Information | |
has gloss | (noun) formerly the basic unit of money in Luxembourg Luxembourg franc |
has gloss | eng: The Luxembourg Franc was the type of currency used in Luxembourg from 1848 to 1999. Belgium was another country that used the Luxembourg Franc. The symbol for the Luxembourg Franc is fr. or F. On January 1, 1999, the Luxembourg Franc was replaced by the Euro (€). 1 Euro is equal to about 40 Luxembourg Francs. |
has gloss | eng: The Luxembourgish franc (, , ) was the currency of Luxembourg between 1854 and 1999 (except during the period 1941-44). The franc remained in circulation until 2002, when it was replaced by the euro. During the period 1999–2002, the franc was officially a subdivision of the euro (1 euro = 40.3399 francs) but the euro did not circulate. Under the principle of "no obligation and no prohibition", financial transactions could be conducted in Euros and Francs, but physical payments could only be made in Francs, as Euro notes and coins were not available yet. |
lexicalization | eng: Luxembourg franc |
lexicalization | eng: Luxembourgish franc |
subclass of | (noun) the basic monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 centimes franc |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: El franc luxemburguès (en luxemburguès Lëtzebuerger Frang, en francès franc luxembourgeois, en alemany Luxemburger Franken) és lantiga moneda de Luxemburg, que va ser introduïda el 1854, substituïda per leuro l1 de gener del 1999 i desapareguda definitivament de la circulació el 28 de febrer del 2002, a una taxa de canvi d1 euro per 40,3399 francs luxemburguesos. |
lexicalization | cat: franc luxemburguès |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Lucemburský frank ( Lëtzebuerger Frang, franc Luxembourgeois, Luxemburger Franken) byl oficiální měnou Lucemburského velkovévodství. Jeho ISO 4217 kód byl LUF. Jedna setina franku se nazývala cent. |
lexicalization | ces: Lucemburský frank |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Der luxemburgische Franc ist die ehemalige Währungseinheit Luxemburgs. Auf Deutsch wurde er auch Franken genannt, auf Luxemburgisch heißt er Frang. |
lexicalization | deu: Luxemburgischer Franc |
lexicalization | deu: Luxemburgischer Franken |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: luksemburga franko |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Luxemburgin frangi, valuuttatunnukseltaan LUF, oli Luxemburgin rahayksikkö ennen vuonna 2002 tapahtunutta euron käyttöönottoa. |
lexicalization | fin: Luxemburgin frangi |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le franc luxembourgeois (LUF) est l’ancienne unité monétaire du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg jusqu’au , date à laquelle il a perdu son cours légal. |
lexicalization | fra: franc |
lexicalization | fra: franc luxembourgeois |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il franco lussemburghese è stato la valuta del Lussemburgo dal 1848 al 1999 (eccetto durante il periodo 1940-1944). Il franco è rimasto in circolazione fino al 1999, quando è stato sostituito dall'euro. Un franco era diviso in 100 centesimi (centimes). |
lexicalization | ita: franco lussemburghese |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: ルクセンブルク・フラン( )は、1854年から1999年(1941年から1944年を除く)にかけて使用されていたルクセンブルクの通貨。硬貨・紙幣はユーロに切り替えられる2002年まで流通していた。1999年から2002年の間はユーロ硬貨・紙幣が発行されておらず、フランはユーロに対して1ユーロ = 40.3399フランで計算されていた。またフランのの補助単位としてサンチーム( )が使われていた。 |
lexicalization | jpn: ルクセンブルク・フラン |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: ფრანკი |
lexicalization | kat: ლუქსემბურგული ფრანკი |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 룩셈부르크 프랑은 룩셈부르크의 1884년부터 1999년까지 (1941년에서 1944년까지 제외한 기간) 통화였다. 2002년까지 쓰이다가 유로로 대체되었다. 1999-2002년은 화폐 혼용기로서 룩셈부르크 내에서 유로와 자국의 프랑이 함께 쓰였으며 공식적으로 1 유로 = 40.3399 프랑이었지만 유로화가 통용되지 않아 골머리를 앓았던 적도 있다. |
lexicalization | kor: 룩셈부르크 프랑 |
Letzeburgesch | |
has gloss | ltz: De Lëtzebuerger Frang war zu Lëtzebuerg déi offiziell Währung bis zum Zäitpunkt, wou den Euro agefouert gouf. |
lexicalization | ltz: Lëtzebuerger Frang |
lexicalization | ltz: Frang |
Macedonian | |
has gloss | mkd: Луксембуршкиот франк е валута применувана во Луксембург до 1999 година, кога настапило еврото како главна валута во Европа. Луксембуршкиот франк се употребувал и по првата независност на Луксембург. |
lexicalization | mkd: Луксембуршки франк |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De Luxemburgse frank is een voormalige munteenheid van het Groothertogdom Luxemburg met als ISO 4217 code: LUF. |
lexicalization | nld: Luxemburgse frank |
lexicalization | nld: Luxemburgische frank |
Norwegian Nynorsk | |
has gloss | nno: Luxembourgsk franc var mynteininga åt Luxembourg før euroen vart innført i 2002. Den har ISO-4217-koden LUF. |
lexicalization | nno: Luxembourgsk franc |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Luxembourg franc var myntenheten i Luxembourg mellom 1854 og 2002 (med unntak av perioden 1941-1944). 1 Luxembourg franc var inndelt i 100 cent. |
lexicalization | nor: Luxembourgsk franc |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Frank luksemburski, jednostka monetarna Luksemburga, będąca w obiegu w latach 1854-2002, zastąpiona przez euro |
lexicalization | pol: Frank luksemburski |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O franco luxemburguês era a moeda adotada no Luxemburgo antes da substituição pelo euro. |
lexicalization | por: Franco luxemburguês |
Moldavian | |
has gloss | ron: Franc luxemburghez a fost unitatea monetară oficială a Luxemburgului. A fost înlocuit în 2002 cu euro. |
lexicalization | ron: Franc luxemburghez |
Slovak | |
has gloss | slk: Luxemburský frank bola mena používaná v Luxembursku. 1. januára 2002 bola nahradená eurom. |
lexicalization | slk: Luxemburský frank |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: El franco luxemburgués era la moneda de curso oficial en Luxemburgo antes de la sustitución por el euro el 1 de enero de 2002. Un franco luxemburgués se dividía en 100 céntimos. El código ISO 4217 para esta unidad monetaria es LUF. |
lexicalization | spa: Franco luxemburgues |
lexicalization | spa: franco luxemburgués |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Luxemburg franc (FLux - Lëtzebuerger Frang) var den valuta som användes i Luxemburg fram till införandet av euron 2002. Valutakoden var LUF. 1 Franc var = 100 centimes. |
lexicalization | swe: Luxemburg franc |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Lüksemburg frangı 1854ten 1999a kadar Lüksemburg'ta kullanılan para birimidir. |
lexicalization | tur: Lüksemburg frangı |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 盧森堡法郎 (法語, ;) 是盧森堡在1854年到1999年期間的流通貨幣(不含1941到1944年期間)。輔幣單位為分,1法郎=100分。1歐元=40.3399盧森堡法郎。 |
lexicalization | zho: 盧森堡法郎 |
Media | |
media:img | Centfrancs.jpg |
media:img | Flag of Europe.svg |
media:img | Frang1.jpg |
media:img | Frang2.jpg |
media:img | LUX-1000f-anv.jpg |
media:img | LUX-1000f-rev.jpg |
media:img | LUX-100f-anv.jpg |
media:img | LUX-100f-rev.jpg |
media:img | LUX-1f.jpg |
media:img | LUX-20f1.jpg |
media:img | LUX-20f2.jpg |
media:img | LUX-5000f-anv.jpg |
media:img | LUX-5000f-rev.jpg |
media:img | LUX-50f1.jpg |
media:img | LUX-50f2.jpg |
media:img | LUX-5f1.jpg |
media:img | LUX-5f2.jpg |
media:img | Lussemburgo 5 franchi.JPG |
media:img | Lux-Franc.jpg |
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