Information | |
has gloss | (noun) fungus similar to Amanita phalloides Amanita verna, destroying angel |
has gloss | eng: Amanita verna, commonly known as the fool's mushroom or the mushroom fool, is a poisonous basidiomycete fungus, one of many in the genus Amanita. Occurring in Europe in spring, A. verna associates with various deciduous and coniferous trees. The large fruiting bodies (i.e., the mushrooms) appear in summer and autumn; the caps, stipes and gills are all white in colour. |
lexicalization | eng: Amanita verna |
lexicalization | eng: destroying angel |
subclass of | (noun) a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside agaric |
Meaning | |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Der Frühlings-Knollenblätterpilz (Amanita verna) ist ein Giftpilz, der ebenso wie der Grüne Knollenblätterpilz tödlich giftig ist. |
lexicalization | deu: Frühlings-Knollenblätterpilz |
lexicalization | deu: Frühlingsknollenblätterpilz |
Finnish | |
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lexicalization | fin: valkokärpässieni |
French | |
has gloss | fra: L'amanite printanière (Amanita verna), parfois appelée « oronge cigüe blanche », est un champignon basidiomycète de la famille des amanitacées. |
lexicalization | fra: amanite printanière |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: A fehér galóca (Amanita verna) a kalaposgombák rendjén belül a galócafélék családjába tartozó Amanita nemzetség egyik halálosan mérgező, Magyarországon is elterjedt gombája. |
lexicalization | hun: Fehér galóca |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Amanita verna (Bull.:Fr.) Lamarck |
lexicalization | ita: Amanita verna |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De vroege knolamaniet (Amanita verna, synoniem: Amanita phalloides var. verna) is een schimmel uit de familie Amanitaceae. De schimmel wordt ook voorjaarsamaniet genoemd. Het is een dodelijk giftige paddenstoel waarvan de gifstoffen amatoxine en phallotoxine de lever aantasten. Amatoxine is een groep van tenminste acht verbindingen, waarvan alfa-amanitine de meest toxische is. |
lexicalization | nld: Vroege knolamaniet |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: __NOTOC__ Muchomor wiosenny (Amanita verna (Bull.) Lam. ) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny muchomorowatych (Amanitaceae). Charakterystyka Gatunek ten jest podobny do muchomora sromotnikowego (Amanita phalloides) i w niektórych publikacjach klasyfikowany jest jako jego odmiana wiosenna: Amanita phalloides var. verna . |
lexicalization | pol: Muchomor wiosenny |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Мухомо́р весе́нний — гриб семейства Аманитовые (Amanitaceae). Иногда считается разновидностью бледной поганки Научные синонимы : * * * Русские синонимы: * Мухомор белый * Весенняя поганка |
lexicalization | rus: Мухомор весенний |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Amanita verna, Amanitaceae familyasından çok zehirli bir mantar türü. Bu tür özellikle Avrupa'da bahar aylarından belirmektedir. Bu mantar, çok yıllık bitkilerle veya tek yıllık bitkilerle ortakyaşam içine girebilir. |
lexicalization | tur: Amanita verna |
Media | |
media:img | 100 6289.JPG |
media:img | Amanita verna-02.jpg |
media:img | Hazard T.svg |
media:img | Toxic.png |
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