrazzu e la basi di lu coddu. E propiu la parti dû corpu nta cui sunìscinu lu turaci e lu vrazzu, furmata dâ clavìcula, dâ scàpula, di l’articulazzioni scapoloumirali e dî tissuti ca circùnnanu tali strutturi, e suddivisa ntê riggiuni asciddari, deltoidèa e scapulari. |
lexicalization | scn: spadda |
Scots | |
has gloss | sco: In human anatomy, the shouder jynt (in Doric: shoulther) comprises the pairt o the body whaur the humerus jyns the spaul-bane. The shouder is the group o structures in the region o the jynt. |
lexicalization | sco: shouder |
Slovenian | |
has gloss | slv: Ramenski obroč ali rama je večsklepni sistem, sestavljen iz petih med seboj ločenih sklepov, ki so funkcionalno združeni v dve skupini. V anatomiji človeka je opredeljen kot del zgornje okončine (membrum superius), ki ga tvorita ključnica z lopatico. |
lexicalization | slv: rama |
lexicalization | slv: Rama |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: En anatomía humana, el hombro es la parte donde se une el brazo con el torso. Está formado por tres huesos: la clavícula, la escápula y el húmero; así como por músculos, ligamentos y tendones. Posee cinco articulaciones: tres verdaderas y dos falsas o fisiológicas. Su flexibilidad y fortaleza nos permite hacer toda clase de funciones. |
lexicalization | spa: hombro |
Sranan Tongo | |
has gloss | srn: A skowru ben wan delu fu a skin. |
lexicalization | srn: skowru |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: : För andra betydelser av "axel" se Axel. Axel, skuldra, i människans kropp armens infästning/upphängning i bålens övre del. Axeln omfattar skuldergördeln (cingulum extremitatis superioris), överarmens proximala del och fossa axillaris. |
lexicalization | swe: axel |
Telugu | |
has gloss | tel: మానవుని శరీరంలోని రెండు భుజాలు (Shoulders) చేతుల్ని మొండెంతో కలుపుతాయి. మూడు కీళ్ళు, మూడు ఎముకలు మరియు కండరాలతో ఇది ఒక క్లిష్టమైన భాగం. మన చేతులు అన్ని కోణాలలో తిరగడానికి భుజమే కారణం. |
lexicalization | tel: భుజము |
Tagalog | |
has gloss | tgl: Sa anatomiya ng tao, bumubuo ang hugpungan ng balikat (Ingles: shoulder joint) sa bahagi ng katawan kung saan dumirikit ang humero sa paypay. Tumutukoy ang balikat (Ingles: shoulder) sa pangkat ng mga kayariang nasa rehiyon ng hugpungang ito. Binubuo ito ng tatlong mga buto: ang balagat (buto ng kuwelyo), ang paypay (iskapula o "talim ng balikat"), at ang humero (buto ng pang-itaas na bisig), pati na ng kaugnay na mga masel, mga ligamento, at mga tendon. Ang mga artikulasyon o hugpungan sa pagitan ng mga buto ng balikat ang bumubuo sa mga hugpungan ng balikat. |
lexicalization | tgl: balikat |
Thai | |
has gloss | tha: ไหล่ หรือ บ่า เป็นส่วนประกอบของร่างกายมนุษย์ที่อยู่บริเวณข้อต่อไหล่ ซึ่งประกอบด้วยกระดูกต้นแขนประกอบกับกระดูกสะบัก |
lexicalization | tha: ไหล่ |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Omuz insan vücudunda kolların gövdeyle birleştiği yere verilen isimdir. Omuz bölgesinde ve omuz eklemini çevreleyen birçok damar sinir paketleri, kas gurupları bulunmaktadır. En önemli görevi ise bu özel yapısı ile kol hareketlerini mükemmel olarak sağlamaktır. |
lexicalization | tur: omuz |
Uighur | |
has gloss | uig: دولا بولسا ئادەم بەدىنى |
lexicalization | uig: دولا |
Vlaams | |
has gloss | vls: E schoere is in de menselyke anatomie t stik van t lichoam tussn de nekke en de bovenarm. Der zyn dus twêe schoeders an wezekantn van de nekke. |
lexicalization | vls: Schoere |
Volapük | |
lexicalization | vol: jot |
Yiddish | |
has gloss | yid: דער אקסל אדער די פלייצע איז צוזאמגעשטעלט די טייל פון דעם קערפער וואס די ארעם פארבינדט זיך צו דער אויבערשטער טייל פון קערפער וואס הייסט טארסא. עס איז צאמגעשטעלט פון דריי ביינער: די קלאוויקל, (קאלער-ביין) די סקאפולע (אקסל בלעיד) און די הומערוס (אויבערשטער ארעם ביין) ווי אויך די פארבינדענע מוסקלען, ליגאמענטן און שפאנאדערן. |
lexicalization | yid: אקסל |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 肩,俗稱肩膀,是動物軀幹和上肢的交接點,與其相對的部位是臀。肩主要有三塊骨──鎖骨、肩胛骨與肱骨組成。為保證胳臂既能夠運動自如又具有一定力量,肩膀必須在韌性與力量間尋求一個平衡。正因如此,許多肩部問題都是其他交接點(如臀部)所不會遇到的。 |
lexicalization | zho: 肩 |
Media | |
media:img | Arm muscles back numbers.png |
media:img | Arm muscles back.png |
media:img | Asian woman shoulder.jpg |
media:img | Gray326.png |
media:img | Gray327.png |
media:img | Gray328.png |
media:img | Gray409.heb.PNG |
media:img | Gray409.png |
media:img | Gray410.png |
media:img | Gray411.png |
media:img | Human arm bones diagram PL.svg |
media:img | Illu pectoral girdles-he.jpg |
media:img | Liverpool Tattoo.jpg |
media:img | Shoulder 2.jpg |
media:img | Shoulder joint anatomy quiz.jpg |
media:img | Shoulder1.jpg |
media:img | Shoulderjoint-he.png |
media:img | Shoulderjoint.PNG |
media:img | Sunburnt neck and shoulders.jpg |
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