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has gloss(noun) typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
order Agaricales, Agaricales
has glosseng: The fungal order Agaricales, also known as gilled mushrooms (for their distinctive gills), or euagarics, contains some of the most familiar types of mushrooms. The order has 33 families, 413 genera, and 13233 species. They range from the ubiquitous common mushroom to the deadly destroying angel and the hallucinogenic fly agaric to the bioluminescent jack-o-lantern mushroom.
lexicalizationeng: Agaricales
lexicalizationeng: order Agaricales
subclass of(noun) the order of fungi
fungus order
has glosscat: Els agaricals (agaricales) són un ordre de la classe dels basidiomicets que inclouen algunes de les espècies més familiars de bolets.
lexicalizationcat: agarical
has glossces: Lupenotvaré (Agaricales), nazývané také žampiónotvaré nebo pečárkotvaré, je řád hub, který zahrnuje přes 4000 druhů, asi čtvrtinu z celkového počtu známých druhů rouškatých hub. Jsou to houby s plodnicí tvořenou kloboukem a tření, hymenofor, tedy část plodnice nesoucí výtrusorodé rouško, je na spodní straně klobouku a jak napovídá název řádu, je lupenité. V mládí je plodnice celá krytá plachetkou, která se trhá během zrání a dává vznik pochvě nebo bradavkám na klobouku.
lexicalizationces: lupenotvaré
has glossdan: Bladhatte er den største gruppe af de svampe der kaldes lamelsvampe, dvs. hvor frugtlegemet er en paddehat med lameller på undersiden. Ordenen indeholder både gode spisesvampe og giftsvampe. Nogen medregner Ridderhat-ordenen og Slørhat-ordenen til denne orden.
lexicalizationdan: Bladhatte
has glossdeu: Die Blätterpilze (Agaricales) sind eine Ordnung der Unterklasse der Hutpilze (früher Hymenomycetidae, nach Ainsworth heute Agaricomycetidae) in der Klasse der Ständerpilze (Agaricomycotina), bei denen unter dem Hut mit meist radialem Stiel die Lamellen angeordnet sind, die das Fortpflanzungsgewebe tragen. Dieses Hymenium weist oft gattungs- und arttypische Merkmale auf (Bildung von Zystiden). Die Basidien sind in der Regel vier-, gelegentlich zweisporig. Die Sporen sind einzeln stehende und exogen heranreifende Basidiosporen, die aktiv abgeschleudert werden können (Ballistosporen).
lexicalizationdeu: Blätterpilze
has glossepo: La Agarikaloj (Agaricales) estas ordo de fungoj el la filumo de klabfungoj. Unu el la genroj estas la amanito, kaj ekzemplo de aparte konata specio la muŝoamanito aŭ muŝmortiga amanito (A. muscaria), somera venena paŝteja, herbeja fungo.
lexicalizationepo: Agarikaloj
has glossfin: Helttasienet (Agaricales) on tunnetuin sienten lahko. Siihen kuuluu yli 4 000 lajia, mm. herkkusieni ja kärpässieni. Helttasieniä kasvaa lähes kaikkialla maailmassa Etelämannerta lukuun ottamatta.
lexicalizationfin: Helttasienet
has glossfra: L'ordre des agaricales (Agaricales) regroupe des champignons à lamelles ( des Agaricomycetidae) présentant les caractéristiques suivantes : *texture fibreuse ; *spores soit blanches, soit de couleur brun noirâtre à noire ; *lamelles libres ou sublibres ; *stipe (pied) se détachant facilement du chapeau.
lexicalizationfra: Agaricales
has glosshun: A kalaposgombák (Agaricales) a gombák (Fungi) országának a bazídiumos gombák (Basidiomycota) törzsének és a osztatlan bazídiumú gombák (Homobasidiomycetes) osztályának egyik rendje.
lexicalizationhun: Kalaposgombák
has glossisl: Hattsveppir (fræðiheiti: Agaricales) eru ættbálkur kólfsveppa sem inniheldur margar af þekktustu sveppategundunum. Þeir eru líka kallaðir fansveppir þar sem þeir eru með fanir undir hattinum. Ættbálkurinn telur um 4000 tegundir, þar á meðal hinn baneitraða hvíta reifasvepp (Amanita virosa) og matkemping (Agaricus bisporus) sem er mjög algengur ræktaður sveppur.
lexicalizationisl: Hattsveppir
has glossita: Allordine delle Agaricales Clem. appartiene la maggior parte dei funghi meglio conosciuti come "lamellati". Lordine raccoglie circa 4000 specie, un quarto di tutti i basidiomiceti conosciuti.
lexicalizationita: Agaricales
has glossjpn: ハラタケ目(Agaricales)はキノコの分類。子実体は、柄と傘からなり、イグチ科はしっかりしているが、それ以外は柔らかく壊れやすい。虫に食べられていることも多い。傘の裏にはひだ、もしくは管孔があり、そこから胞子を飛ばす。ひだや管孔は幼菌では白いものが多いが、胞子が成熟すると色が変わるものも多い。胞子の色は科を調べる重要な手がかりになる。マツタケやシイタケ等、食用になるものも多いが、毒キノコの大半がハラタケ目に属している。
lexicalizationjpn: ハラタケ目
has glosskor: 주름버섯목은 사람들에게 친숙한 버섯을 포함하고 있는 목이다. 다음 14개 과에 4000개의 알려진 종이 있다.
lexicalizationkor: 주름버섯목
has glosslat: Ăgărĭcālēs (-ium, masc.) sunt ordo fungorum cum lamellis. Species 4 000 sunt; quarta pars omnium fungorum verorum.
lexicalizationlat: Agaricales
has glossnld: Agaricales is een botanische naam, voor een orde van paddenstoelen. Volgens de Index Fungorum [18 februari 2009] is de samenstelling de volgende:
lexicalizationnld: Agaricales
has glossnor: * fleinsopper * fluesopper * sjampinjonger Skivesoppene er en orden som omfatter flere av de mest kjente sopp-artene.
lexicalizationnor: Skivesopper
has glosspol: __NOTOC__ Pieczarkowce (Agaricales Underw.) - rząd grzybów w klasie pieczarniaków (Agaricomycetes). Innymi używanymi nazwami tego taksonu są bedłkowce, bedłkowe, blaszkowce.
lexicalizationpol: Pieczarkowce
has glosspor: A ordem Agaricales, também conhecida por cogumelos Gilled, ou euagarics, contém alguns dos maiores tipos de famílias de cogumelo. A ordem tem aproximadamente 4.000 espécie, ou um quarto de todos homobasidiomycetes conhecidos.
lexicalizationpor: Agaricales
has glossrus: Агариковые (, от  — древесный гриб) — порядок грибов класса базидиомицетов, к которому относится большинство видов грибов, употребляемых человеком в пищу.
lexicalizationrus: Агариковые
has glossspa: El orden Agaricales, o euagarics, contiene algunos de los más familiares tipos de champiñón. El orden tiene cerca de 4.000 especies, o un cuarto de todos los conocidos homobasidiomycetes. Posee desde el ubicuo Agaricus bisporus al mortal Amanita virosa y al disociativo y delirante alucinógeno Amanita muscaria y al bioluminiscente Omphalotus olearius.
lexicalizationspa: Agaricales
has glossswe: Skivlingar eller skivsvampar (lat. Agaricales) är den största ordningen inom hattsvamparna med 270 släkten och cirka 4 000 arter. Tidigare har skivlingarna grupperats efter förekomst av skivor (lameller) under hatten, men numera klassificeras skivlingarna utifrån genetiska likheter, vilket gör att vissa arter med skivor uteslutits från ordningen och vissa arter utan skivor har inräknats. I Sverige finns cirka 1 500 arter, varav minst ett 50-tal är ätliga.
lexicalizationswe: Skivlingar
has glosszho: 伞菌目(),又名磨菇目,是傘菌綱的一目。本目包含33科、413屬和13233種 。本目所包含的種類廣泛,從最常見的洋菇,致命的毒鵝膏和有迷幻性質的毒蠅傘,到可發光的發光類臍菇都是本目的種類。
lexicalizationzho: 伞菌目
has member(noun) fleshy fungi: coral fungi
family Clavariaceae, Clavariaceae
has member(noun) tooth fungi
family Hydnaceae, Hydnaceae
has member(noun) a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside
has member(noun) large family including many familiar mushrooms
Agaricaceae, family Agaricaceae
has member(noun) used in some classifications for the genus Coprinus
Coprinaceae, family Coprinaceae
has member(noun) used in some classification systems for the genus Russula
Russulaceae, family Russulaceae
has member(noun) sometimes included in family Agaricaceae
family Strophariaceae, Strophariaceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
Entolomataceae, family Entolomataceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk
Lepiotaceae, family Lepiotaceae
has member(noun) fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores
Thelephoraceae, family Thelephoraceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
Tricholomataceae, family Tricholomataceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
family Volvariaceae, Volvariaceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
family Pluteaceae, Pluteaceae
has member(noun) family of fleshy fungi having the germ pores easily separating from the cup and often from each other
family Boletaceae, Boletaceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales; the gills of these fungi have a clean waxy appearance
family Hygrophoraceae, Hygrophoraceae
has member(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
Cortinariaceae, family Cortinariaceae
member of(noun) comprises fungi bearing the spores on a basidium; includes Gasteromycetes (puffballs) and Tiliomycetes comprising the orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts) and Hymenomycetes (mushrooms, toadstools, agarics and bracket fungi); in some classification systems considered a division of kingdom Fungi
subdivision Basidiomycota, subdivision Basidiomycotina, Basidiomycota, Basidiomycotina
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