lexicalization | eng: World War II national military histories |
subclass of | (noun) the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings; "he teaches Medieval history"; "history takes the long view" history |
| Note: 33 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | c/be-x-old/Другая сусьветная вайна на Беларусі |
has instance | c/de/Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg |
has instance | e/British Empire in World War II |
has instance | c/History of Greece during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of Albania during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of Belgium during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of China during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of India during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of Korea during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of Malaya during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of Ukraine during World War II |
has instance | c/Military history of the Channel Islands during World War II |
has instance | e/Irish neutrality during World War II |
has instance | e/Jews outside Europe under Axis occupation |
has instance | e/Military history of Australia during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of Belarus during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of Canada during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of Gibraltar during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of Greece during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of Italy during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of Latvia during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of New Zealand during World War II |
has instance | e/Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II |
has instance | e/Occupation of Denmark |
has instance | e/Romania during World War II |
has instance | e/Switzerland during the World Wars#World War II |
has instance | e/Vatican City during World War II |
has instance | c/fr/Histoire de la Turquie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale |
has instance | c/fr/Hongrie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale |
has instance | c/hr/Hrvatska u Drugom svjetskom ratu |
has instance | c/hr/Poljska u Drugom svjetskom ratu |
has instance | c/nl/Tweede Wereldoorlog in Hongarije |
has instance | c/nl/Tweede Wereldoorlog in Luxemburg (land) |
has instance | c/ru/Украина в годы Великой Отечественной войны |
has instance | e/ru/Монголия во Второй мировой войне |
has instance | e/ru/Советский Союз во Второй мировой войне |
has instance | c/sh/Drugi svetski rat u Srbiji |
has instance | c/sr/Грчка у Другом светском рату |
has instance | c/sr/Норвешка у Другом светском рату |
has instance | c/sr/Уједињено Краљевство у Другом светском рату |