
New Query

has gloss(noun) hairy-faced arboreal monkeys having widely separated nostrils and long usually prehensile tails
New World monkey, platyrrhinian, platyrrhine
has glosseng: New World monkeys are the five families of primates that are found in Central and South America: Callitrichidae, Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae, and Atelidae. The five families are ranked together as the Platyrrhini infraorder and the Ceboidea superfamily, which are essentially synonymous since Ceboidea is the only living platyrrhine superfamily. They differ from other groupings of monkeys and primates, such as the Old World monkeys and the apes.
lexicalizationeng: New World Monkeys
lexicalizationeng: New World monkey
lexicalizationeng: New-World monkey
lexicalizationeng: platyrrhine
lexicalizationeng: platyrrhinian
subclass of(noun) any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians)
has subclass(noun) small soft-furred South American and Central American monkey with claws instead of nails
has subclass(noun) monkey of Central America and South America having thick hair on the head that resembles a monk's cowl
Cebus capucinus, ringtail, capuchin
has subclass(noun) nocturnal monkey of Central America and South America with large eyes and thick fur
douroucouli, Aotus trivirgatus
has subclass(noun) monkey of tropical South American forests having a loud howling cry
howler monkey, howler
has subclass(noun) small arboreal monkey of tropical South America with long hair and bushy nonprehensile tail
has subclass(noun) medium-sized tree-dwelling monkey of the Amazon basin; only New World monkey with a short tail
has subclass(noun) small South American monkeys with long beautiful fur and long nonprehensile tail
titi monkey, titi
has subclass(noun) arboreal monkey of tropical America with long slender legs and long prehensile tail
spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi
has subclass(noun) small long-tailed monkey of Central American and South America with greenish fur and black muzzle
Saimiri sciureus, squirrel monkey
has subclass(noun) large monkeys with dark skin and woolly fur of the Amazon and Orinoco basins
woolly monkey
has instancee/List of Central American monkey species
has instancee/List of Costa Rican monkey species
has instancee/List of Panamanian monkey species
has instancee/List of Peruvian monkey species
has instancee/fr/Callimico goeldii
has instancee/fr/Cebus apella xanthosternos
has instancee/fr/Ouakari à tête noire
has instancee/fr/Ouistiti du Bahia
has instancee/fr/Sajou
has instancee/fr/Sapajou
has instancee/fr/Singe-araignee
has instancec/he/קופי עכביש
has instancec/zh/青猴科
has glosscat: Els micos del Nou Món o platirins (Platyrrhini) són un parvordre de primats composts per quatre famílies dAmèrica Central i del Sud: els cèbids, els aòtids, els pitècids i els atèlids. Es diferencien daltres grups de micos i primats, com ara els micos del Vell Món i els simis.
lexicalizationcat: Mico del Nou Món
has glossces: Ploskonosí (Ceboidea) nebo (Platyrrhini) je poměrně rozsáhlá skupina opic nejrůznějších velikostí, kteří obývají převážně Jižní Ameriku, ale i část Střední Ameriky.
lexicalizationces: ploskonosí
has glossdeu: Die Neuweltaffen oder Breitnasenaffen (Platyrrhini) sind eine systematische Gruppe der Primaten. Sie fassen alle Primaten des amerikanischen Kontinents (mit Ausnahme des Menschen) zusammen. Gemeinsam mit den Altweltaffen bilden sie die Gruppe der (Eigentlichen) Affen.
lexicalizationdeu: Neuweltaffen
lexicalizationeus: Atelidae
lexicalizationfas: میمون‌های جهان نو
lexicalizationfas: پخ‌بینیان
has glossfra: Les singes du Nouveau Monde ou platyrhiniens sont un groupe de singes de lordre des primates. Répartis depuis le Mexique jusquà l'extrême sud du Brésil, ils se différencient des singes des autres continents par une demi-douzaine de caractéristiques primordiales.
lexicalizationfra: Platyrrhini
has glosshbs: Majmuni Novog svijeta (Platyrrhini), nazvani još i širokonosci, čine jedan djelomični podred primata. Zajedno s majmunima Starog svijeta i Tarsiiformesima čine podred primata Haplorrhini, nazvan još i "suhonosci".
lexicalizationhbs: Majmuni Novog svijeta
has glossheb: קופים רחבי אף (שם מדעי: Platyrrhini), תת-סדרה בסדרת הפרימטים של מחלקת היונקים, הכוללת שתי משפחות ובהן 14 סוגים.
lexicalizationheb: קופים רחבי אף
has glosshrv: Majmuni Novog svijeta (Platyrrhini), nazvani još i širokonosci, čine jedan djelomični podred primata. Zajedno s majmunima Starog svijeta i Tarsiiformesima čine podred primata Haplorrhini, nazvan još i "suhonosci".
lexicalizationhrv: Majmuni Novog svijeta
has glosshun: A Szélesorrú majmok (Platyrrhini) nagycsaládját újvilági majmoknak is nevezik, mert az Újvilág, ezen belül főleg Közép és Dél-Amerika trópusi területein élnek.
lexicalizationhun: Szélesorrú majmok
has glossita: Il parvordine Platyrrhini (E. Geoffroy, 1812) è un raggruppamento che comprende le cosiddette scimmie del Nuovo Mondo o scimmie platirrine. Esse si separarono dalle scimmie del Vecchio Mondo circa 40 milioni di anni fa e sono diffuse in America centrale e America del Sud. Il nome fa riferimento al caratteristico naso appiattito (infatti il nome del parvordine deriva dal greco e significa "naso piatto") che contraddistingue la maggior parte delle specie di questo raggruppamento.
lexicalizationita: Platyrrhini
has glossjpn: 広鼻下目(こうびかもく、学名:Platyrrhini)、または広鼻類、広鼻猿(類)は、霊長目(サル目)直鼻猿亜目のタクソンの一つ。最近は広鼻小目(こうびしょうもく)とされることもある。
lexicalizationjpn: 広鼻下目
has glosskor: 광비원류(廣鼻猿類) 또는 신세계원숭이(新世界-)는 포유류의 영장목에 속하는 소목(小目)으로 비단원숭이과, 꼬리감는원숭이과, 올빼미원숭이과, 사키원숭이과, 거미원숭이과 분류의 총칭이다. 최근의 조사에 의하면 광비원류는 모두 5과 21속 138종으로 분류된다.
lexicalizationkor: 광비원류
lexicalizationkor: 신세계원숭이
has glosslit: Plačianosės beždžionės – primatų (Primates) grupė. Paplitusios tik Pietų ir Centrinėje Amerikoje. Jos visada turi po 3 prieškrūminius dantis ir plačią kremzlinę nosies pertvarą, todėl šnervės yra toli viena nuo kitos, pakrypusios į šonus. Pirmieji du rankos pirštai nepritaikyti imti smulkių daiktų. Skruostinių maišų ir sėdimųjų trynių nebūna.
lexicalizationlit: Plačianosės beždžionės
has glossnld: De breedneusapen (Platyrrhini) vormen een klade (parvorde of infraorde) van Latijns-Amerikaanse apen binnen de infraorde Simiiformes, de apen. De klade is ook bekend als de apen van de Nieuwe Wereld. Het zijn de enige primaten die inheems zijn buiten de Oude Wereld. De klade wordt vaak als een zelfstandige infraorde beschouwd binnen de onderorde Haplorrhini, waartoe behalve de apen ook de spookdiertjes horen. De Simiiformes zelf wordt dan niet als infraorde beschouwd.
lexicalizationnld: breedneusapen
has glossnor: * Aotidae * Atelidae * Cebidae * Pitheciidae Vestaper kalles apene som lever i de frodige regnskogene i Mellom- og Sør-Amerika. Den lange halen hjelper dem å holde balansen når de er høyt oppe i trærne. Mange - så som kapusinere, brøleaper og edderkoppaper – har gripehale, som de kan sno rundt grenene og bruke som et ekstra bein. De har lange fingrer og sterke føtter som griper godt, og er suverene løpere og hoppere. Ulik sine østlige slektninger har de brede nesebor som peker utover mot siden, og de mangler sitteputer i baken. Noen av de mindre artene har klør på fingrene, men dette er trolig en sekundær tilpasning ettersom de på fosterstadiet har negler.
lexicalizationnor: Vestaper
has glosspol: Małpy szerokonose, małpy Nowego Świata (Platyrrhini) – niewielkie, nadrzewne ssaki naczelne o płaskim i szerokim nosie, klasyfikowane w czterech rodzinach małp Nowego Świata.
lexicalizationpol: Małpy szerokonose
has glosspor: Platyrrhini ou platirrinos são uma infraordem de primatas, que inclui os macacos do Novo Mundo, ou seja, do continente americano. Possuem narinas distantes entre si e voltadas para os lados. Em algumas espécies a cauda é preênsil. Possuem dentição com três prémolares. Possuem uma diversidade de 16 gêneros e 128 espécies.
lexicalizationpor: Platyrrhini
has glossrus: Широконосые обезьяны или обезьяны Нового Света — парвотряд приматов. Вместе с узконосыми обезьянами (обезьянами Старого Света) входят в инфраотряд обезьянообразные, а с долгопятами образуют подотряд сухоносых обезьян.
lexicalizationrus: Широконосые обезьяны
has glossspa: Los platirrinos (Platyrrhini, del griego πλατυς, platys, "plano", y ρινος, rhinos, "nariz") o monos del nuevo mundo son un grupo que comprende a las cinco familias de primates nativas de América Central y del Sur: Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae, Atelidae y Callitrichidae.
lexicalizationspa: Platyrrhini
lexicalizationsrp: Мајмуни Новог света
has glossswe: Gruppen brednäsor (Platyrrhini) är en delordning av primater som lever i nya världen. Däremot förkommer delordningen smalnäsor, med undantag för de människor som koloniserat nya världen, bara i gamla världen.
lexicalizationswe: Brednäsor
has glossukr: Широконосі мавпи або мавпи Нового Світу (Platyrrhini) — ряд приматів.
lexicalizationukr: Широконосі мавпи
has glosszho: 闊鼻小目(又稱新世界猴;學名:)是产于中美与南美的四科灵长目动物,包括卷尾猴科、青猴科、僧面猴科和蜘蛛猴科。新世界猴与旧世界猴合称为猴。
lexicalizationzho: 闊鼻小目
member of(noun) New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey; saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly monkey; marmoset; tamarin
superfamily Platyrrhini, Platyrrhini
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media:imgAteles geoffroyi.jpg
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media:imgCladograma Platyrrhini.jpg
media:imgLisztaffe - Cottontop Tamarin - Saguinus oedipus.jpg


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