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has gloss(noun) a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently
eulogium, eulogy
has glosseng: A eulogy (from εὐλογία, eulogia, Classical Greek for "good words") is a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially one recently deceased or retired Eulogies may be given as part of funeral services, however some denominations either discourage or do not permit eulogies at services to maintain respect for traditions. Eulogies can also praise a living person or people who are still alive, which normally takes place on special occasions like birthdays etc. Eulogies should not be confused with elegies, which are poems written in tribute to the dead; nor with obituaries, which are published biographies recounting the lives of those who have recently died; nor with obsequies, which refer generally to the rituals surrounding funerals. Catholic priests are prohibited by the rubrics of the Mass from presenting a eulogy for the deceased in place of a homily during a funeral Mass.
lexicalizationeng: Acknowledgements of death
lexicalizationeng: eulogium
lexicalizationeng: eulogy
subclass of(noun) an expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work"
kudos, extolment, praise, congratulations
has instancee/3-volley salute
has instancee/Coronach
has instancee/Death notification
has instancee/Echo Taps
has instancee/Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
has instancee/Last Post
has instancee/Laudatio Turiae
has instancee/List of premature obituaries
has instancee/Ten-bell salute
has instancee/he/אלה אזכרה
has instancee/he/קינת דוד
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lexicalizationces: chvála
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Mandarin Chinese
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lexicalizationdan: lovtale
has glossdeu: Eine Grabrede, Trauerrede oder Epitaph ist eine Ansprache anlässlich einer Beerdigung über den Toten, um den Toten zu ehren. Der Inhalt weist Bezug auf das Leben und die Errungenschaften des Toten auf. Die Grabrede wird direkt am Grab, im Anschluss an die kirchliche Zeremonie oder bei einer weltlichen Trauerfeier gehalten.
lexicalizationdeu: Grabrede
lexicalizationdeu: Lobrede
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has glossfra: Un éloge funèbre, ou eulogie, est une oraison ou discours généralement public prononcé à la mémoire d'une personne disparue, généralement lors de son enterrement ou de sa cérémonie de commémoration.
lexicalizationfra: Eloge funebre
lexicalizationfra: éloge funèbre
lexicalizationfra: panégyrique
lexicalizationfra: éloge
has glossheb: דברי הספד נאמרים על אדם לאחר פטירתו, לרוב בפני קהל. בדרך כלל נאמר ההספד בטקס הקבורה, או בטקסי האזכרה שנערכים לכבד את זכר המנוח. לעתים מתפרסם ההספד בכתב. במהלך ההספד נהוג להזכיר תכונות אופי חיוביות של המנוח,חוויות משותפות משמעותיות וציוני דרך בחייו של המנוח. ההספד במקורות היהדות
lexicalizationheb: הספד
lexicalizationhin: praSaMsA
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lexicalizationido: Honorizo a mortinto
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has glossita: Lelogio o encomio è unorazione pubblica in tributo di una o più persone. Il più delle volte si tratta di un discorso funebre, di una menzione testamentaria, di una sentenza giuridica, ma non è raro che vi si usi in occasione di compleanni o eventi speciali, sempre in tributo ad una o più persone. La prima parola deriva dal greco ευ λόγος (buona parola, buon discorso), quindi poteva essere sia unepigrafe sia un panegirico, un ricordo ma anche un trattaro, come nel caso dell Elogio di Gournay di Robert-Jacque Turgot; la seconda da ενκώμιος (discorso tenuto in banchetto). Originariamente, l'encomio era riservato ai vincitori dei Giochi olimpici antichi e più propriamente si riferiva al complesso di feste (con banchetti e danze) a loro riservati, oppure era scritto in onore ad un morto. Presso gli attici gli encomi vennero definiti scolii.
lexicalizationita: Elogio
lexicalizationita: panegirico
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has glossjpn: ユーロジー(エウロジー、Eulogy)とは、人物や物を賞賛する演説(頌徳演説)または文(頌徳文)のこと。語源はギリシャ語の(eulogia)で、意味は、(善い)+(語・句・演説など)、つまり「賞賛」。
lexicalizationjpn: ユーロジー
lexicalizationlat: encomium
has glossnld: Een eulogie (uit het Grieks εὐλογία, letterlijk: goed woord) is een lofrede of lofdicht uitgesproken bij een speciale gelegenheid zoals een verjaardag. Het begrip moet niet verward worden met een elegie, die geschreven wordt als eerbetoon aan een overleden persoon.
lexicalizationnld: Eulogie
Norwegian Bokmål
lexicalizationnob: lovtale
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lexicalizationpor: elogio
lexicalizationpor: panegírico
lexicalizationspa: panegírico
lexicalizationswe: lovtal
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lexicalizationtur: övgü
Classical Armenian
lexicalizationxcl: գովեստ
has glossyid: הספד איז וואס מרעדט ביים לוי פון א מענטש נאך זיין שטארבן פארן באגראבן.
lexicalizationyid: הספד
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