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has gloss(noun) bread made of coarse rye flour
black bread, pumpernickel
has glosseng: Pumpernickel is a type of very heavy, slightly sweet rye bread traditionally made with coarsely ground rye. It is now often made with a combination of rye flour and whole rye berries. It has been long associated with the Westphalia region of Germany. The first written mention of the black bread of Westphalia was in 1450. While it is not known whether this, and other early references, refer to precisely the bread that came to be known as pumpernickel, there has long been something different about Westphalian rye bread that elicited comment. The defining characteristics of Westphalian pumpernickel are coarse rye flour—rye meal—and an exceedingly long baking period. The long slow baking is what gives pumpernickel its characteristic dark color. The bread can emerge from the oven deep brown, even black. Like most all-rye breads, pumpernickel is traditionally made with a sourdough starter; the acid preserves the bread structure by counteracting the highly active rye amylases. That method is sometimes augmented or replaced in commercial baking by adding citric acid or lactic acid along with commercial yeast.
lexicalizationeng: black bread
lexicalizationeng: pumpernickel
subclass of(noun) any of various breads made entirely or partly with rye flour
rye bread
has glosscat: Pumpernickel és un tipus de pa de sègol d'origen alemany.
lexicalizationcat: pumpernickel
lexicalizationces: černý chléb
lexicalizationces: perník
has glossdeu: Pumpernickel ist ein Vollkornbrot aus Roggenschrot, das ursprünglich aus der westfälischen Küche stammt.
lexicalizationdeu: Pumpernickel
lexicalizationdeu: Schwarzbrot
lexicalizationfin: pumpernikkeli
has glossfra: Le pumpernickel est un pain de seigle dorigine allemande. Préparé à partir de farine de seigle ou de grains de seigle ou dune combinaison des deux, il est très compact et de couleur très sombre.
lexicalizationfra: pumpernickel
has glossheb: פוּמְפֶרְנִיקֵל (Pumpernickel) הוא סוג לחם כהה וארומטי מגרמניה. הלחם מבוסס מחמצת שאור ומוכן מתערובת של קמח שיפון ושיפון טחון (באופן גס יותר). אזור וסטפאליה בגרמניה ידוע כ"מקור" הפומפרניקל, וקיים אזכור ראשון של לחם שחור מסוג זה בווסטפאליה כבר ב-1450, אם כי לא ברור שאכן מדובר בלחם פומפרניקל. הפומפרניקל מאזור וסטפאליה ידוע כיוצא דופן בתערובת בין קמח שיפון ושיפון טחון וכן בזמן האפייה הארוך שלו. האפייה האיטית היא זו אשר מקנה לפומפרניקל את צבעו הכהה ולעתים אף שחור.
lexicalizationheb: פומפרניקל
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has glossita: Il pumpernickel è un tipo di pane a base di sola farina integrale di segale. È tipico della cucina tedesca e, precisamente, della regione della Westfalia. In Germania e nei paesi di lingua tedesca è facilmente reperibile in qualsiasi supermercato come prodotto industriale confezionato.
lexicalizationita: pumpernickel
lexicalizationkor: 조제의 호밀빵
has glossnor: Pumpernickel er et tradisjonelt fullkornsbrød fra Westfalen i Tyskland. Det består av sammalt rug. Etter den opprinnelige oppskriften ble brødet laget av grovt mel, som ble lagt til svelling i varmt vann i mange timer. Deretter ble det bakt i lukkede former på 200°C, før det dampet ved 100°C i 16 til 24 timer. Dette fører til at stivelsen i melet karamelliserte, noe som ga pumpernikkelen den dypbrune fargen, og den karakteristiske lettsøtelige lukten og smaken. Årsaken til dette er Maillard-reaksjonen. Fordi brødet ikke inneholder hevelsesmiddel som surdeig eller gjær, blir det kompakt, saftig og faller lett fra hverandre. Brødet får heller ingen skorpe.
lexicalizationnor: Pumpernickel
has glosspol: Pumpernikiel - ciemny, razowy chleb, pieczony w formie, lekko zakwaszony, z gruboziarnistej mąki żytniej, często z dodatkiem miodu, melasy lub ekstraktu z jabłek oraz słodu. Chleb ten ma kolor brunatny, czasem prawie czarny. Zawiera (w 100 gramach) około 48 g węglowodanów, 5 g białek i 1,5 g tłuszczów, przy wartości energetycznej 950 kJ (~230 kcal) .
lexicalizationpol: Pumper nikiel
lexicalizationpol: Pumpernikiel
has glossrus: Пумперникель (нем. Pumpernickel) — сорт хлеба в Германии.
lexicalizationrus: Пумперникель
lexicalizationspa: Pumpernickel
has glossswe: Pumpernickel är grovt surdegsbröd gjort på grovmalen råg och har sitt ursprung i Westfalen. Den bakas 10 - 12 timmer på svag värme. Pumpernickel passar bäst till korv, ost och speciellt till rökt fisk. Det finns en efterrätt med Pumpernickel som heter "Götterspeise" ("gudaspis"). Pumpernickel har mycket lång hållbarhet.
lexicalizationswe: Pumpernickel


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