lexicalization | eng: Bilinear forms |
subclass of | (noun) the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached" word form, descriptor, signifier, form |
has instance | e/Bilinear form |
has instance | e/Closed operator |
has instance | e/Definite bilinear form |
has instance | e/Degenerate form |
has instance | e/Hermitian adjoint |
has instance | e/Hermitian operator |
has instance | e/Isotropic quadratic form |
has instance | e/Orthogonal projection |
has instance | e/Sesquilinear form |
has instance | e/Symmetric bilinear form |
has instance | e/Symplectic geometry |
has instance | e/Symplectic vector space |
has instance | e/Unimodular form |
has instance | e/fr/Application transposee |
has instance | e/fr/Automorphisme orthogonal |
has instance | e/fr/Bilineaire |
has instance | e/fr/Bivecteur |
has instance | e/fr/Coercivité |
has instance | e/fr/Espace hermitien |
has instance | e/fr/Espace quadratique |
has instance | e/fr/Espace vectoriel euclidien |
has instance | e/fr/Forme bilinéaire non dégénérée |
has instance | e/fr/Matrice positive |
has instance | e/fr/Metrique riemannienne |
has instance | e/fr/Produit scalaire canonique |
has instance | e/fr/Réduction de Gauss |
has instance | e/fr/Theoreme de projection sur un convexe ferme |
has instance | e/zh/雙線性形式 |