e/Spanish conquest of Yucatán

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has glosseng: The Spanish Conquest of Yucatán was the campaign undertaken by the Spanish conquistadores against the Late Postclassic Maya states. This part of the conquest and colonization of the Americas began in the early 16th century, but it took more time than the similar campaigns against the Aztec and Inca Empires. It was about 170 years later before the last Maya stronghold fell, that of the Itza capital of Tayasal on Lake Petén Itzá, in 1697. But except for the Petén region and the Guatemalan highlands, the Spanish had control over Yucatán itself already by 1546.
has glosseng: The Spanish conquest of Yucatán was the campaign undertaken by the Spanish conquistadores against the Late Postclassic Maya states and polities, particularly in the northern and central Yucatán Peninsula but also involving the Maya polities of the Guatemalan highlands region. This episode in the conquest and colonization of the Americas began in the early 16th century, but was a more difficult and lengthier exercise in subjugation than the equivalent campaigns against the Aztec and Inca Empires. It would take some 170 years and the help of the Xiu Maya before the last recognized Maya stronghold fell, that of the Itza capital of Tayasal on Lake Petén Itzá, in 1697. However, except for the Petén region and the Guatemalan highlands, Spanish control over Yucatán itself was effectively in place by 1546.
lexicalizationeng: Spanish colonization of the Yucatan
lexicalizationeng: Spanish colonization of the Yucatán
lexicalizationeng: Spanish conquest of the Yucatan
lexicalizationeng: Spanish conquest of the Yucatán
lexicalizationeng: Spanish conquest of Yucatan
lexicalizationeng: Spanish conquest of Yucatán
instance ofe/Maya peoples
has glossdan: Spaniens erobring af Yucatán var et langt og kompliceret forløb som tog mere 170 år at gennemføre. Maya-folket havde ikke en enkelt hersker (som Perus inkaer), men boede i stedet i mange uafhængige stater, hvoraf nogle kæmpede indædt mod fremmed dominering. Desuden havde området hverken guld eller sølv, bortset fra små mængder som man havde handlet sig til, hvorfor mange spanske conquistadorer i stedet var tiltrukket af det centrale Mexico eller Peru, der så ud til at tilbyde hurtigere og lettere tilgængelige rigdomme.
lexicalizationdan: Spaniens erobring af Yucatán
has glossfra: La conquête du Yucatan par les Espagnols sétend de 1523 à 1547. À cette date, lessentiel des tribus mayas est conquise ou soumise. Trois campagnes espagnoles et une révolte de plusieurs cités divisent la période.
lexicalizationfra: Conquête espagnole du Yucatan
has glossita: La conquista spagnola dello Yucatán fu una campagna militare condotta dai conquistadores spagnoli nei confronti dei popoli Maya tardo-postclassici, soprattutto nella penisola dello Yucatán centro-settentrionale ma anche sulle alture del Guatemala. Questa parte della colonizzazione delle Americhe iniziò nel XVI secolo, ma si sarebbe dimostrata più dura e lunga delle equivalenti campagne contro Aztechi ed Inca. Ci vollero 170 anni e laiuto degli Xiu Maya prima della caduta dellultima roccaforte Maya, ovvero di Itza, capitale dei Tayasal sul Lago Petén Itzá, nel 1697. A parte la regione di Petén e le alture del Guatemala, il controllo spagnolo dello Yucatán si considera completato nel 1546.
lexicalizationita: Conquista spagnola dello Yucatan
lexicalizationita: Conquista spagnola dello Yucatán
has glossmkd: Шпанската колонизација на Јукатан била кампања предводена од шпанските конкистадори против мајанските држави и градови, особено против Маите во северен и централен Јукатан, денес во Мексико. Покрај нив била нападнати и Маите во територијата денс позната како Гветамала. Овие напади и шпанската колонизација започнала во 16 век, но потешкотии имале не со мајанската цивилизација, туку со Ацтеките и Инките. Битките помеѓу Маите и Шпанците траеле 170 години.
lexicalizationmkd: Шпанска колонизација на Јукатан
lexicalizationpor: Conquista do iucatã
has glossspa: La Conquista de Yucatán fue la campaña realizada por el Imperio español en América contra los últimos estados mayas en los territorios septentrionales y centrales de la Península de Yucatán, y que también involucraron a parte de Guatemala. Este episodio de la conquista y colonización hispánica en América, se inició a principios del siglo XVI, y el control sobre la mayor parte de Yucatán se completó en 1546. La conquista de los mayas se completó en 1697, cuando los españoles tomaron Tayasal, en lo que ahora es Petén (Guatemala).
lexicalizationspa: Conquista de Yucatan
lexicalizationspa: conquista de Yucatán
has glosssrp: Шпанско освајање Јукатана представља освајање које су предузели шпански конкистадори против касних посткласичних држава и ентитета цивилизације Маја. Посебно се радило о северном и централном Јукатану, али и ентитетима са гватемалских планина. Освајање је трајало 170 година.
lexicalizationsrp: Шпанско освајање Јукатана
media:imgAh Canul.jpg
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media:imgCasa del Gobernador in Uxmal von Frederick Catherwood.jpg
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media:imgChichen Itza ruins in Mexico -- by John Romkey.jpg
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media:imgKukulcan, Chichén Itzá.jpg
media:imgMaya Auch 2.jpg
media:imgMerida - Fresken Pacheco 5 Maya gegen Conquistador.jpg
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media:imgMurales Rivera - Ausbeutung durch die Spanier 1.jpg
media:imgMurales Rivera - Treppenhaus 9 Bücherverbrennung.jpg
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media:imgTemple of the Warriors Chichen Itza 01.JPG
media:imgTulum (WolfgangM 2005).jpg
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media:imgYucatan peninsula 250m.jpg


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