Information | |
has gloss | (noun) the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet iota |
has gloss | eng: Iota (uppercase Ι, lowercase ι; Yota/Jota) the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 10. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Yodh ( ). Letters that arose from this letter include the Roman I and J and the Cyrillic І (І, і), Yi (Ї, ї), Je (Ј, ј), and iotified letters (e.g. Yu (Ю, ю)). |
has gloss | eng: Iota (uppercase/lowercase Ι ι), is the letter of the Greek alphabet, used to represent the "i" sound in Ancient and Modern Greek. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 10. Letters that came from it include the Roman I and Cyrillic І. |
lexicalization | eng: iota |
lexicalization | eng: ℩ |
subclass of | (noun) the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters" letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character, letter |
Meaning | |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | |
has gloss | aii: Ι (ܙܥܘܪܬܐ ι) ܗܝ ܐܬܘܬܐ ܕܐܠܦܒܝܬ ܝܘܢܝܐ܀ |
lexicalization | aii: Ι |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: ايوتا (باليونانية:ἰῶτα) هو أحد حروف الأبجدية الإغريقية, يأخذ الحرف شكلين الكبير (Ι) والصغير (ι). |
lexicalization | ara: إيوتا |
Asturian | |
lexicalization | ast: iota |
Bavarian | |
has gloss | bar: Des Iota (griechische oda , Majuskel Ι, Minuskel ι) is da 9. Buachstob vum griachischn Alphabet und hod an numerischn Weat vu 10. |
lexicalization | bar: iota |
Breton | |
has gloss | bre: Naovet lizherenn al lizherenneg c’hresianek eo iota ιώτα (Ι, ι) hag a dalvez da 10 hervez ar sistem niverenniñ gresianek. |
lexicalization | bre: Iota |
Bulgarian | |
has gloss | bul: Йота (главна буква Ι, малка буква ι) е деветата буква от гръцката азбука. В гръцката бройна система с тази буква се означава 10. |
lexicalization | bul: Йота |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: La iota és la novena lletra de lalfabet grec. En majúscula: Ι; en minúscula: ι. Té un valor numèric de 10. Es pronuncia com a /i/ en grec modern, en lantic podia ser llarga o curta. |
lexicalization | cat: Iota |
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lexicalization | cat: iota |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Ióta či Jóta (majuskulní podoba Ι, minuskulní podoba ι, řecký název Ιώτα, výslovnost ) je deváté písmeno řecké abecedy a v systému řeckých číslovek má hodnotu 10. V řečtině staré i moderní se používala pro záznam hlásky , tedy pro zavřenou přední nezaokrouhlenou samohlásku. Jsou z ní odvozena písmena i a j v latince i písmena і, ї a ј v cyrilici. |
lexicalization | ces: ióta |
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lexicalization | ces: iota |
lexicalization | ces: jota |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: yāo ta |
lexicalization | cmn: 約塔 |
lexicalization | cmn: 约塔 |
Welsh | |
has gloss | cym: Iota (priflythyren Ι; llythyren fach ι) yw'r nawfed lythyren yn yr wyddor Roeg. Yn y system rhifolion Groegaidd, mae ganddi werth o 10. |
lexicalization | cym: Iota |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Iota (Ι ι) er det tiende bogstav i det græske alfabet. Lyd som det latinske i. |
lexicalization | dan: Iota |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Das Iota (griechisches Neutrum oder , Majuskel Ι, Minuskel ι) ist der 9. Buchstabe des griechischen Alphabets und hat unter den Griechischen Zahlen den numerischen Wert von 10. Er wurde in der Antike wie heute identisch, nämlich [] ausgesprochen; von ihm stammt der lateinische Buchstabe i ab. |
lexicalization | deu: Iota |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
has gloss | ell: Το γράμμα ιώτα (επίσης γιώτα) (κεφαλαίο Ι, πεζό ι) είναι το ένατο γράμμα του Ελληνικού αλφαβήτου. |
lexicalization | ell: ιώτα |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Joto greke ιοτα (majuskle Ι, minuskle ι) estas la 9-a litero de la greka alfabeto. En la sistemo de grekaj nombroj ĝi valoras dek. Oni prononcas ĝin (klasike) j. Ĝi devenas de la fenica . El tio devenas la latinaj I,i kaj J,j literoj. |
lexicalization | epo: Joto |
Estonian | |
has gloss | est: Ioota (suurtähena Ι, väiketähena ι, vanakreeka ἰῶτα ja uuskreeka ιώτα) on kreeka tähestiku 9. täht. Ioota väärtus kreeka numbrina on 10. |
lexicalization | est: Ioota |
Basque | |
has gloss | eus: Iota edo Yota, alfabeto grekoaren bederatzigarren letra da. Ι (larriz) eta ι (xehez) idazten da. |
lexicalization | eus: Iota |
Extremaduran | |
has gloss | ext: Nombri la novena letra el alfabetu griegu. La su mayúscula es I i la menúscula ι. |
lexicalization | ext: Yota |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: یوتا (بزرگ: Ι, کوچک: ι; Yota) نهمین حرف الفبای یونانی است. و در دستگاه شمارش یونانی مقدار ده را دارد. این حرف از حرف فنیقی یوده ( ) مشتق شدهاست. حروف همردیف آن در لاتین I و J در خط سیرلیک І (І, і), یی (Ї, ї), جه (Ј, ј), و حروف یوتادار هستند (مثلایو (Ю, ю)). |
lexicalization | fas: یوتا |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Ioota (isoilla kirjaimilla Ι, pienillä kirjaimilla ι) on yhdeksäs kirjain kreikkalaisessa aakkostossa. Kreikkalaisten lukujen järjestelmässä sillä on arvo 10. Ioota lausutaan [ii], kuten pitkä I-äänne nimessä "Iiro". Antiikin kreikan kielessä siitä oli käytössä myös lyhyt lausumismalli, [i], mutta sitä ei enää käytetä modernissa kreikassa. |
lexicalization | fin: Ioota |
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lexicalization | fin: iota |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le iota (majuscule , minuscule ), en grec , est la 9 lettre de l'alphabet grec. En numération grecque, iota vaut 10. |
lexicalization | fra: iota |
lexicalization | fra: ápice |
Gaelic | |
has gloss | gla: 'S e Iota (Ι, ι) an naoidheamh litir den aibidil Ghreugach. Tha e co-ionnan ri I san aibidil againne. |
lexicalization | gla: Iota |
Irish | |
has gloss | gle: Is é ióta (Ι ina cheannlitir, ι ina litir bheag) an naoiú litir san aibítir Ghréagach. Tá sé de shliocht na litreach Féiníceaí yodh . Sa Shean-Ghréigis fuaimníodh mar /i/ nó /iː/ é, agus i gcóras na n-uimhreacha Gréagacha, bhíodh an luach 10 air. Sa Nua-Ghréigis fuaimníodh mar /i/ nó /j/ é. |
lexicalization | gle: ióta |
Galician | |
has gloss | glg: En canto ao chamado iota subscrito ou mudo ver o apartado correspondente do artigo Diacríticos do alfabeto grego. |
lexicalization | glg: iota |
Ancient Greek (to 1453) | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | grc: ἰῶτα |
Alemannic | |
has gloss | gsw: Iota (Majuskel Ι, Minuskel ι) isch de 9. Buechschtab vum griechische Alphabet. Där isch de kleinscht Buechschtab vum griechische Alphabet un wird mit m latinische Buechschtab I ibersetzt. |
lexicalization | gsw: Ι |
Haitian | |
has gloss | hat: Ι (ι) se glif ki reprezante yon lèt nan alfabèt grèk. |
lexicalization | hat: Ι |
Serbo-Croatian | |
has gloss | hbs: Jota (grčki srednji rod: ἰῶτα; veliko slovo Ι; malo slovo ι je 9. slovo grčkog alfabeta i ima brojčanu vrijednost 10. |
lexicalization | hbs: jota |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: יוטא (אות גדולה: Ι, אות קטנה: ι) היא האות התשיעית באלפבית היווני. |
lexicalization | heb: יוטא |
Croatian | |
has gloss | hrv: Jota (grčki srednji rod: ἰῶτα; veliko slovo Ι; malo slovo ι je 9. slovo grčkog alfabeta i ima brojčanu vrijednost 10. |
lexicalization | hrv: jota |
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lexicalization | hrv: malenkost |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: Az ióta (Ι ι) a görög ábécé kilencedik betűje, a i betű és hang. |
lexicalization | hun: Ióta |
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) | |
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lexicalization | ina: iota |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Iota atau ἰῶτα (huruf besar Ι; huruf kecil ι) adalah huruf kesembilan dalam abjad Yunani. Huruf ini dalam bahasa Yunani Klasik melambangkan fonem /i/. |
lexicalization | ind: Iota |
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lexicalization | ind: sekecil-kecilnya |
Icelandic | |
has gloss | isl: Jóta (hástafur: Ι, lágstafur: ι) er níundi bókstafurinn í gríska stafrófinu. Stafir sem hafa þróast frá stafnum eru hið rómverska I og j. Í gríska númerakerfinu hefur hann gildið 10. |
lexicalization | isl: Jóta |
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lexicalization | isl: agnarögn |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Iota (Ι; ι) è la nona lettera dell'alfabeto greco e si pronuncia . È una delle sette vocali, ed è ancipite, cioè la sua quantità può essere sia lunga che breve. È detta, come la υ, vocale debole, e può formare dittongo con le vocali forti (α, ε, η, ο, ω); in caso di dittongo spurio (cioè in unione con una vocale lunga), tuttavia, la ι viene sottoscritta e non si pronuncia (ad esempio: ᾴ oppure ῷ); ma se la lettera è maiuscola la ι si ascrive pur non essendo pronunciata (ad esempio ᾼ si legge ). In caso di dittongo proprio, invece, cioè in unione con una vocale breve, la ι si ascrive e viene comunemente pronunciata. |
lexicalization | ita: Iota |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: (希: / 、英:、イオタ、イオータ)は、ギリシア文字の第9字母。数価 は 10、音価は /i/。古典では二重母音の第二要素として、主母音の下に書かれることもあった。現代語では、ε, ο, υ に後置して /i/、α に後置して /e/ と読む。ラテンアルファベットのI、Jや、キリル文字のІ、Ї、Јはこの文字を起源とする。 |
lexicalization | jpn: ι |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: იოტა |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: Ι, ι는 그리스 문자 중의 아홉째 글자이다. 그리스 숫자로는 10이다. |
lexicalization | kor: ι |
Kurdish | |
has gloss | kur: Iota (herfê mezîn Ι, herfê biçûk ι) herfê nehîyem yê alfabeya yewnanî ye. |
lexicalization | kur: Iota |
Latin | |
has gloss | lat: Iota (idecl., n.; Graece: Ιώτα), sive Ι ι, est littera Graeca. In ordine abecedario Graeco, iota est nona. In systemate numerali Graeco, denotat decem. |
lexicalization | lat: Iota |
Latvian | |
has gloss | lav: Jota (Ι, ι; ) ir grieķu alfabēta devītais burts. Grieķu alfabēta skaitļu pieraksta sistēmā tam ir nozīme 10. Cēlies no feniķiešu burta — iods. No burta "jota" cēlies latīņu alfabēta burts I un J. |
lexicalization | lav: Jota |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Jota (Ι, ι) – devintoji graikų abėcėlės raidė. Išsivystė iš finikiečių jodo. Graikų kalboje raidės pavadinimas yra ιώτα, lotynų kalboje – iota. |
lexicalization | lit: Jota |
Malay (macrolanguage) | |
has gloss | msa: Iota (Ι/ι) ialah huruf kesembilan dalam abjad Yunani. Dalam sistem nombor Yunani, iota mempunyai nilai 10. |
lexicalization | msa: Iota |
Nahuatl languages | |
has gloss | nah: Ι ītōcā inic chiucnāhui tlahtōl īpan greciamachiyōtlahtōltecpantiliztli. |
lexicalization | nah: Ι |
Low German | |
has gloss | nds: Dat Iota is de negente Bookstaav vun’t greeksche Alphabet. Dat grote Iota is liek to dat latiensche grote „I“. Dat lütte Iota is de handschriftliche Variatschoon vun den groten Bookstaven. Anners as dat lütte latiensche „i“ het dat keen Punkt över sik. In de Antike geev dat dat Iota as langen un as korten Vokal. In de Nieggreeksche Spraak vun vundaag warrt disse Ünnerscheed nich mehr maakt. Utspraken warrt dat Iota ganz normal as „i“. |
lexicalization | nds: Iota |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De iota (hoofdletter Ι, onderkast ι, Grieks: ιωτα) is de 9e letter van het Griekse alfabet. ι´ is het Griekse cijfer voor 10, ,ι voor 10 000. |
lexicalization | nld: iota |
Norwegian Nynorsk | |
has gloss | nno: Iota (Ι, ι) er den niande bokstaven i det greske alfabetet. Bokstaven svarar til I i det latinske alfabetet. |
lexicalization | nno: Iota |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Iota (Ι ι) er den niende bokstaven i det greske alfabetet. |
lexicalization | nor: Iota |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Jota (ἰῶτα, Ιι) – dziewiąta litera alfabetu greckiego oznaczająca samogłoskę "i". W greckim systemie liczbowym oznacza liczbę 10. |
lexicalization | pol: Jota |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | pol: jota |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Ι ou ι (iota) é a nona letra do alfabeto grego e tem valor numérico no sistema grego igual a dez. |
lexicalization | por: Ιota |
lexicalization | por: Ι |
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lexicalization | por: iota |
Russian | |
lexicalization | rus: Иота |
lexicalization | rus: Йота |
Slovak | |
has gloss | slk: Ióta alebo jota (veľké Ι, malé ι) je deviate písmeno gréckej abecedy. V systéme gréckych čísel má hodnotu 10. |
lexicalization | slk: Iota |
lexicalization | slk: Ióta |
Slovenian | |
has gloss | slv: Jóta (grško ali redkeje ; velika črka Ι, mala črka ι) je deveta črka grške abecede in ima številčno vrednost 10. Črka jota se je razvila iz feničanske črke jod ( ). Iz grške črke Ι izvira latinična črka I (in iz nje J), pa tudi cirilična črka І, ki se v današnjih dneh uporablja le še v nekaterih jezikih. |
lexicalization | slv: jota |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: :Esta página es sobre la letra griega iota. Para la letra del alfabeto latino representada con un glifo similar ver I. |
lexicalization | spa: Ι |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Jota eller iota (nygrekiska ιώτα, ióta, eller γιώτα, gióta, av klassisk grekiska ἰῶτα) (versal: Ι; gemen: ι) är den nionde bokstaven i det grekiska alfabetet. Den hade i det joniska talbeteckningssystemet siffervärdet 10. Dess ljudvärde var i antik grekiska . I modern grekiska uttalas den även som om den står framför en vokal. |
lexicalization | swe: jota |
Thai | |
has gloss | tha: ไอโอตา (iota, ตัวใหญ่ Ι, ตัวเล็ก ι) เป็นอักษรกรีกตัวที่ 9 และมีค่าของเลขกรีกเท่ากับ 10 |
lexicalization | tha: ไอโอตา |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | tha: พยัญชนะตัวที่ 9 ของภาษากรีก |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Ιι Yunancanın dokuzuncu harfidir. Yunancada yota olarak adlandırılır. Türkçedeki Iı harflerine benzese de Yunanca'daki üç temel i harfinden biridir. Zira Yunan dilinde Türkçe ı sesi yoktur. |
lexicalization | tur: Ι |
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lexicalization | tur: yota |
lexicalization | tur: yunan alfabesinin dokuzuncu harfi |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Йота (велика Ι, мала ι; ) — дев'ята літера грецької абетки, в системі грецьких чисел, має значення 10. |
lexicalization | ukr: Йота |
Wu Chinese | |
has gloss | wuu: Iota(大写Ι,小写ι),希臘字母。 |
lexicalization | wuu: Ι |
Yue Chinese | |
has gloss | yue: 係希臘字母第九隻,大階寫做,細階寫做,寫做iota,讀似約他。 |
lexicalization | yue: Ι |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: Iota(大寫Ι,小寫ι,中文音译:约塔),是第九個希臘字母。 |
lexicalization | zho: ι |
Links | |
member of | (noun) the alphabet used by ancient Greeks Greek alphabet |
similar | e/Iota |
Media | |
media:img | Fenisek yod.png |
media:img | Greek iota.png |
media:img | Greek letter iota.png |
media:img | Iota uc lc.svg |
media:img | Iota.png |
media:img | Phoenician yodh.png |
media:img | Phoenician yodh.svg |
media:img | PhoenicianI-01.png |
media:img | Proto-semiticI-01.png |
media:img | Proto-semiticI-02.png |
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