Information | |
has gloss | (noun) nurse sharks and carpet sharks family Orectolobidae, Orectolobidae |
has gloss | eng: Wobbegong is the common name given to the 11 species of carpet sharks in the family Orectolobidae. They are found in shallow temperate and tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean, chiefly around Australia and Indonesia, although one species (the Japanese wobbegong, Orectolobus japonicus) occurs as far north as Japan. The word wobbegong is believed to come from an Australian Aboriginal language, meaning "shaggy beard", referring to the growths around the mouth of the shark of the western Pacific. |
lexicalization | eng: family Orectolobidae |
lexicalization | eng: Orectolobidae |
lexicalization | eng: wobbegong |
subclass of | (noun) any of various families of fish fish family |
Meaning | |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Teppichhaie oder Wobbegongs (Orectolobidae) sind eine Familie der Haie. Sie sind nahe Verwandte der Ammenhaie (Ginglymostomatidae) und der Walhaie (Rhincodontidae). |
lexicalization | deu: Teppichhaie |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Partahait (Orectolobidae) on partahaikalojen lahkoon kuuluva indopasifisen merialueen kalaheimo. Partahait jaetaan kolmeen sukuun, joista tunnetaan yhteensä 11 lajia. Suurin lajeista on täpläpartahai (Orectolobus maculatus), joka kasvaa yli kolmen metrin pituseksi. |
lexicalization | fin: Partahait |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Les requins-tapis ou Orectolobidae sont des requins vivant en milieu benthique. |
lexicalization | fra: Orectolobidae |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Gli Orectolobidae Gill, 1896 sono una famiglia di squali dell'ordine Orectolobiformes. A volte sono chiamati squali tappeto. |
lexicalization | ita: Orectolobidae |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Ūsuotrykliai (, , ) – ūsuotųjų ryklių (Orectolobiformes) šeima. Paplitę Indijos ir Ramiojo vandenynų subtropinio ir tropinio klimato srityse. Dydis – iki 3,2 m ilgio. |
lexicalization | lit: Ūsuotrykliai |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Wobbegongs, ook wel bakerhaaien genoemd, (Orectolobidae) zijn een haaienfamilie die herkend kunnen worden aan de huidkleppen rond de snuit en het distinctieve kleurenpatroon van donkere zadels en witte ringen op een geel aan groenachtig-bruine achtergrond. De grootste soort uit de familie breikt een lengte van ongeveer 3 meter. De kleinere bereiken een lengte van een halve meter. |
lexicalization | nld: Wobbegongs |
lexicalization | nld: Wobbegong |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Orectolobidae – rodzina ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych z rzędu dywanokształtnych (Orectolobiformes). |
lexicalization | pol: Orectolobidae |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Orectolobidae é uma família de tubarões da ordem Orectolobiformes, constituida por oito espécies. Podem ser encontrados em águas tropicais e temperadas pouco profundas do Oceano Pacífico ocidental e Oceano Índico oriental, principalmente na Austrália e Indonésia, apesar de uma espécie, Orectolobus japonicus, ocorrer tão a norte como no Japão. |
lexicalization | por: Orectolobidae |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Los orectolóbidos (Orectolobidae) son una familia de elasmobranquios selacimorfos del orden Orectolobiformes que habitan en el Pacífico occidental. |
lexicalization | spa: Orectolobidae |
Serbian | |
has gloss | srp: Ћилим ајкуле су врсте ајкула које припадају породици (-Orectolobidae}-). |
lexicalization | srp: Ћилим ајкуле |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 鬚鯊科(學名Orectolobidae)是鬚鮫目中鬚鮫亞目的其中一科。鬚鯊生活在西太平洋和东印度洋热带温和的浅水中,主要在澳大利亚和印度尼西亚水域中,一个种也生活在日本海域中(日本鬚鯊,Orectolobus japonicus)。 |
lexicalization | zho: 鬚鯊科 |
Media | |
media:img | Wobbegong.jpg |
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