Information | |
has gloss | (noun) Latin used for liturgical purposes during the Middle Ages Medieval Latin |
has gloss | eng: Medieval Latin was the form of Latin used in the Middle Ages, primarily as a medium of scholarly exchange and as the liturgical language of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but also as a language of science, literature, law, and administration. Despite the clerical origin of many of its authors, Medieval Latin should not be confused with Ecclesiastical Latin. There is no real consensus on the exact boundary where Late Latin ends and Medieval Latin begins. Some scholarly surveys begin with the rise of early Christian Latin in the middle of the 4th century, others around the year 500, and still others with the replacement of written Late Latin by written Romance languages starting around the year 900 (see under Late Latin). |
has gloss | eng: Medieval Latin was the form of Latin used in the Middle Ages. It was mostly used by scholars and as the liturgical language of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but also as a language of science, literature, and administration. |
lexicalization | eng: Medieval Latin |
subclass of | language/lat |
instance of | |
instance of | |
subclass of | (noun) any dialect of Latin other than the classical Low Latin |
Meaning | |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Middelalderlatin betegner sproget latin, som det blev talt og skrevet i middelalderen. |
lexicalization | dan: middelalderlatin |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Unter dem Begriff Mittellatein werden die vielfältigen Formen der lateinischen Sprache des europäischen Mittelalters (etwa 6. bis 15. Jh.) zusammengefasst, in unscharfer Abgrenzung einerseits zum vorausgehenden Latein des späten Altertums und andererseits zum in der Renaissance aufkommenden, meist deutlich am sogenannt klassischen Latein ausgerichteten Neulatein. |
lexicalization | deu: Mittellatein |
lexicalization | deu: Mittellateinisch |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le terme latin médiéval désigne le latin tel qu'il était parlé au Moyen Âge. |
lexicalization | fra: Latin medieval |
lexicalization | fra: Latin Médiéval |
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) | |
lexicalization | ina: Latino medieval |
lexicalization | ina: latino medieval |
Icelandic | |
lexicalization | isl: miðaldalatína |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il latino medievale era la forma di latino usato nel medioevo usato come lingua per lo scambio culturale e come lingua liturgica dalla Chiesa cattolica, ma anche come lingua scientifica, lingua franca, letteraria, lingua dell'amministrazione e del diritto. Non deve invece essere confusa con il latino ecclesiastico. |
lexicalization | ita: latino medievale |
lexicalization | ita: mediolatino |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 中世ラテン語(ちゅうせいラテンご、)は、中世にカトリック教会で文語として用いられたラテン語である。「教会ラテン語」という名称とほぼ同じである。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 中世ラテン語 |
Macedonian | |
lexicalization | mkd: средновековен латински |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Middelalderlatin er den type latin som utviklet seg fra vulgærlatin. Det ble brukt ca. 9. århundre til 15. århundre, hovedsakelig i liturgien til den romersk-katolske kirken. Det ble også brukt i vitenskap, filosofi og jus. |
lexicalization | nor: Middelalderlatin |
lexicalization | nor: middelalderlatin |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O latim medieval refere-se à forma do latim utilizada por vários séculos após a queda do Império Romano, como a única língua escrita dos antigos territórios imperiais. Era a língua litúrgica da Igreja Católica Romana e meio de interação erudita, tanto na ciência como na literatura, no direito e na administração pública, durante a Idade Média. |
lexicalization | por: latim medieval |
Slovak | |
has gloss | slk: Stredoveká latinčina je v širšom zmysle latinčina v časovom úseku od zániku antickej latinčiny po taliansku renesanciu a humanizmus, keď vznikne latinčina humanistická, novoveká, čiže v časovom intervale približne 500/600-1300/1500. Významnou osobnosťou vymedzujúcou začiatok stredovekej latinčiny by mohol byť Cassiodorus a zasa koniec stredovekej latinčiny Dante a Francesco Petrarca. |
lexicalization | slk: Stredoveká latinčina |
lexicalization | slk: stredoveká latinčina |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: El latín medieval fue la forma del latín usada en la Edad Media, primeramente como idioma para la enseñanza y como lengua litúrgica de la Iglesia Católica medieval, pero también como lengua de la ciencia, literatura, ley y administración. A pesar del origen eclesiástico de muchos de sus autores, el latín medieval no debería ser confundido con el latín eclesiástico. No existe un acuerdo sobre cuál es el límite en el que termina el latín vulgar y empieza el latín medieval. Algunos estudiosos eruditos afirman que comienza con el latín cristiano a mediados del siglo IV, otros alrededor del año 500. |
lexicalization | spa: Latin medieval |
lexicalization | spa: latín medieval |
Links | |
similar | e/Medieval Latin |
similar | e/simple/Medieval Latin |
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