Information | |
has gloss | (noun) slender silvery marine fish found in tropical mud flats and mangrove lagoons Albula vulpes, bonefish |
has gloss | eng: The bonefish is the type species of the Albulidae, or bonefishes. It is amphidromous, living in inshore tropical waters, moving onto shallow tidal flats to feed with the incoming tide, and retreating to deeper water as the tide ebbs. Juvenile bonefish may be observed in large shoals of like-sized individuals with large mature fish swimming in smaller groups or in pairs. Bonefish are considered to be among the world's premier Fly game fish and are highly sought after by anglers. Bonefish are primarily caught for sport. They are not commonly eaten. In Hawaii, bonefish known as ōio are eaten. The fish primarily inhabit the shallow sand and grass flats of warm tropical waters, but also spend a good amount of their lives in deep water, up to a thousand feet in depth. This behavior was first documented in the deep waters surrounding Hawaii. |
lexicalization | eng: Albula vulpes |
lexicalization | eng: Bone-fish |
lexicalization | eng: bonefish |
subclass of | (noun) any fish of the superorder Malacopterygii malacopterygian, soft-finned fish |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: السمكة العظْميَّة (الاسم العلمي: Albula vulpes) سمكة تعيش في مياه المحيطات الدافئة. وهناك نوعان ، السمك العظمي العادي، واسع الانتشار، وسمك جزر الهند الغربية الذي تم اكتشافه عام 1910م. ويمتد خطم السمكة العظمية بعد فمها الصغير لمسافة كبيرة. ويصل وزن بعض أنواع السمكة العظْميَّة إلى 9كجم ويزيد طولها على 90سم، لكن معظم أنواعها أصغر من ذلك كثيرًا. وتأكل السمكة العظمية الصغيرة الرخويات والقشريات التي توجد في قاع البحر. وتسبح أثناء طلبها الغذاء في مجموعات تشق طريقها إلى القاع ورأسها إلى أسفل. مراجع |
lexicalization | ara: سمكة عظمية |
Bulgarian | |
lexicalization | bul: бонфиш |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Albula vulpes est une espèce de poisson appartenant à la famille des Albulidés. Liens externes * * * * * * |
lexicalization | fra: Albula vulpes |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De Gratenvis (Albula vulpes) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van gratenvissen (Albulidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van gratenvisachtigen (Albuliformes). De vis kan maximaal 104 cm lang en tien kilogram zwaar worden. In het verleden is deze vis ook wel als tienponder aangeduid; tegenwoordig wordt die naam alleen gebruikt voor Elops saurus, een vis uit de orde van de tienponders (Eloptidae). |
lexicalization | nld: Gratenvis |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Albula (Albula vulpes) – ryba z rodziny albulowatych. Ceniona w wędkarstwie sportowym. |
lexicalization | pol: Albula |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Albula vulpes, também designada popularmente por flecha, ubarana-rato, ubarana-focinho-de-rato, juruna, peixe-rato, arabaiana-rato, focinho-de-rato ou ubarana-boca-de-rato, é um peixe da família dos albulídeos. Chega a atingir 104 cm de comprimento e 9 kg de peso. É uma espécie cosmopolita que vive em águas tropicais, no Atlântico ocidental, desde a Baía de Fundy ao sul do Brasil. É uma espécie apreciada em pesca desportiva, ainda que não o seja tanto como alimento, devido à presença de pequenos ossos na sua carne (daí o nome inglês "bonefish" ou peixe dos ossos). Crê-se actualmente que esta designação engloba mais do que uma espécie. Alimenta-se especialmente de crustáceos, ainda que diversos autores ainda refiram pequenos vermes e moluscos, como bivalves e lulas. |
lexicalization | por: Ubarana focinho de rato |
lexicalization | por: Ubarana-focinho-de-rato |
Slovak | |
has gloss | slk: Albulotvaré alebo albuly (Albuliformes) v širšom zmysle sú rad skupiny Neopterygii. |
lexicalization | slk: albulotvaré |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 北梭魚屬於北梭魚科,是美國佛羅里達州、巴哈馬等地釣魚運動中常用的魚種。 |
lexicalization | zho: 北梭魚 |
Links | |
member of | (noun) type and sole genus of the family Albulidae Albula, genus Albula |
similar | e/Albula vulpes |
similar | e/Bonefish |
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