Information | |
has gloss | eng: Corioli, an ancient Volscian city in Latium adiectum, taken, according to the Roman annals in 493 BC, with Longula and Polusca, and retaken (but see above) for the Volsci by Gaius Marcius Coriolanus, its original conqueror, who, in disgust at his treatment by his countrymen, had deserted to the enemy. After this it does not appear in history, and we hear soon afterwards (443 BC) of a dispute between Ardea and Aricia about some land which had been part of the territory of Corioli, but had at an unknown date passed to Rome with Corioli. The site is apparently to be sought in the N.W. portion of the district between the sea, the river Astura and the Alban Hills; but it cannot be more accurately fixed (the identification with Monte Giove, S. of the Vallericcia, rests on no sufficient evidence), and even in the time of Pliny the Elder it ranked among the lost cities of Latium. |
lexicalization | eng: Corioli |
instance of | (noun) an empire established by Augustus in 27 BC and divided in AD 395 into the Western Roman Empire and the eastern or Byzantine Empire; at its peak lands in Europe and Africa and Asia were ruled by ancient Rome Roman Empire |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: Corioli fou una antiga ciutat del Laci, lloc de naixement del famós Marcius Coriolanus (Marci Coriolà). |
lexicalization | cat: Corioli |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Corioli war eine volskische Stadt in Latium adiectum. |
lexicalization | deu: Corioli |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Corioles (latin : Corioli) est une ancienne ville volsque du Latium. |
lexicalization | fra: Corioles |
Serbo-Croatian | |
has gloss | hbs: Corioli je bio drevni volščanski grad u Laciju. Prvi put se spominje u rimskim ljetopisima koji navode kako ga je godine 493. pne., zajedno s Longulom i Polluscom zauzeo Gaj Marcije Koriolan. Međutim, kada su se sunarodnjaci prema njemu ružno ponijeli, Koriolan je prebjegao Volščanima i za njih ponovno osvojio grad. Nakon ovoga Corioli je nestao iz historije, a tek se 443. pne. spominje u zapisima o sporu oko Ardee i Aricije i to kao "teritorija koja je pripadala Corioliju", iz čega historičari zaključuju da je u međuvremenu konačno prešao u rimske ruke. |
lexicalization | hbs: Corioli |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Corioli è una località storica del Lazio, una antica cittadella dei Volsci, distrutta dai Romani nel 491 a.C., i cui resti sono stati identificati dai topografi nell'odierna località Monte Giove, presso Genzano di Roma . |
lexicalization | ita: Corioli |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Corioli antigua localidad del Lacio, una antigua ciudadela de la tribu de los volscos, destruida por la Roma en el 491 a. C. e identificada por el topógrafo Antonio Nibby con la actual localidad de Monte Giove, junto a Genzano di Roma. |
lexicalization | spa: Corioli |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Corioli var en antik volskisk stad i Latium adiectum, enligt de romerska annalerna erövrad 493 f.Kr., tillsammans med Longula och Pollusca, samt för volskernas räkning återtagen av Gaius Marcius Coriolanus, dess ursprunglige erövrare, som, i förakt mot hur hans landsmän behandlade honom, hade deserterat till fienden. Efter detta dyker den inte upp i historien mer, och några år senare (443 f.Kr.) omtalas en dispyt mellan Ardea och Aricia över en bit land, som skall ha tillhört Corioli, men vid okänt datum hade övergått i romerska händer tillsammans med Corioli. Platsen återfinns troligen i nordvästra delen av området mellan havet, floden Astura och Albanbergen; men den kan inte anges noggrannare (teorin att det skulle vara Monte Giove, söder om Valle Aricciana, vilar inte på tillräckliga bevis), och till och med under Plinius den äldres tid omnämndes den som en av Latiums förlorade städer. |
lexicalization | swe: Corioli |
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