Information | |
has gloss | (noun) (Old Testament) the Philistine mistress of Samson who betrayed him by cutting off his hair and so deprived him of his strength Delilah |
has gloss | eng: Delilah (דלילה - Dlila, Standard Hebrew meaning "[One who] weakened or uprooted or impoverished" from the root dal meaning "weak or poor") appears only in the Hebrew bible Book of Judges 16, where she is the "woman in the valley of Sorek" whom Samson loved, and who was his downfall. Her figure, one of several dangerous temptresses in the Hebrew bible, has become emblematic: "Samson loved Delilah, she betrayed him, and, what is worse, she did it for money", Madlyn Kahr begins her study of the Delilah motif in European painting. |
lexicalization | eng: Delilah |
instance of | (noun) an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man kept woman, fancy woman, mistress |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: دليلة فتاة فلسطينية من نبلاء القوم، تمكنت من القضاء على القاضي اليهودي شمشون ، حيت قصت له شعره وهو سر قوته فنفذ أول عملية انتحارية مدونة في التاريخ بتدمير المعبد على رؤوس المتواجدين فيه. |
lexicalization | ara: دليلة |
Catalan | |
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lexicalization | cat: Delilah |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Delíla (také časté v anglické variantě Delilah nebo ve starší české Dalila) je ženské rodné jméno. |
lexicalization | ces: Delíla |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: Dà lì la |
lexicalization | cmn: 大利拉 |
Danish | |
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lexicalization | dan: Dalila |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Delila (von hebr. „dal“: charakterschwach, arm. Andere Erklärungsversuche bringen den Namen in Verbindung mit Worten wie „dala“ oder „dalal“ was so viel bedeutet wie „Flirt“ bzw. „Verwöhnung“ ), auch Delilah oder Dalila, ist eine durch das Alte Testament der Bibel überlieferte philistinische Frau, die den als unbezwingbar geltenden israelitischen Richter Samson (oder Shimshon/Simson) verriet und seinen Feinden auslieferte. |
lexicalization | deu: Delila |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
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lexicalization | ell: Δαλιδά |
Finnish | |
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lexicalization | fin: Delila |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Dalila (en hébreu: דלילה, nom signifiant faible ou indicatrice) est lun des personnages féminins de la Bible. Elle emploie ses charmes à soutirer le secret de sa force à Samson qui laime. Le récit biblique se trouve dans le Livre des Juges, au chapitre 16. |
lexicalization | fra: Dalila |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: דלילה היא דמות תנכ"ית המופיעה בספר שופטים, בפרק ט"ז. |
lexicalization | heb: דלילה |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: A Delila héber eredetű női név (דְּלִילָה Delílá), jelentése: epedő, sóvárgó vagy lenyűgöző, pompás, vagy finom, gyenge. __NOTOC__ |
lexicalization | hun: Delila |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Dalila è un nome proprio di persona italiano femminile. |
lexicalization | ita: Dalila |
Latin | |
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lexicalization | lat: Dalila |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Delila is een persoon die genoemd wordt in het Hebreeuwse Bijbelboek Richteren en in de Koran onder een ietwat andere naam. Delila was de tweede vrouw van Simson, ook wel bekend als Samson. |
lexicalization | nld: Delila |
Norwegian | |
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lexicalization | nor: Dalila |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Dalila – imię żeńskie pochodzenia biblijnego. Dalila imieniny obchodzi 21 lipca. |
lexicalization | pol: Dalila |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Dalila uma gata famosa no bairro de são paulo de classe media, conhecida até hoje por aparecer nas casas com um rato na boca.Ela aparenta uma gata femea adulta. Dis a lenda que ela não teve filhotes mas sempre era vista procurando algo. DE acordo com a lenda ela é da raça mau-egipso com olhos verdes que brilhava a noite |
lexicalization | por: Dalila |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Далила (в Синодальном переводе Далида; ок. XII век до н. э., ) — в Ветхом Завете женщина-филистимлянка, обольстившая и предавшая Самсона. Её имя стало синонимом предательницы. |
lexicalization | rus: Далила |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Dalila (en hebreo דְּלִילָה, ‘(la que) debilitó’, ‘desarraigó’ o ‘empobreció’, de la raíz dal, ‘débil’ o ‘pobre’) era la «mujer en el valle de Soreq» a la que amó Sansón y que fue su perdición en el bíblico Libro de los Jueces (capítulo 16). |
lexicalization | spa: Dalila |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Delila var i hebreisk mytologi den förföriska kvinna som klippte av hjälten Simsons hår, så att han förlorade sin styrka. |
lexicalization | swe: Delila |
Media | |
media:img | Anthonis van Dyck 052.jpg |
media:img | Anthonis van Dyck 052b.jpg |
media:img | Artus Quellinus-S%2BD-1640-Mutter Erde fec.jpg |
media:img | Artus Quellinus-S+D-1640-Mutter Erde fec.jpg |
media:img | Delila schert Simson die Haare.jpg |
media:img | Francesco Morone 001.jpg |
media:img | Samson delilah.JPG |
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