Information | |
has gloss | (noun) the batting turn of a cricket player or team innings |
has gloss | eng: An inning, or innings, is a fixed-length segment of a game in any of a variety of sports – most notably cricket and baseball during which one team attempts to score while the other team attempts to prevent the first from scoring. In cricket, the term innings is both singular and plural and is always spelled and pronounced with the terminal "s." In baseball and softball, the singular form is inning and only the plural takes an "s." |
has gloss | eng: An inning, or innings, is a fixed-length segment of a game in many sports – most notably cricket and baseball when one team would try to score while the other team would try to stop the first from scoring. |
lexicalization | eng: innings |
lexicalization | eng: Inning |
subclass of | (noun) (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession; "it is my turn"; "it is still my play" play, turn |
has subclass | (noun) an immediate second innings forced on a cricket team scoring a prescribed number of runs fewer than its opponents in the first innings follow-on |
Meaning | |
Asturian | |
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lexicalization | ast: turnu |
Bengali | |
lexicalization | ben: ইনিংস |
Czech | |
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lexicalization | ces: směna |
Welsh | |
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lexicalization | cym: tro |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: En inning er en baseball-, softball- eller cricketkamps overordnede strukturelle bestanddel. |
lexicalization | dan: inning |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Ein Innings im Cricket ist ein Spieldurchgang , währenddessen eine Mannschaft die ganze Zeit das Schlagrecht besitzt. Im Cricket ist dieser Begriff zugleich Einzahl und Mehrzahl (ein Innings, zwei Innings, ...). Ein Spiel besteht aus ein oder zwei Innings pro Mannschaft. |
lexicalization | deu: Innings |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Au baseball, une manche est le terme utilisé pour définir chaque partie du jeu. |
lexicalization | fra: manche |
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lexicalization | fra: tournée |
lexicalization | fra: tournée de chaque membre de l'équipe |
Hindi | |
lexicalization | hin: pArI |
Croatian | |
lexicalization | hrv: osvojena zemlja |
Hungarian | |
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lexicalization | hun: egyik fél ütési joga |
lexicalization | hun: hivatal idõtartama |
lexicalization | hun: tisztség idõtartama |
Armenian | |
lexicalization | hye: քաղաքական գործչի) |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Un inning, nel gioco del baseball, del softball e in quello del cricket è ciascuna delle parti in cui è divisa una partita, in cui le due squadre si alternano in attacco e in difesa. Una partita di baseball è divisa in 9 innings: nella prima metà (parte alta) è la squadra ospite che attacca, nella seconda (parte bassa) quella di casa. Un inning si conclude quando vengono eliminati 3 attaccanti per entrambe le squadre. |
lexicalization | ita: inning |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: イニング(、)は、スポーツ、特に野球・ソフトボール・クリケットにおいて、攻撃を行う間の試合の部分である。 |
lexicalization | jpn: イニング |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 이닝이란 스포츠, 특히 야구, 소프트볼, 크리켓에서 한 번 공격을 마칠 때까지의 시합의 부분을 말한다. |
lexicalization | kor: 이닝 |
Dutch | |
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lexicalization | nld: beurt |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Innings (także inning) to część meczu, zwłaszcza w takich dyscyplinach jak krykiet, baseball czy softball, w której jedna drużyna walczy o zdobycie jak największej liczby punktów, zaś druga stara się jej przeszkodzić. |
lexicalization | pol: innings |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Uma entrada (inning) no beisebol consiste em duas metades. Em cada metade, uma equipe rebate até três eliminações serem feitas, com a outra equipe jogando na defesa. Cada metade de entrada começa formalmente quando o árbitro declara: "Batedor pronto!" ("Batter up!"). Uma entrada completa é composta de seis eliminações, três para cada time; e um jogo de acordo com o regulamento é formado por nove entradas. O time visitante sempre bate primeiro em cada entrada, e esse turno é geralmente chamado de alta (top), derivado da posição do time visitante no topo do placar de linha. O turno do time da casa é chamado de baixa (bottom), e a pausa entre elas é chamada de intervalo (middle). Se o time da casa está liderando no intervalo da nona entrada, ou anota uma corrida para tomar à frente na baixa da nona entrada, o jogo termina imediatamente com vitória do time da casa. Uma metade de entrada em que todos os batedores são eliminados sem chegar em base diz-se que foi uma "entrada um-dois-três" ("one-two-three inning"). |
lexicalization | por: entrada |
Swedish | |
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lexicalization | swe: inne-period |
Turkish | |
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lexicalization | tur: vuruþ sýrasý |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Інінґ - частина гри в деяких видах спорту, в яких гра за правилами ділиться на фази, впродовж яких команди виконують різні ролі - одна намагається здобути очки (атакує), а інша - завадити цьому (захищається). Прикладами таких ігор є крикет і бейсбол. Один інінґ складається з двох фаз, в першій з них атакує одна команда, в другій - інша. |
lexicalization | ukr: інінґ |
Links | |
part of | (noun) a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players; teams take turns trying to score runs cricket |
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similar | e/Innings |
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