lexicalization | eng: Standardized tests in the United States |
subclass of | e/Education in the United States |
| Note: 38 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/Alabama High School Graduation Exam |
has instance | e/Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery |
has instance | e/CLAS |
has instance | e/California Basic Educational Skills Test |
has instance | e/California High School Exit Exam |
has instance | e/California High School Proficiency Exam |
has instance | e/Connecticut Academic Performance Test |
has instance | e/Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests |
has instance | e/Defense Language Proficiency Tests |
has instance | e/Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test |
has instance | e/Fundamentals of Engineering exam |
has instance | e/General Securities Representative Exam |
has instance | e/High school graduation examination in the United States |
has instance | e/ISTEP |
has instance | e/Illinois Standards Achievement Test |
has instance | e/Independent School Entrance Examination |
has instance | e/List of standardized tests in the United States |
has instance | e/Louisiana Educational Assessment Program |
has instance | e/Maryland State Assessment |
has instance | e/Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System |
has instance | e/Michigan Educational Assessment Program |
has instance | e/Missouri Assessment Program |
has instance | e/New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge |
has instance | e/Ohio Graduation Test |
has instance | e/Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests |
has instance | e/PLAN test |
has instance | e/Pennsylvania System of School Assessment |
has instance | e/Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam |
has instance | e/Regents Examinations |
has instance | e/SAT calculator program |
has instance | e/Series 79 |
has instance | e/South Dakota State Test of Educational Progress |
has instance | e/Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing |
has instance | e/Standards of Learning |
has instance | e/Test of Economic Knowledge |
has instance | e/Texas Higher Education Assessment |
has instance | e/U S Postal Exams |
has instance | e/Uniform Combined State Law Exam |
has instance | e/West Virginia Educational Standards Test |
has instance | e/Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination |