Information | |
has gloss | (noun) (antiquity) a wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an emblem of victory bay wreath, laurel wreath, laurel |
has gloss | eng: A laurel wreath is a circular wreath made of interlocking branches and leaves of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae), an aromatic broadleaf evergreen. In Greek mythology, Apollo is represented wearing a laurel wreath on his head. In ancient Greece wreaths were awarded to victors, both in athletic competitions, including the ancient Olympics, and in poetic meets; in Rome they were symbols of martial victory, crowning a successful commander during his triumph. Whereas ancient laurel wreaths are most often depicted as a horseshoe shape, modern versions are usually complete rings. |
has gloss | eng: A laurel wreath is a horseshoe or circle-shaped wreath made from laurel that can be worn on the head. In Greek mythology, the god Apollo is shown wearing a laurel wreath because of the story of Apollo and Daphne. In Ancient Greece it was given to special people, such as winners in competitions in poetry or sports, such as the Ancient Olympic Games. |
lexicalization | eng: bay wreath |
lexicalization | eng: laurel wreath |
lexicalization | eng: laurel |
subclass of | (noun) flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes coronal, chaplet, wreath, garland, lei |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
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lexicalization | afr: lourier |
Mapuche | |
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lexicalization | arn: xiwe |
Czech | |
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lexicalization | ces: bobek |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: guì guan |
lexicalization | cmn: 桂冠 |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: En laurbærkrans er en hovedprydelse, der er flettet af laurbærgrene. |
lexicalization | dan: laurbærkrans |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Ein Lorbeerkranz ist ein aus Zweigen und Blättern des Lorbeer geflochtener, runder Kranz. |
lexicalization | deu: Lorbeerkranz |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
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lexicalization | ell: κότινος |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Laŭrokrono estas krono plektita el branĉoj kaj folioj de la planto laŭro. Ĝi estas sinonimo por aparta honorigo aŭ premio. |
lexicalization | epo: laŭrokrono |
Finnish | |
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lexicalization | fin: laakeriseppele |
lexicalization | fin: laakerit |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: couronne |
Hindi | |
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lexicalization | hin: punnAga |
Croatian | |
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lexicalization | hrv: lovor-list |
Armenian | |
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lexicalization | hye: դափնեպսակ |
lexicalization | hye: սարդենի |
Indonesian | |
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lexicalization | ind: pohon salam |
Icelandic | |
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lexicalization | isl: lárviður |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: La corona trionfale (latino: corona triumphalis), detta anche corona dalloro (latino: laurea isignis) era una corona utilizzata come onorificenza della Repubblica e dellImpero attribuita ad un generale trionfante. |
lexicalization | ita: corona trionfale |
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lexicalization | ita: allori |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Lauro vainikas - vainikas, nupintas iš lauro (kilniojo lauramedžio Laurus nobilis) šakelių nuo antikos laikų šlovės, pergalės ar taikos simbolis. Senoviniai lauro vainikai būdavo pasagos formos, dabar jie dažnai vaizduojami kaip uždaras žiedas. |
lexicalization | lit: Laurų vainikas |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een lauwerkrans is een cirkelvormige krans gemaakt van in elkaar hakende takken en bladeren van de aromatische laurier, die het hele jaar zijn groene kleur houdt. In de Griekse mythologie wordt Apollo weergegeven met een lauwerkrans op zijn hoofd. In de klassieke oudheid werden lauwerkransen geschonken aan overwinnaars, zowel de winnaars in de atletiek zoals die destijds werd bedreven, als de mensen bij poëtische ontmoetingen. In Rome hadden ze een symboliek die te maken had met het overwinnen van een vijand door een succesvol bevelhebber tijdens zijn triomftocht. Waar vroeger lauwerkransen werden afgebeeld in een hoefachtige vorm, zijn moderne versies ringvormig. |
lexicalization | nld: lauwerkrans |
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lexicalization | nld: lauweren |
Norwegian Bokmål | |
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lexicalization | nob: laurbær |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Laurbærkrans er en krans laget av kvister fra laurbærtreet (Laurus nobilis) som i oldtidens Hellas var viet til Apollon. Laurbærkranser ble båret av Apollons prester og gitt som belønning til vinnerne i olympiske og andre leker. I Roma fikk de seirende feltherrene lauberskranser og i middelalderen og frem til vår tid har den blitt brukt som hederstegn til diktere og kunstnere. |
lexicalization | nor: Laurbærkrans |
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lexicalization | nor: laurbærkrans |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Wieniec laurowy (wawrzynowy) - symbol i nagroda zwycięstwa w równej walce. |
lexicalization | pol: Wieniec laurowy |
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lexicalization | pol: wieniec laurowy |
Moldavian | |
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lexicalization | ron: lauri |
lexicalization | ron: coroană de lauri |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Лавровый венок или ветвь лавра — со времён античности — символ славы, победы или мира. |
lexicalization | rus: лавровый венок |
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lexicalization | rus: лавры |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: La corona triunfal fue la distinción concedida al general victorioso que entraba en Roma. Consistía en un cerco de ramas, siendo en un primer momento de laurel ( de allí en latín: lavrĕa), pero luego realizándose en oro. En cuanto al nombre latino de esta corona ( lavrĕa o laura ) ha generado una familia de palabras en diversos idiomas, por ejemplo el adjetivo español: laureada/o y el nombre propio Laura, que exista en la etimología de esta denominación una posible relación filológica con el nombre de la doble hacha cretominóica ( labrix ) es aún conjetural. |
lexicalization | spa: corona triunfal |
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lexicalization | spa: laureles |
lexicalization | spa: corona de laurel |
Serbian | |
has gloss | srp: Ловоров венац (као зимзелена биљка, ловор представља симбол за вечност и бесмртност) је у грчко-римској традицији представљао победу, примирје, мир. Зато је у почетку додељиван победницима на Олимпијским играма, а римски цареви су га носили на глави као златни ловоров венац. Данас се симболички додељује, не само победницима на Олимпијским играма, већ и другим заслужним особама. |
lexicalization | srp: ловоров венац |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Lagerkrans är en krans för huvudet gjord av växten Laurus nobilis (sv. lager). |
lexicalization | swe: lagerkrans |
Thai | |
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lexicalization | tha: พืชเขียวชอุ่มขนาดเล็กจำพวก Laurusnobilis ของยุโรป |
lexicalization | tha: ใบของพืชดังกล่าวที่ใช้ประดับเป็นสัญลักษณ์แห่งเกียรติยศ |
Vietnamese | |
has gloss | vie: Trong thần thoại Hy Lạp thần Apollo được thể hiện là đội vòng nguyệt quế trên đầu, và thời Hy Lạp cổ đại thì các vòng nguyệt quế được dùng để tặng thưởng cho những người chiến thắng, cả trong những cuộc thi đấu thể thao, bao gồm cả Olympic cổ đại cũng như các cuộc thi thơ dưới sự bảo trợ của vị thần này. Một số vị hoàng đế cũng đội vòng nguyệt quế. Trong khi các vòng nguyệt quế cổ đại thường được mô tả là có hình móng ngựa thì các vòng nguyệt quế ngày nay lại thường có dạng hình tròn. Từ để chỉ người được giải thưởng trong một số ngôn ngữ nước ngoài như tiếng Anh là laureate, tiếng Nga là лауреат (từ tiếng La tinh lаureatus) đều có nghĩa là đội vòng nguyệt quế |
lexicalization | vie: vòng nguyệt quế |
Classical Armenian | |
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lexicalization | xcl: սարդենի |
Links | |
has category | (noun) the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe antiquity |
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similar | e/Laurel wreath |
similar | e/simple/Laurel wreath |
Media | |
media:img | Alexander Garden Grille fragment3.JPG |
media:img | Coat of arms of Greece.svg |
media:img | Commissioner (Boy Scouts of America).png |
media:img | Dante Disputa.jpg |
media:img | Latin Poet Ovid.jpg |
media:img | Laurel wreath.svg |
media:img | LaurelwreathDK.JPG |
media:img | Lorbeerkranz Zypern rem.jpg |
media:img | Lorbeerkranz.png |
media:img | Reggio calabria monumento all'italia.jpg |
media:img | Solidus Constantine II-heraclea RIC vII 101.jpg |
media:img | Theodosius colum, Istanbul.jpg |
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