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has glosseng: Herpetophobia is a common specific phobia, which consists of fear or aversion to reptiles, commonly lizards and snakes, and similar vertebrates as amphibians. It is one of the most diffused animal phobias, very similar and related to ophidiophobia, specific for snakes. This condition causes a slight to severe emotional reaction, as for exemple anxiety, panic attack or most commonly nausea.
lexicalizationeng: Herpetophobia
instance of(noun) an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias"
phobic disorder, phobic neurosis, phobia
has glossbul: Херпетофобия е обща специфична фобия, която се състои в страх или отвращение от влечуги, най-вече гущери и змии и подобни гръбначни като земноводни. Тя е една от най-разпространените животински фобии, много подобна и свързана с офидиофобията, специфично за змии. Това състояние предизвика от леки до тежки емоционални реакции, например тревожност, паническа атака и най-общо гадене.
lexicalizationbul: Херпетофобия
has glossnld: Herpetofobie (Grieks: herpeton = kruipend dier en fobie = angst) is een specifieke fobie, de angst voor reptielen, amfibieën en andere vergelijkbare dieren. Een bijzonder geval ervan vormt Ophidiofobie, vrees voor slangen, wat soms ook met de algemenere term herpetofobie wordt aangeduid. De vrees voor reptielen in het algemeen en voor slangen in het bijzonder lijkt fundamenteel en overgeërfd uit de tijd toen slangen en andere reptielen een wezenlijke bedreiging voor het bestaan van mensen vormden.
lexicalizationnld: Herpetofobie
has glosspor: A Herpetofobia (herpeton grego = inclinar e phobia = medo) é uma fobia específica, o medo de répteis, anfíbios ou outros animais semelhantes.
lexicalizationpor: Herpetofobia
media:imgLizard raspy.jpg


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