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has gloss(noun) a residential district located on the outskirts of a city
suburb, suburbia, suburban area
has glosseng: A suburb is an area of a town or city a little away from the main center, where there are fewer big buildings and mainly houses, schools and shops. These are called suburbs or the suburbs. Sometimes cities have suburbs that are over a very large area. The suburbs are still part of the city but may have a different name than the main city or town.
has glosseng: Suburbs, usually referring to a residential area, are defined in various different ways around the world. They can be the residential areas of a large city, or separate residential communities within commuting distance of a city. Some suburbs have a degree of political autonomy, and most have lower population density than inner city neighborhoods. Modern suburbs grew in the 20th century as a result of improved road and rail transport and an increase in commuting. Suburbs tend to proliferate around cities which ideally have an abundance of adjacent flat land. Any particular suburban area is referred to as a suburb, while suburban areas on the whole are referred to as the suburbs or suburbia, with the demonym being a suburbanite.
lexicalizationeng: suburban area
lexicalizationeng: suburbia
lexicalizationeng: suburb
subclass of(noun) a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences
residential district, community, residential area
Note: 57 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) a community where many commuters live
bedroom community
has subclass(noun) a wealthy residential suburb
stockbroker belt
has subclassc/Streetcar suburbs
has subclassc/Suburbs in Australia
has subclassc/Suburbs in Kwekwe
has subclassc/Suburbs in South Africa
has subclassc/Suburbs of Adelaide
has subclassc/Suburbs of Algiers
has subclassc/Suburbs of Bendigo
has subclassc/Suburbs of Brisbane
has subclassc/Suburbs of Bulawayo
has subclassc/Suburbs of Cape Town
has subclassc/Suburbs of Central Coast, New South Wales
has subclassc/Suburbs of Christchurch
has subclassc/Suburbs of Coventry
has subclassc/Suburbs of Esperance
has subclassc/Suburbs of Geraldton
has subclassc/Suburbs of Hobart
has subclassc/Suburbs of Key West
has subclassc/Suburbs of Kuwait City
has subclassc/Suburbs of Mackay, Queensland
has subclassc/Suburbs of Mumbai
has subclassc/Suburbs of Nairobi
has subclassc/Suburbs of Novi Sad
has subclassc/Suburbs of Plymouth
has subclassc/Suburbs of Pontypool
has subclassc/Suburbs of Reading
has subclassc/Suburbs of Rockhampton, Queensland
has subclassc/Suburbs of Slough
has subclassc/Suburbs of Tamworth, New South Wales
has subclassc/Suburbs of Thiruvananthapuram
has subclassc/Suburbs of Toowoomba
has subclassc/Suburbs of the Blue Mountains
has subclassc/Suburbs of the Gold Coast, Queensland
has subclassc/Suburbs of the Hunter Region, New South Wales
has subclassc/Suburbs of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland
has subclassc/Suburbs
has subclasse/List of Port Moresby suburbs
has subclasse/Suburbs of Auckland
has subclasse/Suburbs of Hamilton, New Zealand
has instance(noun) a suburb of London and the headquarters of the club where annual international tennis championships are played on grass courts
has instance(noun) a northwestern suburb of Paris; the residence of the Merovingian royalty in the 7th century
Clichy, Clichy-la-Garenne
has instance(noun) a southeastern suburb of Paris; site of an international airport serving Paris
has instance(noun) a residential suburb of Phoenix
Sun City
has instancee/Amaveni
has instancee/List of Albany suburbs
has instancee/List of Brisbane suburbs
has instancee/List of Bunbury suburbs
has instancee/List of Canberra suburbs
has instancee/List of Central Coast, New South Wales suburbs
has instancee/List of Gold Coast suburbs
has instancee/List of Hobart suburbs
has instancee/List of Mackay suburbs
has instancee/List of Mandurah suburbs
has instancee/List of Perth suburbs
has instancee/List of Townsville suburbs
has instancee/List of Wollongong suburbs
lexicalizationafr: voorstad
Old English (ca. 450-1100)
has glossang: Underbyrȝ sind ȝebūna scīra þe licgaþ ǣȝhƿæðer ȝe on þǣm outer rim sumre burge ȝe outside the official limits sumre burge (the term varies from country to country), or the outer elements of a conurbation.
lexicalizationang: Underburg
has glossara: الضاحية هي منطقة سكنية تقع في الإطار الخارجي لمدينة أو قرية أو في بعض الأحيان خارج الحدود الرسمية للمدينة أو القرية ، غالبا ما تكون الكثافة السكانية للضواحي أقل منها في القرية أو المدينة.
lexicalizationara: ضاحية
lexicalizationast: arrabalde
has glossbul: Предградието е населено място или част от него (например квартал, малък град или друго селище), разположено в покрайнините на по-голям град. Някои предградия са част от метрополиси.
lexicalizationbul: предградие
lexicalizationbul: Предградие
lexicalizationcat: raval
lexicalizationcat: suburbi
has glossces: Předměstí je okrajová část městské aglomerace. Dříve to byla také část města před městskými hradbami. Pro předměstí je často typický nižší stupeň organizace infrastruktury a bydlení.
lexicalizationces: předměstí
Mandarin Chinese
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has glosscym: Ardal preswyl yw maestref fel rheol, ond caent eu diffinio yn wahanol ar draws y byd. Gall fod yn ardal breswyl mewn dinas fawr, neu'n gymuned breswyl o fewn pellter cymudo i ddinas. Mae gan rhai maestrefi rhywfaint o ymreolaeth llywodraethol, ac mae gan y rhanfwyaf ddwysedd is o boblogaeth i gymharu ag ardaloedd dinas fewnol. Datblygodd maestrefi cyfoes yn ystod yr 20fed ganrif fel canlyniad o welliannau mewn trafnidiaeth rheilffordd a ffordd a chynydd mewn cymudo. Mae maestrefi yn tueddi i amlhau ogwmpas dinasoedd sydd wedi eu amglchynnu â tir gwastad. Cyfeirir at unrhyw ardal maestrefol fel maestref, tra cyfeirir atynt ar y cyfan fel y maestrefi.
lexicalizationcym: maestref
has glossdan: Forstad betegner en by eller kvarter, der udgør en del af en købstads samlede byområde men ligger uden for dennes administrative grænser . En større købstad med dens forstæder udgør således i geografisk og statistisk henseende et samlet byområde.
lexicalizationdan: forstad
lexicalizationdan: Forstad
has glossdeu: Als Vorort bezeichnet man eine am Stadtrand einer größeren Stadt gelegene Siedlung. Sie ist üblicherweise Teil eines Verdichtungsgebiets und besitzt keine oder nur eine geringe zentrale Bedeutung für den Ballungsraum. In den letzten Jahrzehnten gab es besonders in Europa und in Nordamerika den Trend der Bevölkerungsmigration von den Innenstädten in die Vororte. In Deutschland hatte das zur Folge, dass die Innenstädte mangels Steueraufkommen finanziell oft in Schwierigkeiten gerieten und als politisches Sanierungskonzept und/oder zur Verbesserung ihrer Bevölkerungsstatistik (Fördermittel) zur Eingemeindung ihrer Vororte schritten.
lexicalizationdeu: Vorort
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Modern Greek (1453-)
has glossell: Προάστιο (αγγλικά: suburb) αποκαλείται μια οικιστική περιοχή που αναπτύσσεται στα περίχωρα μιας πόλης ή ενός αστικού κέντρου. Ο όρος συνήθως αναφέρεται σε περιοχές με αραιή ή χαμηλή δόμηση, με κατοικίες που στεγάζουν μία οικογένεια έκαστη και χρησιμοποιούνται κυρίως για οικιστικές ανάγκες, με καθημερινή μετακίνηση του πληθυσμού στο γειτονικό αστικό κέντρο. Οι μηχανικές μετακινήσεις, περιλαμβάνοντας τα ΙΧ και τα μέσα σταθερής τροχιάς ευνόησαν κατά τον 20ο αιώνα την εξάπλωση των προαστίων που τείνουν να πολλαπλασιάζονται κοντά στις πόλεις που οικοδομούνται σε μεγάλες πεδιάδες.
lexicalizationell: προάστιο
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lexicalizationepo: antaŭurbo
lexicalizationepo: ĉirkaŭurbo
lexicalizationepo: periferia kvartalo
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has glossest: Agul on linna kaugem osa, kus elavad vaesemad inimesed ja immigrandid ning kus hoonestus ja heakord on märksa kehvemad.
lexicalizationest: äärelinn
lexicalizationest: agul
lexicalizationeus: aldiri
has glossfin: Lähiö on suomen kielessä määritelty taajaman osaksi, jolla on oma liikekeskuksensa tärkeimpine palveluineen. Lähiö on asukasluvultaan pienehkö ja muodostaa palveluiden ja viheralueiden osalta melko itsenäisen kokonaisuuden. Nämä sanakirjoissa esitetyt määrittelyt perustuvat Otto-Iivari Meurmanin Asemakaavaoppiin (1947). Sanan lähiö Meurman oli lainannut maantieteilijä J. G. Granön Puhtaasta maantieteestä (1930), jossa se esiintyi toisessa merkityksessä, lähiympäristöä tarkoittavana maisematieteen käsitteenä.
lexicalizationfin: lähiö
lexicalizationfin: esikaupunki
has glossfra: La banlieue désigne communément lespace urbanisé dune ville qui est situé dans la continuité du bâti de sa ville-centre et qui en est administrativement distinct.
lexicalizationfra: banlieue
lexicalizationfra: faubourg
has glossgle: Is ceantar forimeallach cónaithe an cathair é bruachbhaile.
lexicalizationgle: Bruachbhaile
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has glosshat: Fobou se yon katye lavil ki pa sant lavil.
lexicalizationhat: Fobou
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has glossheb: פרוור (נכתב גם פרבר) הוא אזור מגורים גדול, הממוקם בשולי עיר או מטרופולין, כאשר רוב הגרים בו עובדים במרכז העיר.
lexicalizationheb: פרוור
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lexicalizationhun: külváros
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has glossisl: Úthverfi eða útborg er svæði sem liggur útan við borg þar sem eru mörg hús og víðáttur. Þau eru yfirleitt léttbyggð og þar eiga heima margir vinnuferðalangar sem vinna í miðborg. Úthverfi getur verið gamall bær eða þorp sem hefur verið byggður upp við útþenslu stærri borgarinnar. Byggingar eins og skólar, stórmarkaðir og litlar verslanir finnast í úthverfum, en yfirleitt finnast ekki stór fyrirtæki eða stóriðja.
lexicalizationisl: Úthverfi
lexicalizationisl: úthverfi
has glossita: Il suburbio (plurale suburbi) o sobborgo è un quartiere di periferia di una città o di una metropoli.
lexicalizationita: sobborgo
lexicalizationita: suburbio
lexicalizationita: borgata
has glossjpn: 郊外(こうがい)とは、都市の外縁部に位置する人口の多い地域を指す。近郊とも言う。
lexicalizationjpn: 郊外
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has glosskor: 교외(郊外)는 어떤 도시에서 시가지가 아닌, 그 주변에 있는 지역이다.
lexicalizationkor: 교외
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has glosslit: Priemiestis - mažesnis miestas prie pagrindinio miesto. Dažnai dideli miestai turi daug priemiesčių. Dažniausia priemiesčiai įsikuria po pagrindinio miesto sukūrimo. Dažnai žmonės, kurie gyvena priemiesčiuose, dirba pagrindiniame mieste, bet gali būti ir kitaip.
lexicalizationlit: Priemiestis
Nepal Bhasa
has glossnew: उपनगरम्‌ छगु संस्कृत भाषायागु खँग्वः खः। नगर स्वया पिनेया गां स्वया अप्व जनसंख्या दूगु थाय्‌यात उपनगर वा उपनगरम् धाइ।
lexicalizationnew: उपनगरम्‌
has glossnld: Een buitenwijk is een deel van de stad dat aan de rand van die stad ligt. Over het algemeen is deze wijk relatief nieuw ten opzichte van de binnenstad, en ligt deze wat verder van het centrum.
lexicalizationnld: buitenwijk
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Norwegian Nynorsk
has glossnno: Forstad er eit omgrep for tett busetjing i utkanten av ein by. Dei fleste forstader i større byar har vore små landsbyar som gradvis har blitt slukte av den veksande byen. Andre forstader kan ha vore danna som eigne drabantbyar utanfor byen, som så har vakse. I motsetnad til sjølvstendige småbygder er ein forstad sosialt og kulturelt grodd saman med den nærliggjande storbyen, men han har likevel gjerne eit eige sentrum.
lexicalizationnno: forstad
Norwegian Bokmål
lexicalizationnob: forstad
has glossnor: En forstad er historisk begrep for et byområde som ligger utenfor bygrensen, utenfor den egentlige byen. Begrepet forutsetter en by med en definert bygrense. Forstedene var uregulerte byområder som vokste fram i en landkommune. I første omgang kom bosetningen langs landeveien som førte til byen, i neste omgang fortettet denne bebyggelsen seg til kvartaler med tett bybebyggelse. Forstedene er ofte bosted for arbeiderklassen i byene.
lexicalizationnor: forstad
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has glosspol: Suburbia ( łac. suburbium - przedmieście) - peryferyjne dzielnice dużych miast, przedmieścia pełniące głównie funkcje mieszkaniową.
lexicalizationpol: przedmieście
lexicalizationpol: Suburbia
has glosspor: Subúrbio (palavra aportuguesada do inglês suburb, literalmente sub-cidade) é um termo utilizado para designar as áreas circunscritas às áreas centrais de um dado aglomerado urbano, seja ele um municípios, distritos ou outra qualquer instância política; porém, este termo é mais usual quando refere-se ao município, e também para descrever cidades circunscritas a um núcleo metropolitano central. Eventualmente pode ser considerado sinônimo de periferia urbana, embora tal definição encontre alguma polêmica nos estudos de urbanismo e planejamento urbano.
lexicalizationpor: subúrbio
lexicalizationpor: subúrbios
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has glossrus: Пригород — общее название населённой территории или населённый пункт, находящийся за административной границей города, неподалёку от неё. Большинство современных пригородов являются «спальными районами» с множеством жилых домов. У многих пригородов есть некоторая степень политической автономии и в них более низкая плотность населения, чем во внутренних районах города, в основном за счёт индивидуального жилья. Механический транспорт, включая автомобили и высокоскоростные поезда, в XX веке позволил пригородам разрастись, что дало толчок к быстрому увеличению близлежащих поселений с обилием земельных территорий, пригодных для заселения.
lexicalizationrus: пригород
has glossslk: Predmestie je zastavaná a obývaná oblasť alebo sídlo, prípadne časť sídla nachádzajúca sa buď priamo v meste alebo za oficiálnymi hranicami mesta v závislosti od krajiny. Ako predmestia sa označujú aj vonkajšie časti aglomerácie alebo konurbácie.
lexicalizationslk: Predmestie
lexicalizationslk: predmestie
lexicalizationslv: predmestje
has glossspa: Un suburbio es un barrio, sector o comuna alejado del centro de la ciudad, específicamente, ubicado en la periferia de ésta. Un suburbio, para que sea tal, debe contar con la suficiente disponibilidad de industrias y servicios (hospitales, clínicas, escuelas, colegios, universidades, centros comerciales, transporte interno, etc.) que hagan que el habitante suburbano no tenga que viajar hasta el centro de la ciudad para obtener las mismas prestaciones.
lexicalizationspa: suburbio
lexicalizationspa: arrabal
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has glossswe: Förort är benämning på ett bebyggt område eller en ort som är beläget i utkanten eller i närheten av en större stad. En förort karaktäriseras oftast av att flertalet av dess invånare regelbundet vistas i den närliggande staden.
lexicalizationswe: förort
lexicalizationswe: förstad
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has glosstur: Varoş ya da banliyö, bir kentin, şehir merkezinden uzak, genellikle il veya ilçe sınırına yakın dış bölgelerine verilen ad. Türkçe'de bu sözcüklere karşılık olarak oluşturulmuş yörekent ve dolaylık sözcükleri de yaygın olmamakla birlikte kullanılır.
lexicalizationtur: varoş
lexicalizationukr: передмістя
has glosszho: 郊區(亦稱區域)是指城市外圍人口較多的區域。通常是商業區較少,而以住宅為主的地區。因此在都市圈和先進國家,有許多人口遷往郊區居住。
lexicalizationzho: 郊區
part of(noun) a part of the city far removed from the center; "they built a factory on the outskirts of the city"
fringe, outskirt
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media:imgAEON Higashiura shopping center 02.jpg
media:imgAthens earlymodernism01.JPG
media:imgAttica Urban Development e.jpg
media:imgBanlieue Tunis.jpg
media:imgBrisbane seen from air, suburb.jpg
media:imgCTA Brown Line 060716.jpg
media:imgCerros de caracas 2.jpg
media:imgCitroenenkoopman in Athene.jpg
media:imgClichy sous Bois Chemin des postes.jpg
media:imgCul-de-Sac cropped.jpg
media:imgCwmbran tower block.jpg
media:imgEast LA Basin from Mulholland.jpg
media:imgEtalement urbain banlieue paris - 03.avril.2005.JPG
media:imgHofje Prunuslaan Selwerd Groningen.jpg
media:imgHonda in Washington Township.jpg
media:imgIliako Chorio at Pefki.jpg
media:imgJakarta slumlife42.JPG
media:imgKliptown (184047393).jpg
media:imgMarkham-suburbs aerial-edit2.jpg
media:imgOld Ottawa South.jpg
media:imgPf006593-suburbs with cows.jpg
media:imgPiraeus Kastella1.JPG
media:imgRanch style home in Salinas, California.JPG
media:imgRevenus à Paris et Petite Couronne.JPG
media:imgSouth San Jose (crop).jpg
media:imgSuburban development and sprawl maple ontario dufferin majormack keele.jpg
media:imgSuburbia by David Shankbone.jpg
media:imgTRAX train downtown.jpg
media:imgΝεοπεντελιώτικη Γειτονιά.jpg
media:imgΠυκνότητα Δόμησης Αθηνών 1.jpg


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