Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications warrantee, warrant, guarantee, warranty |
has gloss | eng: In commercial and consumer transactions, a warranty is a collateral assurance or guarantee that certain facets of an article or service sold is as factually stated or legally implied by the seller, and that often provides for a specific remedy such as repair or replacement in the event the article or service fails to meet the warranty. A breach of warranty occurs when the promise is broken, i.e., a product is defective or not as should be expected by a reasonable buyer. |
has gloss | eng: In commercial and consumer transactions, a warranty is an obligation that an article or service that is sold has the quality the buyer can reasonably expect from the seller. |
lexicalization | eng: guarantee |
lexicalization | eng: warrantee |
lexicalization | eng: warranty |
lexicalization | eng: warrant |
subclass of | (noun) a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something; "an assurance of help when needed"; "signed a pledge never to reveal the secret" assurance, pledge |
has subclass | (noun) a guarantee that an obligation will be met surety, security |
has subclass | (noun) a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met deposit |
has subclass | (noun) a written certificate that gives the holder the right to purchase shares of a stock for a specified price within a specified period of time stock warrant |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
lexicalization | afr: waarborg |
Arabic | |
lexicalization | ara: تأمين |
lexicalization | ara: ضامن |
Aragonese | |
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lexicalization | arg: guarencia |
Asturian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | ast: garantía |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: garantia |
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lexicalization | cat: aval |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: záruka |
lexicalization | ces: garance |
Mandarin Chinese | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | cmn: bāo huan |
lexicalization | cmn: 包换 |
lexicalization | cmn: 包換 |
lexicalization | cmn: 保證 |
lexicalization | cmn: 保证 |
lexicalization | cmn: bǎo xiu |
lexicalization | cmn: 保修 |
Welsh | |
lexicalization | cym: gwarant |
Danish | |
lexicalization | dan: garanti |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Gewährleistung, Mängelhaftung oder Mängelbürgschaft bestimmt Rechtsfolgen und Ansprüche, die dem Käufer im Rahmen eines Kaufvertrags zustehen, bei dem der Verkäufer eine mangelhafte Ware oder Sache geliefert hat. Auch beim Werkvertrag gibt es eine Gewährleistung für Mängel des hergestellten Werks. Von der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Gewährleistung ist die Garantie zu unterscheiden; diese ist insofern freiwillig, als es keine gesetzliche Verpflichtung zur Abgabe eines Garantieversprechens gibt. |
lexicalization | deu: Garantie |
lexicalization | deu: Gewährleistung |
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lexicalization | deu: Gewähr |
lexicalization | deu: Sicherheitspfand |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: garantio |
Basque | |
lexicalization | eus: berme |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Takuu on hyödykkeiden myynnissä myyjän tarjoama vapaaehtoinen kuluttajansuojaa laajentava lupaus. Tyypillisessä tilanteessa taataan esimerkiksi kodinkoneen toimivan moitteetta tietyn ajan. |
lexicalization | fin: takuu |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: garantie |
lexicalization | fra: caution |
Galician | |
lexicalization | glg: garantía |
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lexicalization | glg: aval |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: ערבות צד ג, או בקיצור ערבות, היא הביטוי המשפטי המתאר התחייבות של אדם לפרוע את חוב רעהו, אם לא יפרע במועדו. כלומר, אם החייב לא יעמוד בתשלום חוב, יהיה הנושה רשאי לדרוש מאת אותו ערב שיפרע את החוב. בעצם, הנושה, נותן האשראי, יוצא מנקודת הנחה כי החייב יעשה ככל שביכולתו על מנת למנוע מחברו, שערב לחובו, לשלם במקומו, ולכן דורש הנושה ערבות צד ג כבטוחה לאשראי. |
lexicalization | heb: ערבות |
Hindi | |
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lexicalization | hin: aXikAra |
Croatian | |
lexicalization | hrv: garancija |
lexicalization | hrv: jamstvo |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: garancia |
lexicalization | hun: jótállás |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Garansi atau lazim pula disebut warranty adalah surat keterangan dari suatu produk bahwa pihak produsen menjamin produk tersebut bebas dari kesalahan pekerja dan kegagalan bahan dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Biasanya pelanggan sebagai pengguna terakhir dan penjual melengkapi pengisian data pada surat keterangan tersebut untuk kemudian dikirim ke produsen agar didaftarkan tanggal mulai periode garansi. |
lexicalization | ind: Garansi |
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lexicalization | ind: jaminan keabsahan |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: La garanzia giuridica trova il fondamento della sua esistenza nell'esigenza economica del garante di soddisfare il bisogno del garantito di dar vita ad operazioni economiche. |
lexicalization | ita: garanzia |
Japanese | |
lexicalization | jpn: 保証 |
Korean | |
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lexicalization | kor: 담보 |
lexicalization | kor: 보증 |
Latvian | |
lexicalization | lav: garantija |
Lithuanian | |
lexicalization | lit: garantija |
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lexicalization | lit: užtikrinimas |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Vrijwaring is in het Nederlands recht geen eenduidig begrip. In het overeenkomstenrecht is het één van de verplichtingen die een verkoper heeft bij een koopovereenkomst. Als onderdeel van een overeenkomst heeft het veelal de betekenis van instaan voor een bepaalde prestatie of voor een zeker feit. In het Frans gebruikt men het woord garantie; in het Nederlands worden onder garantie soms alleen maar de bijkomende clausules verstaan, die gegeven worden bovenop de vrijwaringsplicht die de wet voorziet, ook indien er niets zou zijn afgesproken. |
lexicalization | nld: Vrijwaring |
lexicalization | nld: waarborg |
lexicalization | nld: garantie |
Norwegian Bokmål | |
lexicalization | nob: garanti |
Norwegian | |
lexicalization | nor: garanti |
Piemontese | |
lexicalization | pms: garansìa |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Rękojmia – odpowiedzialność sprzedającego względem kupującego za wady fizyczne oraz prawne sprzedawanej rzeczy. W polskim prawie cywilnym jest uregulowana w art. 556-576 Kodeksu cywilnego) przy umowie sprzedaży, ma również odpowiednie zastosowanie do innych stosunków prawnych. W przypadku sprzedaży rzeczy ruchomej z udziałem konsumentów nie stosuje się rękojmi, lecz niezgodność towaru z umową (Ustawa z dnia 27 lipca 2002 r. o szczególnych warunkach sprzedaży konsumenckiej oraz o zmianie Kodeksu Cywilnego ). |
lexicalization | pol: gwarancja |
lexicalization | pol: Rękojmia |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O seguro de Garantia, no Brasil, é utilizado por órgãos da administração direta e indireta (federais, estaduais e municipais), públicos e privados, que devem exigir garantias de manutenção de oferta (em caso de concorrência) e de fiel cumprimento dos contratos. Também é utilizado pelas empresas privadas que, nas suas relações contratuais com terceiros (fornecedores, prestadores de serviços e empreiteiros de obras), desejam garantir-se contra o risco de descumprimento dos contratos. |
lexicalization | por: garantia |
lexicalization | por: Garantia |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: garantie |
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lexicalization | ron: garanție |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Гарантия (от — ручательство, гарантия) — согласно словарю Даля — «ручательство, поручительство, порука, обеспеченье, залог, ответ (с ответом), заверение, заверка, безопаска, обезопаска, безопасенье, страх. Гарантировать что, обеспечить, ручаться, заверить, обезопасить, дать залог, поручиться, заручиться; заложиться, взять на свой страх». |
lexicalization | rus: гарантия |
lexicalization | rus: поручительство |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: garancia |
lexicalization | slk: záruka |
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lexicalization | slk: oprávnenia |
lexicalization | slk: ručenie |
lexicalization | slk: rukojemníctvo |
lexicalization | slk: kaucia |
Slovenian | |
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lexicalization | slv: garancija |
lexicalization | slv: zagotovilo |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: garantía |
Sardinian | |
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lexicalization | srd: garàntzia |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: En garanti är en typ av avtal med löfte om ersättning/kompensation om vissa förutsättningar är uppfyllda. |
lexicalization | swe: garanti |
Thai | |
lexicalization | tha: การค้ำประกัน |
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lexicalization | tha: การมอบอำนาจ |
lexicalization | tha: เครื่องประกัน |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: garanti |
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lexicalization | tur: teminat |
Ukrainian | |
lexicalization | ukr: поручительство |
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lexicalization | ukr: порука |
lexicalization | ukr: гарантія |
lexicalization | ukr: довіреність |
Venetian | |
lexicalization | vec: garansia |
Yue Chinese | |
has gloss | yue: 保用證,又叫做保證書、保養證,係賣方應承整番好賣出咗去啲貨品嘅協議(當啲貨有問題嗰陣)。大部分電器用品都有保用證,有效期通常係一年到幾年。 |
lexicalization | yue: 保用證 |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 保用證,又稱保證書、保養證,是賣方同意修理或更換已出售貨品的協議。大部分電器用品都有保用證,有效期通常是一至數年。 |
lexicalization | zho: 保用證 |
Links | |
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similar | e/Warrant (finance) |
similar | e/Warranty |
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