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has glosseng: It appears to form an independent branch of the Tibeto-Burman languages. Spoken Tshangla is found scattered throughout eastern himalayan ridges,most of the Tshangla populace live in Eastern Bhutan where they formed an overwhelming major ethic group of the country probably accounting for 25-30% of the total population. Scatterred Tshangla speakers can also be found in neigbouring countries with different names,in Indian state of Arunachanl Pradesh they are called Kalaktang Monpa where as about 10,000-12,000 Tshanla speaking people are also live in Pemako region of Tibet(China)/India.
has glosseng: Tshangla or Sharchopkh is the language of the Sharchops, the plurality ethnicity of Bhutan and the principal pre-Tibetan (pre-Dzongkha) peoples of that country.
lexicalizationeng: Tshangla language
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has glossbre: Ur yezh sinek-tibetek eus is-skourr ar Yezhoù tchanglaek eo an tchanglaeg (tshangla, sangla, menba pe monpa) komzet e Boutan (138.000 den e 1993), e Sina (7.000 den e 1967) hag en India
lexicalizationbre: Tchanglaeg
has glossfra: Le tshangla est une langue tibéto-birmane parlée au Bhoutan par environ personnes. Des locuteurs sont aussi présents en nombre beaucoup plus réduit en Inde, dans lÉtat de lArunachal Pradesh et en Chine, au Tibet.
lexicalizationfra: tshangla
has glossglv: She çhengey Tibetagh-Burmagh ee Tshanglaish (Tshanglaish: Tshangla, Tibetish: ), as ish mastey çhengaghyn smoo yn Vutaan. T'ee goll er loayrt ayns Pemakö ayns Tibet myrgeddin. She çhengey ny sleih Sharchop ee, as adsyn pobble smoo yn Vutaan as ard-phobbyl roie-Tibetagh (roie-Dzongkha) Hibet.
lexicalizationglv: Tshanglaish
has glossita: La lingua Tshangla o Sharchopkh è la lingua degli Sharchops, una pluralità di etnie del Buthan e dei principali popoli pre-tibetani del paese. Forma un ramo indipendente delle lingue Tibeto-Birmane.
lexicalizationita: Lingua Tshangla
has glosslat: Lingua Tsangla ad Linguas Tibeto-Birmanas familiae Sinotibetanae pertinet. In Bhutan adhibetur.
lexicalizationlat: Lingua Tsangla
has glosspms: Pais an dova a lé parlà La lenga Tshangla o Tshangla a fa part dle lenghe sino-tibetan-e e a lé parlà specialment an Bhutan.
lexicalizationpms: lenga Tshangla
has glosspol: Tshangla, (również sharchopkha dzongkha: dosłownie język wschodnich ludzi) - język używany przez bhutańsko-hinduski lud Sharchop we wschodnich dystryktach Bhutanu, głównie w dystrykcie Trashigang. Łącznie mówi nim ponad 170 000 ludzi. Jest to dialekt dzongkha z licznymi naleciałościami z języków indyjskich i nepalskiego, klasyfikowany jako odrębny język z grupy języków tybetańskich.
lexicalizationpol: tshangla
has glosszho: 仓洛语,又称仓拉语、仓洛门巴语、墨脱门巴语,是藏缅语族的一种语言,主要分布在不丹东部和东南部(尤其是塔希冈宗和萨姆德鲁琼卡尔宗),也分布在西藏自治区墨脱县部分地区和林芝县东久地区。约有14万人使用。说仓洛语的人自称仓洛。中国把仓洛人识别为门巴族。
lexicalizationzho: 仓洛语
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