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has gloss(noun) the approved pronunciation of British English; originally based on the King's English as spoken at public schools and at Oxford and Cambridge Universities (and widely accepted elsewhere in Britain); until recently it was the pronunciation of English used in British broadcasting
Received Pronunciation
has glosseng: Received Pronunciation (RP), also called the Queens (or Kings) English and BBC English, is the accent of Standard English in England, with a relationship to regional dialects similar to that of other European languages. Although there is nothing intrinsic about RP that marks it as superior to any other variety, sociolinguistic factors give Received Pronunciation particular prestige in England and Wales. However, since World War II, a greater permissiveness towards allowing regional English varieties has taken hold in education and in the media in England.
has glosseng: Received Pronunciation (or RP, or BBC English) is the name given to the standard accent of English used by the BBC. It is also sometimes taught in private schools. Foreign students of British English learn this kind of English at school. The British pronunciation of words given in dictionaries is in received pronunciation. Received pronunciation is used because there are many different accents used in Britain, and people think it is easier to learn to understand one accent than to learn to understand the many different accents.
lexicalizationeng: BBC English
lexicalizationeng: Received Pronunciation
lexicalizationeng: Received Standard English
lexicalizationeng: Received Standard
subclass of(noun) an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries
English, English language
subclass of(noun) the way a word or a language is customarily spoken; "the pronunciation of Chinese is difficult for foreigners"; "that is the correct pronunciation"
orthoepy, pronunciation
lexicalizationbre: Saozneg skoueriek
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has glossfra: La prononciation dite Received Pronunciation (RP) est la prononciation standard britannique, encore appelée Oxford English, Queen’s English ou BBC English.
lexicalizationfra: Received Pronunciation
has glossheb: Received Pronunciation (אנגלית ההגייה המקובלת) הוא מבטא של השפה האנגלית, המקובל בעיקר בבריטניה, והנחשב שם למבטא היוקרתי ביותר, ובעיני רבים גם הנכון ביותר, להגיית השפה. למרות שלפי ההערכה רק כ-2% מכלל תושבי הממלכה המאוחדת מדברים אנגלית במבטא זה‏‏‏‏ , הוא עדיין משמש כדרך ההגייה הסטנדרטית ברוב הספרות העוסקת בפונולוגיה של השפה האנגלית ובמילונים. בנוסף, זהו המבטא המונחל פעמים רבות ללומדי השפה האנגלית.
lexicalizationheb: Received Pronunciation
has glossita: La Received Pronunciation (acronimo RP) è un tipo di pronuncia della lingua inglese, anche nota come "inglese BBC". LRP è talvolta definito come linglese insegnato nel sudest dellInghilterra. È laccento dell'inglese britannico generalmente insegnato agli apprendenti non di madrelingua, ed è utilizzato nelle trascrizioni fonetiche dei principali dizionari britannici. Questo tipo di inglese è parlato appena dal 3 - 5% della popolazione inglese. Esistono inoltre diverse varianti di RP.
lexicalizationita: Received Pronunciation
has glossjpn: 容認発音(ようにんはつおん、英語:Received Pronunciation, RP)は、イギリス英語の伝統的な事実上の標準発音である。世間にはイングランド南部の教養のある階層の発音、公共放送局のBBCのアナウンサーの発音(BBC English)、王族の発音としても知られ、外国人が学習するのはこの発音である。
lexicalizationjpn: 容認発音
has glossmkd: Стандардниот британски изговор (англ. Received Pronunciation или RP, буквално: „(општо)прифатен изговор“) е начин на изговарање на англискиот јазик (поточно британскиот англиски) кој уште одамна се смета за единствениот угледен британски акценти меѓу учените и култивираните луѓе. Само 2% од британците зборуваат со чисто стандарден акцент.
lexicalizationmkd: стандарден британски изговор
has glossnld: Received Pronunciation (afgekort RP) is een uitspraakvariant van het Engels in Groot-Brittannië. RP wordt ook wel Queens English genoemd (het Engels van de koningin), Oxbridge of (voorheen) BBC-Engels. RP kan gedefinieerd worden als het onderwezen gesproken Engels van Zuidoost-Engeland. Het is de uitspraak die onderwezen wordt aan niet-Engelssprekenden die Brits-Engels leren, en het wordt gebruikt in de uitspraakschemas van de meeste Britse woordenboeken. Deze vorm van Engels wordt maar door een procent of drie van de Engelse bevolking gesproken. Er bestaan bovendien verschillende varianten van RP.
lexicalizationnld: Received Pronunciation
has glosspol: Received Pronunciation (RP), zwany również BBC English lub Kings (Queens) English – wymowa i akcent standardowego języka angielskiego używanego w Anglii. Stosunek języka standardowego do dialektów jest zbliżony do istniejącego w innych językach europejskich. Choć RP nie jest w żaden sposób uprzywilejowany, czynniki socjolingwistyczne sprawiają, że używanie tego wariantu języka nadaje mówiącemu prestiż na terytorium Anglii i Walii . Od czasów II wojny światowej istnieje coraz większe przyzwolenie na nauczanie i używanie języka angielskiego w innej formie niż standardowa . Przyjmuje się, że wariantem RP w najczystszej postaci operuje ok. 2 procent Brytyjczyków . Według Abercrombiego używanie wersji RP daje pewne przywileje w stosunku do dialektów lokalnych, nie daje ich jednak za granicą. Wariant RP jest z natury formalny, toteż jego używanie w sytuacjach potocznych może stwarzać wrażenie zbytniego patosu i sztuczności.
lexicalizationpol: Received Pronunciation
has glosszho: 公认发音(英语:Received Pronunciation,简称RP),是英语(尤其是英国英语)中一种著名的发音方式。大约有2%的英国人使用公认发音 。这种发音通常也被称为王室英语(Kings / Queens English),或BBC英语或牛津英语等。
lexicalizationzho: 公认发音
similare/Received Pronunciation
similare/simple/Received Pronunciation
media:imgRP English diphthongs chart.svg
media:imgRP English monophthongs chart.svg
media:imgRP vowel chart (diphthongs).gif
media:imgRP vowel chart (monophthongs).gif
media:imgRP vowel movement.png


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