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has gloss(noun) something used to beautify
ornamentation, decoration, ornament
has glosseng: :For other uses of the term, see: Ornament In architecture and decorative art, ornament is a decoration used to embellish parts of a building or object. Architectural ornament can be carved from stone, wood or precious metals, formed with plaster or clay, or impressed onto a surface as applied ornament; in other applied arts the main material of the object, or a different one may be used. A wide variety of decorative styles and motifs have been developed for architecture and the applied arts, including pottery, furniture, metalwork. In textiles, wallpaper and other objects where the decoration may be the main justification for its existence, the terms pattern or design are more likely to be used.
lexicalizationeng: decoration
lexicalizationeng: ornamentation
lexicalizationeng: Ornaments
lexicalizationeng: ornament
subclass of(noun) a man-made object taken as a whole
artefact, artifact
Note: 8 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness
has subclass(noun) (architecture) something added to a building to improve its appearance
architectural ornament
has subclass(noun) a decorative interlacing of ribbons
has subclass(noun) an ornament or utensil made of brass
has subclass(noun) something placed at the center of something else (as on a table)
centrepiece, centerpiece
has subclass(noun) an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration
Christmas tree
has subclass(noun) an ornament (such as a knot of ribbon or a rosette) usually worn on the hat
has subclass(noun) a decorative or artistic work; "the coach had a design on the doors"
pattern, design, figure
has subclass(noun) a superfluous ornament
has subclass(noun) an ornament at the top of a spire or gable; usually a foliated fleur-de-lis
has subclass(noun) a decorative arrangement of flowers
floral arrangement, flower arrangement
has subclass(noun) ornamental objects of no great value
folderal, trumpery, nonsense, falderol, gimcrackery, gimcrack, frill
has subclass(noun) an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal
has subclass(noun) any decoration added as a trimming or adornment
has subclass(noun) a decorative coating of contrasting material that is applied to a surface as an inlay or overlay
encrustation, incrustation
has subclass(noun) an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger
pommel, knob
has subclass(noun) a crescent-shaped metal ornament of the Bronze Age
has subclass(noun) a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing
molding, moulding
has subclass(noun) something resembling the head of a nail that is used as an ornamental device
has subclass(noun) decoration worn about the neck (fur piece or tight necklace) as an ornament
has subclass(noun) a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface
has subclass(noun) a Scandinavian style of carved or painted decoration (as on furniture or walls or dinnerware) consisting of floral motifs
has subclass(noun) a decoration used as part of the set of a theatrical or movie production
set decoration
has subclass(noun) a ceramic or mural decoration made by scratching off a surface layer to reveal the ground
has subclass(noun) ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center
spiral, volute
has subclass(noun) an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers
has subclass(noun) ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)
rivet, stud
has subclass(noun) one of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobile
fin, tail fin, tailfin
has subclass(noun) a showy decoration that is basically valueless; "all the tinsel of self-promotion"
has subclass(noun) decoration consisting of an open pattern of interlacing ribs
has subclass(noun) a decorative arrangement of pieces of metal or glass or pottery that hang together loosely so the wind can cause them to tinkle
wind chime, wind bell
has subclass(noun) something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration
has subclasse/Awards and decorations of the Civil Air Patrol
has subclassc/Canadian military decorations
has subclassc/Decorations of the British Army
has subclassc/Decorations of the Merchant Navy
has subclassc/Decorations of the Royal Navy
has subclassc/Knitting ornaments
has subclassc/Romanian decorations
has subclasse/Christmas decoration
Note: 118 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/de/Blende (Architektur)
has instancee/de/Dreischenkel (Figur)
has instancee/de/Erot
has instancee/de/Maureske
has instancee/de/Medaillon (Ornament)
has instancee/de/Ornamentstich
has instancee/de/Scheinarchitektur
has instancee/de/Tauband
has instancee/de/Tudorblatt
has instancee/de/Zierrat (Druck)
has instancee/Alfiz
has instancee/Bowtell
has instancec/Grammar of Ornament
has instancee/Duckboards
has instancee/Herringbone (cloth)
has instancee/Hunky Punk
has instancee/Ovolo
has instancee/Paisley design
has instancee/Socarrat
has instancee/Waterleaf (architecture)
has instancee/es/Cruz atrial
has instancee/es/Epigrafe (arquitectura)
has instancee/es/Grumo
has instancee/es/Guardamalleta
has instancee/fr/Arc en mitre
has instancee/fr/Calepinage
has instancee/fr/Filet (architecture)
has instancee/fr/Modenature
has instancee/fr/Quatre-feuilles
has instancee/fr/Rais de cœur
has instancee/fr/Rose (architecture)
has instancee/fr/Stilophore
has instancee/fr/Tortillis
has instancee/pl/Ornament regencyjny
has instancee/pl/Wole oczy
has instancee/sv/A la grecque
has instancee/sv/Beslagsverk
has instancee/sv/Broskornamentik
has instancee/sv/Ornamentik
has instancee/sv/Rankverk
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lexicalizationbul: декорация
lexicalizationbul: украшение
lexicalizationbul: украса
lexicalizationbul: орнамент
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has glosscat: Un ornament es un element o composició que serveix per embellir persones o coses.
lexicalizationcat: Ornament
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has glossces: Ornament (latinsky ornamentum - výstroj, ozdoba, okrasa) je v umění ozdobný detail, který slouží ke zkrášlení nebo členění stavby, předmětů a věcí všeho druhu. Ornament může být vytesán z kamene, vyroben ze dřeva, kovu nebo hlíny nebo vtlačen do povrchu materiálu. Ornamenty mají velké množství různých forem. Vzory mohou být inspirovány různými předměty, květinami nebo zvířaty, může se jednat i o různé abstraktní a geometrické vzory.
lexicalizationces: výzdoba
lexicalizationces: ornamentace
lexicalizationces: ornament
lexicalizationces: dekorace
lexicalizationces: Ornamenty
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Church Slavic
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Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: zhuāng shì wu
lexicalizationcmn: 装饰物
lexicalizationcmn: 裝飾物
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has glossdan: Et ornament er en stiliseret figur, mønster eller tegning, som ofte gengiver slyngede planter, fantasidyr og lignende, og som bruges som udsmykning på fx huse, møbler og kunsthåndværk.
lexicalizationdan: ornament
has glossdeu: Ein Ornament (von lat.: ornare = „schmücken“, „zieren“) ist ein meist sich wiederholendes, oft abstraktes oder abstrahiertes Muster. Man findet Ornamente z. B. diese etwa auf Stoffen, Bauwerken, Tapeten, etc. Der Begriff Ornament wird fälschlicherweise mit den Begriffen Verzierung oder Dekoration verwechselt, welche eine Agglomeration von Schmuckelementen beschreiben.
lexicalizationdeu: Verzierung
lexicalizationdeu: Schmuck
lexicalizationdeu: Dekoration
lexicalizationdeu: Ornamentierung
lexicalizationdeu: Ornament
lexicalizationdeu: Dekor
lexicalizationdeu: Ausschmückung
lexicalizationdeu: Zierrat
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Modern Greek (1453-)
lexicalizationell: διακόσμηση
lexicalizationell: στολίδι
lexicalizationepo: dekoro
lexicalizationepo: ornamaĵo
lexicalizationepo: dekoracio
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has glossest: Ornament (muster, dekoor, kiri) on geomeetrilistest kujunditest ja nende osadest, vahel ka märkidest ja sümbolitest moodustatud või valmistamise tehnoloogia käigus kujunenud kaunistus rõivastel, ehitistel, tarbeesemetel ja mujal. Ornamenti on leitud juba kiviajast pärinevatelt arheoloogilistelt leidudelt.
lexicalizationest: Ornament
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has glossfin: Ornamentti, , koriste tai dekoraatio on tavallisesti geometrisesti tyylitelty ja usein symmetrinen koristemuoto. Ornamenteista muodostetaan usein rytmisen toiston avulla seinäpintaa jäsentäviä horisontaalisia friisejä tai nauhoja (esimerkiksi boordeja). Ornamentti voi olla joko puhdas geometrinen abstraktio tai tyylitelty luonnon aihe.
lexicalizationfin: koriste
lexicalizationfin: ornamentti
lexicalizationfin: koristelu
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has glossfra: En architecture, un ornement est un parti décoratif utilisé pour embellir des parties de bâtiment ou de mobilier intérieur. Lornement, qui se déclinent dans la tradition classique à partir des ordres darchitecture, peut être ciselé dans la pierre, le bois ou un métal précieux, formé avec du plâtre ou de largile, ou imprimé sur une surface comme ornement appliqué. Une grande variété de styles décoratifs de motifs a été développée pour larchitecture et les arts appliqués dont la céramique, le mobilier, la ferronnerie et les textiles.
lexicalizationfra: Ornementation
lexicalizationfra: ornement
lexicalizationfra: décoration
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has glossglg: Un ornamento é un elemento ou composición que serve para embelecer persoas ou cousas. O variado conxunto de enfeites empregados polos artistas para embelecer obxectos ou obras arquitectónicas pode distribuirse en dúas clases: simples (ou elementais) e compostos. Os primeiros consisten nun só motivo, xa illado, xa repetido e combinado con outro en serie. Os segundos, son unha combinación dos elementais.
lexicalizationglg: Ornamento
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has glosshbs: Ornament (latinski) je, u likovnim umjetnostima, ukras, dekoracija sazdana od biljnih, životinjskih, geometrijskih ili antropomorfnih motiva.
lexicalizationhbs: ornament
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has glosshrv: Ornament (latinski) je, u likovnim umjetnostima, ukras, dekoracija sazdana od biljnih, životinjskih, geometrijskih ili antropomorfnih motiva.
lexicalizationhrv: ornament
lexicalizationhrv: kićenje
lexicalizationhrv: ukrašavanje
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lexicalizationhun: dekoráció
lexicalizationhun: dísz
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lexicalizationhye: զարդ
lexicalizationhye: զարդարանք
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lexicalizationido: Ornivi
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lexicalizationita: abbellimento
lexicalizationita: decorazione
lexicalizationita: ornamento
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lexicalizationkor: 장식
lexicalizationkor: 장식품
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lexicalizationmal: അലങ്കാരം
has glossmkd: Во архитектурата и декоративната уметност, орнамент е декорација која се употребува за да се украсат делови од градбата или објектот. Архитектонскиот орнамент може да претставува резба од камен, дрви, скапоцени метали, но може да биде и малтерисан или изработен од глина или вметнат на површината како применет орнамент. Поголема разлика меѓу декоративните стилови и уметничките мотиви во архитектурата и применетите уметности била направена со вклучувањето на грнчарството, изработката на мебел, како и механичката изработка. Во текстилот, хартијата, како и другите објекти, на кои декорацијата може да биде најзначаен елемент за нивниот изглед, повеќе се употребуваат поимите декорација или дизајн.
lexicalizationmkd: орнамент
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has glossnld: Decoratie is elke vorm van versiering.
lexicalizationnld: versiering
lexicalizationnld: decoratie
lexicalizationnld: sieraad
lexicalizationnld: versiersel
lexicalizationnld: ornament
lexicalizationnld: inrichting
lexicalizationnld: tooi
lexicalizationnld: aankleding
lexicalizationnld: bekleding
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Norwegian Bokmål
lexicalizationnob: utsmykning
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has glossnor: Et ornament ( fra latin ornamentum, utrustning, prydelse, smykke) er et visuelt formelement som kan stå alene eller være en del av et sammensatt mønster. Det kan sees som en dekorasjon eller utsmykning, og forestiller ofte en plante, et dyr, en gjenstand eller grafisk figur som på geometrisk vis er stilisert og plassert i et symmetrisk mønster. Et ornament kan videre være en rent geometrisk, abstrakt form som kjent fra islamsk kunst og arkitektur (Alhambra-palassene) eller et mer eller mindre stilisert motiv fra naturen, som ofte er brukt i Art Noveau.
lexicalizationnor: ornament
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has glosspol: Ornament (z łac. ornare - zaopatrzyć, ozdabiać) - motyw lub zespół motywów zdobniczych, stosowanych w sztukach plastycznych. Motywy te mogą pokrywać całą powierzchnię, występować tylko w określonych polach albo przybierać formę pasową. Mogą także współgrać z tektoniką lub nad nią dominować. Zazwyczaj ornament nie jest elementem niezbędnym dla istnienia struktury danego przedmiotu czy budowli.
lexicalizationpol: dekoracja
lexicalizationpol: Ornamenty
lexicalizationpol: ornament
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has glosspor: O ornamento é um elemento acessório, não fundamental, em uma composição artística, em especial na composição arquitetônica e no design.
lexicalizationpor: ornamento
lexicalizationpor: decoração
lexicalizationpor: Ornamento
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lexicalizationron: decoraţie
lexicalizationron: ornament
has glossrus: Орна́мент ( — украшение) — узор, основанный на повторе и чередовании составляющих его элементов; предназначается для украшения различных предметов (утварь, орудия и оружие, текстильные изделия, мебель, книги и т. д.), архитектурных сооружений (как извне, так и в интерьере), произведений пластических искусств (главным образом прикладных), у первобытных народов также самого человеческого тела (раскраска, татуировка). Связанный с поверхностью, которую он украшает и зрительно организует, орнамент, как правило, выявляет или акцентирует архитектонику предмета, на который он нанесён. Орнамент либо оперирует отвлечёнными формами, либо стилизует реальные мотивы, зачастую схематизируя их до неузнаваемости.
lexicalizationrus: украшение
lexicalizationrus: орнамент
lexicalizationrus: прикраса
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lexicalizationscn: abbillimentu
has glossslk: Ornament (lat.) je v širšom zmysle akákoľvek dekorácia členiaca stenu, vyplňujúca plochu, zdobiaca nejaký predmet, v užšom zmysle druh výzdoby, jednotlivý motív alebo celý systém určitého výzdobného typu (ornamentika) dekorujúca architektúru, produkt umenia, umeleckého remesla alebo priemyslu.
lexicalizationslk: Ornamenty
lexicalizationslk: ornament
lexicalizationslk: zariadenie
lexicalizationslk: ozdoba
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has glossspa: Un ornamento es un elemento o composición que sirve para embellecer personas o cosas. El variadísimo conjunto de adornos utilizados por los artistas para embellecer objetos u obras arquitectónicas puede distribuirse en dos clases: simples (o elementales) y compuestos. Los primeros consisten en un solo motivo, ya aislado, ya repetido y combinado con otro en serie. Los segundos, son una combinación de los elementales.
lexicalizationspa: adorno
lexicalizationspa: ornamento
lexicalizationspa: Ornamentos arquitectónicos
lexicalizationspa: Ornamento
lexicalizationspa: decoración
lexicalizationspa: alhaja
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has glosssrp: Орнамент, од латинског ornamentum - урез, украс, шара.
lexicalizationsrp: орнамент
Swahili (macrolanguage)
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has glossswe: Ornament (latin: ornare, pryda) är dekorativa element som saknar konstruktiv funktion och är avsedda att pryda andra föremål. Ornamenten kan uppfattas som det tidigaste uttrycket för människans inneboende strävan efter skönhet. Från stenåldern har människan, i alla kulturer och utan synbar praktisk anledning, valt att dekorera både sig själva och bruksföremål med enkla och repetitiva geometriska mönster. Trots denna universialitet i behovet att ornera och ge fantasin stoff för sin verksamhet har varje epok och kultur haft sin säregna ornament.
lexicalizationswe: dekoration
lexicalizationswe: ornament
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lexicalizationswh: pambo
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lexicalizationtha: สิ่งตกแต่ง
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lexicalizationtur: süs
lexicalizationtur: süsleme
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has glossukr: Орна́мент (від — прикраса) в мистецтві й архітектури — це ритмічне чергування різноманітних зображень, які можуть бути великомасштабними і дрібномасштабними, стилізованими і натуралістичними, мають геометричне (наприклад, меандр), рослинне (акант, пальмета тощо) або інше походження, являють собою упорядкування стилізованих рослинних, зооморфних чи антропоморфних мотивів. Крім того, заведено виділяти особливі орнаментальні візерунки: * орнамент абстрактний звіриний — виконаний з геометричних мотивів плетіння з окремими зображеннями деталей тварин і птахів (їхніх голів, хвостів, лап, крил). Був поширений у середньовічній Європі в VI—XIII ст., в мистецтві норманів, Франції часів Меровінгів.
lexicalizationukr: Орнаменти
lexicalizationukr: орнамент
lexicalizationukr: прикрашення
lexicalizationukr: прикраса
lexicalizationukr: окраса
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Classical Armenian
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media:imgAlliste. Mascherone.jpg
media:imgArabic Calligraphy at Wazir Khan Mosque2.jpg
media:imgCariatidi del Parlamento a Vienna - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto, genn 2004 - 01.jpg
media:imgCarved Rosace Apadana Susa.jpg
media:imgCommunityisSimetryJohn Manuel 07.png
media:imgCorinthian Column Head Jerash.jpg
media:imgDecoración geométrica mudérar-siglo XIV-palacios cristianos de la aljaferia.jpg
media:imgGalluspforte des Basler Muensters ws.jpg
media:imgLa Aljafería - Sala del trono - Techumbre.JPG
media:imgLooshaus Vienna June 2006 546.jpg
media:imgMeyers b12 s0450c.jpg
media:imgMeyers b12 s0450d.jpg
media:imgMorocco - Ornament 2.jpg
media:imgMorris Acanthus Wallpaper 1875.jpg
media:imgOkno s muškátmi .JPG
media:imgPair of ornamental fillets with grotesques.jpg
media:imgPalácio-da-Pena capitel 3 (OUT-07).jpg
media:imgPauluskirche in Bern (Detail).jpg
media:imgRiga JugendstilKopf2.jpg
media:imgRosewood ceiling at Rameshwara Temple in Keladi.jpg
media:imgSamothraki Arsinoe rotunda 2.jpg
media:imgUniform tiling 44-h01.png
media:imgWallpaper group-cm-3.jpg


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