Information | |
has gloss | eng: The Crown Prosecution Service, or CPS, is a non-ministerial department of the Government of the United Kingdom responsible for public prosecutions of people charged with criminal offences in England and Wales. Its role is similar to that of the longer-established Crown Office in Scotland, and the Public Prosecution Service in Northern Ireland. The CPS is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (currently Keir Starmer QC) who answers to the Attorney General for England and Wales (currently The Baroness Scotland of Asthal). |
lexicalization | eng: Crown Prosecution Service |
instance of | (noun) a government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state prosecuting officer, prosecutor, public prosecutor, prosecuting attorney |
Meaning | |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Das Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) ist eine nicht-ministerielle Regierungsorganisation für England und Wales, die direkt dem Parlament verantwortlich ist. Sie ist in 42 lokalen Bezirken organisiert, jeder Bezirk hat seinen eigenen Chief Crown Prosecutor. Der Leiter des Crown Prosecution Service (Director of Public Prosecution, DPP) ist dem Attorney General for England and Wales verantwortlich. |
lexicalization | deu: Crown Prosecution Service |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le Service des poursuites judiciaires de la Couronne (Crown Prosecution Service ou CPS) est un département non-ministériel du Royaume-Uni, qui est chargé avec les poursuites judiciaires en Angleterre et Pays de Galles. C'est le procureur. |
lexicalization | fra: Crown Prosecution Service |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) er påtalemyndigheten i England og Wales. Etaten ledes av en direktør (Director of Public Prosecutions) som er underlagt Attorney General for England and Wales. |
lexicalization | nor: Crown Prosecution Service |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Crown Prosecution Service (Koronna Służba Prokuratorska, CPS) - instytucja państwowa działająca w Anglii i Walii, pełniąca rolę oskarżyciela publicznego w sprawach karnych. Jest odpowiednikiem polskiej prokuratury, choć działa na nieco innych zasadach i ma odmienny zakres obowiązków. |
lexicalization | pol: Crown Prosecution Service |
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