e/Gaius Claudius Centho

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has glosseng: Gaius Claudius Centho (or Cento) was a 3rd century BCE member of a prominent and wealthy patrician Roman Republic family. He was the third son of Appius Claudius Caecus, and a member of the Claudii. He was consul in the year 240 BCE. . He was Roman censor in 225, interrex in 217 and Roman dictator in 213.
lexicalizationeng: Gaius Claudius Centho
instance of(noun) the ancient Roman state from 509 BC until Augustus assumed power in 27 BC; was governed by an elected Senate but dissatisfaction with the Senate led to civil wars that culminated in a brief dictatorship by Julius Caesar
Roman Republic
has glossbul: Гай Клавдий Центон (Gaius Claudius Centho) e политик на Римската република през 3 век пр.н.е.
lexicalizationbul: Гай Клавдий Центон
has glosscat: Gai Claudi Centó ( o ) fou fill d’Appi Claudi Cec. Fou cònsol de Roma el , censor el , interrei el i dictador el .
lexicalizationcat: Gai Claudi Centó
has glosshbs: Gaj Klaudije Cento (Gaius Claudius Centho ili Gaius Claudius Cento, 3. vijek pne.) bio je rimski političar i pripadnik znamenite patricijske porodice Klaudijevaca. Bio je treći sin znamenitog konzul Apija Klaudija Slijepog. Godine 240. pne. je služio kao konzul. . Godine 225. pne. je služio kao cenzor, godine 217. pne. kao interrex te kao diktator godine 213. pne.
lexicalizationhbs: Gaj Klaudije Cento
has glossjpn: ガイウス・クラウディウス(Gaius Claudius)は、紀元前4世紀のパトリキ系の元老院議員。父はアッピウス・クラウディウス・カエクス。息子はアッピウス・クラウディウス・カウデクス。
lexicalizationjpn: ガイウス・クラウディウス
has glosspor: Caio Cláudio Cento foi um político e militar da República romana no Foi o terceiro filho de Ápio Cláudio o Censor, e membro da gens Claudia. Foi cônsul romano em , censor romano em , interrex em e ditador em
lexicalizationpor: Caio Cláudio Cento
has glossspa: Cayo Claudio Cento (en latín, Gaius Claudius Centho) fue un político y militar de la República romana en el siglo III a. C. Fue el tercer hijo de Apio Claudio Ceco, y miembro de la gens Claudia. Fue cónsul romano en 240 a. C., censor romano en 225 a. C., interrex en 217 a. C. y dictador en 213 a. C.
lexicalizationspa: Cayo Claudio Cento


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