Information | |
has gloss | (noun) sand sharks; in some classifications coextensive with family Carcharhinidae Carchariidae, Odontaspididae, family Carchariidae, family Odontaspididae |
has gloss | eng: Sand sharks, also known as sand tiger sharks or ragged tooth sharks, are lamniform sharks of the family Odontaspididae (or sometimes - but incorrectly - referred to as Carchariidae). They are found on both sides of the Atlantic coast, but most notably in the Western Indian Ocean and in the Gulf of Maine. There are four species in two genera. Sand sharks are the only known shark to surface for gulps of air. They store the air in their stomachs which allows them to float motionless in the water as they hunt for prey. |
lexicalization | eng: Carchariidae |
lexicalization | eng: family Carchariidae |
lexicalization | eng: family Odontaspididae |
lexicalization | eng: Odontaspididae |
lexicalization | eng: Sand Shark |
subclass of | (noun) any of various families of fish fish family |
Meaning | |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Sandhaie (Odontaspididae) sind eine kleine Familie der Haie (Selachii) und gehören zur Ordnung der Makrelenhaiartigen (Lamniformes) |
lexicalization | deu: Sandhaie |
French | |
has gloss | fra: ... Odontaspididae est une famille de requin. Étymologie : du grec odous = « dent », aspis, -idos = « bouclier ». |
lexicalization | fra: Odontaspididae |
lexicalization | fra: Odontaspididé |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: Rendszerezés A családba az alábbi 2 nem és 3 faj tartozik: *Carcharias (Rafinesque, 1810) – 1 faj **homoki tigriscápa (Carcharias taurus) | |} *Odontaspis (Agassiz, 1838) – 2 faj **kisfogú homoki tigriscápa (Odontaspis ferox) **fekete homoki tigriscápa (Odontaspis noronhai) |
lexicalization | hun: Tigriscápafélék |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Gli Odontaspididae sono una famiglia di squali dell'ordine dei Lamniformes. |
lexicalization | ita: Odontaspididae |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Tijgerhaaien (Odontaspididae) vormen een familie van haaien uit de orde van Makreelhaaien (Lamniformes). Deze familie moet niet worden verward met die van de tijgerhaai (Galeocerdo cuvier) die behoort tot de familie van Carcharhinidae. Ze worden aangetroffen aan beiden zijden van de Atlantische kust, maar voornamelijk treft men ze aan in het westen van de Indische Oceaan en in de Golf van Maine. Er zijn in totaal 4 soorten in twee geslachten. |
lexicalization | nld: tijgerhaaien |
lexicalization | nld: Tijgerhaai |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Tawroszowate (Odontaspididae) – rodzina ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych z rzędu lamnokształtnych. |
lexicalization | pol: Tawroszowate |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: Odontaspididae |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: Odontaspididae |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 錐齒鯊(學名Odontaspididae或Carchariidae),是鼠鯊目下的一科鯊魚。牠們主要分佈在大西洋的兩岸、西印度洋及緬因灣。這個科下共有2屬及4個物種。 |
lexicalization | zho: 锥齿鲨 |
Media | |
media:img | Grey Nurse Shark at Fish Rock Cave, NSW.jpg |
media:img | Odontaspis ferox (Smalltooth sand tiger).gif |
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