Information | |
has gloss | (noun) important food fish; found in enormous shoals in the northern Atlantic Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus harengus |
has gloss | eng: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) is one of the most abundant species of fish on the planet. They can be found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean congregating together in large schools. They can grow up to 45 centimeters (approximately 18 inches) in length and weigh more than half a kilogram. They feed on copepods, krill and small fish, and their natural predators are seals, whales, cod and other larger fish. |
has gloss | eng: The Atlantic Herring is a kind of herring, a fish. It can be found on both sides of the Atlantic. It can grow up to 45cm in length, weighing more than half a kilogram. It is a swarm fish, meaning many fish come together and form a school (or swarm) of fish. Swarms of up to 4 cubic kilometers in size have been measured of atlantic herring, with an eastimated 4 billion individual fish. Like with so many other fishes though, commercial overfishing is posing a problem. Stocks of herring have been collapsing. |
lexicalization | eng: Atlantic Herring |
lexicalization | eng: Clupea harengus harengus |
subclass of | (noun) commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific herring, Clupea harangus |
Meaning | |
Asturian | |
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lexicalization | ast: arenque |
Breton | |
has gloss | bre: An harink (Clupea harengus) zo ur pesk mor. |
lexicalization | bre: Harink |
Bulgarian | |
has gloss | bul: Атлантическата херинга (Clupea harengus, също селда) е морска стадна риба от семейство Селдови. Разпространена е в Атлантическия и Северния ледовит океан на север от островите Шпицберген и от западните райони на Баренцево море. Обитава крайбрежните води на водните басейни. Дължината на тялото на херингата достига до 50-55см, а теглото ѝ до около 2,5 кг. Тялото ѝ е странично сплескано, покрито с едри, лесноопадливи люспи. Живее до 20 години, а половата ѝ зрялост настъпва към 4-5-та година. |
lexicalization | bul: Атлантическа херинга |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: Lareng (Clupea harengus) és una espècie de peix de la família dels clupeids i de lordre dels clupeiformes. |
lexicalization | cat: areng |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Sleď obecný (Clupea harengus) je nejhojnější rybou na naší planetě, navíc je rybou hospodářky významnou. Sleď obecný obývá vody Atlantského oceánu v obrovských hejnech. Má standardní délku 45 cm. Hmotnost takto vzrostlého jedince se pohybuje kolem 0,5 kilogramu. Sledi se živí planktonními klanonožci, krilem a malými rybkami. Jejich přirozenými predátory jsou ploutvonožci, kytovci, tresky a jiné větší ryby. |
lexicalization | ces: Clupea alba |
lexicalization | ces: Clupea elongata |
lexicalization | ces: Clupea leachii |
lexicalization | ces: Clupea minima |
lexicalization | ces: Cyprinus esca |
lexicalization | ces: Sleď obecný |
lexicalization | ces: sleď |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Sildene (Clupea harengus) kommer aldrig ned til bunden. De svømmer rundt i store flokke, som man kalder stimer. Der kan være op til en million i en stime. |
lexicalization | dan: sild |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Der Atlantische Hering (Clupea harengus) ist einer der bedeutendsten Speisefische der Welt und ist die nordatlantische Art der Gattung der Echten Heringe. Er wird besonders an seinen Laichplätzen seit Menschengedenken gefangen. Viele Städte wurden in der Nähe der Laichplätze und Durchzugsgebiete gegründet. Für die Hanse war der atlantische Hering eines der wichtigsten Handelsgüter. Noch bis in das 20. Jahrhundert hinein war der Atlantische Hering so häufig, dass er als Arme-Leute-Essen galt. Heute sind die Bestände durch starke Befischung und ökologische Probleme in der Ostsee deutlich zurückgegangen. |
lexicalization | deu: Atlantischer Hering |
lexicalization | deu: Hering |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: haringo |
Estonian | |
has gloss | est: Atlandi heeringas ehk harilik heeringas (Clupea harengus) on heeringlaste sugukonda kuuluv kalaliik. Ta on maailma üks tähtsamaid töönduskalu. |
lexicalization | est: Atlandi heeringas |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Silli (Clupea harengus harengus) on Pohjois-Atlantissa elävä parvikala. Itämeren pohjoisosassa elävää silliä kutsutaan silakaksi ja pidetään saman lajin erillisenä alalajina (Clupea harengus membras). Varsinainen atlantinsilli on silakkaa vähän isompi ja rasvaisempi. |
lexicalization | fin: silli |
lexicalization | fin: atlantinsilli |
lexicalization | fin: islanninsilli |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le hareng (Clupea harengus) est un poisson vivant en grands bancs, dont les déplacements dans les eaux froides, à la fois fortement salées et oxygénées, ont été étudiés de près par les hommes, car il a toujours été beaucoup consommé. Il reste un poisson d'un prix très abordable car facile à pêcher. |
lexicalization | fra: hareng |
Haitian | |
has gloss | hat: Aran se yon pwason. |
lexicalization | hat: Aran |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: A hering (Clupea harengus) a sugarasúszójú halak (Actinopterygii) osztályának a heringalakúak (Clupeiformes) rendjéhez, ezen belül a heringfélék (Clupeidae) családjához tartozó faj. |
lexicalization | hun: hering |
Ido | |
has gloss | ido: Haringo (Clupea harengus) esas olea fisho vivinta en granda grupi, do la movi havas sempre maxim studita da homaro, partikulara en nord-Europa, nam maxim nutriva ed anke bona saporo. |
lexicalization | ido: Haringo |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Haring Atlantik (Clupea harengus) adalah salah satu dari spesies ikan yang paling berlimpah di Bumi. Mereka dapat ditemui di samudra Atlantik dan bergerak bersama dalam satu grup. Haring Atlantik dapat tumbuh sepanjang 45 sentimeter dan massa lebih dari setengah kilogram. Mereka makan copepoda, krill dan ikan kecil, dan predator alami mereka adalah anjing laut, paus, kod dan ikan besar lainnya. |
lexicalization | ind: Haring Atlantik |
Icelandic | |
has gloss | isl: Síld (fræðiheiti: Clupea harengus) er fisktegund sem finnst beggja vegna Atlantshafsins þar sem hún safnast í stórar torfur eða flekki. Síld er algengasta fisktegund í heimi. |
lexicalization | isl: síld |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Clupea harengus, conosciuta solitamente come aringa, è un pesce d'acqua salata appartenente alla famiglia dei Clupeidae. |
lexicalization | ita: Clupea harengus |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Atlantinė silkė (, , ) – silkiažuvių būrio žuvis. Tai viena iš gausiausių žuvų rūšių pasaulyje. Paplitusios abiejose Atlanto pusėse, telkiasi į didelius būrius. Išauga iki 45 cm ilgio ir sveria daugiau nei pusę kilogramo. Minta irklakojais bei aukštesniaisiais vėžiagyviais, nedidelėmis žuvimis. Silkėmis minta ruoniai, banginiai, menkės ir kitos didesnės žuvys. |
lexicalization | lit: Atlantinė silkė |
Letzeburgesch | |
has gloss | ltz: En Hierk ass e Fësch, deen zur Famill vun den Hierke (Clupeidae) gehéiert. |
lexicalization | ltz: Hierk |
Neapolitan | |
has gloss | nap: Llarenga (Clupea harengus) è nu pisce e mare attuccante â famiglia de Clupeidae. |
lexicalization | nap: Arenga |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De haring (Clupea harengus) is een straalvinnige vis van het noordelijk halfrond. De vis heeft een zilverkleurig lichaam met een grijsgroene of blauwgroene rug. |
lexicalization | nld: haring |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Śledź atlantycki, śledź oceaniczny (Clupea harengus) – nieduża, ławicowa ryba morska z rodziny śledziowatych, blisko spokrewniony ze śledziem pacyficznym. Obydwa gatunki – powszechnie określane nazwą śledź – miały olbrzymie znaczenie gospodarcze stanowiąc główny cel połowów w rybołówstwie morskim. W wyniku przełowienia w latach 90. XX wieku liczebność poszczególnych populacji znacznie się zmniejszyła, jednak nadal śledzie są bardzo ważnymi rybami użytkowymi. |
lexicalization | pol: Śledź atlantycki |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: arenque |
Moldavian | |
has gloss | ron: Heringul (Clupea) este unul dintre peştii cei mai importanţi pentru consum. Speciile mai importante sunt heringul din Atlantic (Clupea harengus) şi heringul din Pacific (Clupea pallasii). În locuri din apropierea coastelor unde heringii îşi depun icrele au apărut aşezări omeneşti care cu timpul au devenit oraşe comerciale importante. Deoarece până în secolul XX heringul era ieftin a fost hrana de bază a populaţiei sărace. Datorită pescuitului intensiv, azi populaţiile de heringi sunt periclitate, ele reducându-se în mod considerabil. Răspândire După cum îi spune şi numele, heringul din Atlantic este răspândit în nordul Atlanticului, de la Golful Biscaya spre nord Marea Baltică până înspre insula Novaia Zemlia şi Spitzberg. Spre vest, din sud-vestul Groenlandei până spre coastele statului . Heringul din Atlantic trăieşte până la o adâncime de 360 m, în larg dar şi în apropiere de coastă. |
lexicalization | ron: hering |
Sicilian | |
has gloss | scn: L' aregna è nu pisci dâ famigghia di li Clupeidi (Clupea harengus) diffusu ntê mari di l’Europa sittintriunali |
lexicalization | scn: Aregna |
Northern Sami | |
has gloss | sme: Sildi dahje maiddái gohčoduvvon sallit (Clupea harengus) lea mearaguolli mii vuodjá spierrun. |
lexicalization | sme: Sildi |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: El arenque, arenque común o arenque del Atlántico (la especie Clupea harengus harengus) es un pez de la familia de los clupeidos, muy común en el norte del océano Atlántico. |
lexicalization | spa: Clupea harengus |
lexicalization | spa: arenque |
Swedish | |
lexicalization | swe: sill |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 大西洋鲱(学名:)是地球上资源最丰富的鱼类之一,在大西洋的东西两部分都可以发现集成一大群的大西洋鲱。 成鱼可以长至45厘米长(大约18英寸), 重半公斤左右。它们以小型甲壳类动物、磷虾和小鱼为食,也是海豹,鲸,鳕鱼和其他大型肉食鱼类等天然掠食者的食物。 ·大西洋鲱很长时间以来是新英格兰和加拿大沿海省份经济的重要组成部分。这是因为大西洋鲱经常在相对近岸的海区聚集成海量的一大群,尤其是在缅因湾半封闭的冷水区和圣劳伦斯湾中。大西洋鲱鱼群经测量尺寸达到4立方千米,由大约40亿条鱼组成。 |
lexicalization | zho: 大西洋鯡 |
Links | |
member of | (noun) type genus of the Clupeidae: typical herrings Clupea, genus Clupea |
similar | e/Atlantic herring |
similar | e/simple/Atlantic herring |
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