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has gloss(noun) an officer in command of a military unit
commandant, commanding officer, commander
has glosseng: The commanding officer (CO) is the officer in command of a military unit. Typically, the commanding officer has ultimate authority over the unit, and is usually given wide latitude to run the unit as he sees fit, within the bounds of military law. In this respect, commanding officers have significant responsibilities (for example, the use of force, finances, equipment, the Geneva Conventions), duties (to higher authority, mission effectiveness, duty of care to personnel) and powers (for example, discipline and punishment of personnel within certain limits of military law).
lexicalizationeng: commandant
lexicalizationeng: commander
lexicalizationeng: Commanding Officer
subclass of(noun) any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command; "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men"
military officer, officer
Note: 19 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) (RAF rank) one who is next below a group captain
wing commander
has subclass(noun) commanding officer of ACLANT; a general of the United States Army nominated by the President of the United States and approved by the North Atlantic Council
SACLANT, Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
has subclassc/Ancient Greek garrison commanders
has subclassc/Army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/Austrian army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/British Army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/British commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
has subclassc/British naval commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/British naval commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
has subclassc/Cavalry commanders
has subclassc/Civil Air Patrol National Commanders
has subclassc/Commandants of the Corps of Cadets of the United States Military Academy
has subclassc/Commandants of the United States Army Command and General Staff College
has subclassc/Commandants of the United States Coast Guard
has subclassc/Commanders of Hong Kong
has subclassc/Commanders of Imperial Iranian Navy
has subclassc/Commanders of the California Republic
has subclassc/Commanders of the Fiji Military
has subclassc/Commanders of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
has subclassc/Danish army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/Danish military commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
has subclassc/Dutch army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/Dutch naval commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/Dutch naval commanders
has subclassc/Fictional lieutenant commanders
has subclassc/First Punic War commanders
has subclassc/French army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/French naval commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/French naval commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
has subclassc/German commanders at the Battle of Stalingrad
has subclassc/Iranian military commanders
has subclassc/Israel Army Radio commanders
has subclassc/Military commanders of the Napoleonic Wars by nationality
has subclassc/New Zealand commanders
has subclassc/Portuguese army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/Spanish army commanders in the War of the Spanish Succession
has subclassc/Spanish commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
has subclassc/Submarine commanders
has subclassc/Tank commanders
has subclassc/United States submarine commanders
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lexicalizationara: قائد
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has glosscat: Comandant és un terme genèric del camp de les forces armades i dels cossos policials que designa qui està al comandament duna unitat o posició, independentment del grau concret que ocupi. És per aquest motiu que a lExèrcit Roig soviètic, amb voluntat dabolir els graus militars, hom designava simplement comandant (komandir) tot militar que tingués comandament sobre altres, amb un qualificatiu indicant la funció concreta (la qual cosa, de fet, implicava rang); cert que en 1935 (amb culminació el 1943) lestalinisme restauraria la versió russa dels graus europeus tradicionals.
lexicalizationcat: comandant
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: sī ling
lexicalizationcmn: 司令
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Crimean Tatar
lexicalizationcrh: komendant
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has glossdeu: Der Commanding Officer (CO) (dt. wörtlich: kommandierender Offizier) ist in angelsächsischen Streitkräften der Offizier, der das Kommando über eine militärische Einheit, Einrichtung oder ein Schiff hat.
lexicalizationdeu: Kommandant
lexicalizationdeu: Kommandeur
lexicalizationdeu: Commanding Officer
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lexicalizationepo: komandanto
lexicalizationepo: majoro
lexicalizationepo: komandoro
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lexicalizationeus: komandante
lexicalizationfin: komendantti
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has glossfra: Le commandant est la position et le titre dun militaire qui a pour fonction le commandement dun navire ou dun aéronef ou encore dune unité, dune force ou dune opération quel que soit son grade. Le terme commandant sapplique également à la fonction et, généralement, à lappellation de la personne qui dirige un navire ou un aéronef civil ; on dira plus volontiers commandant de bord dans le cas d'un aéronef.
lexicalizationfra: commandant
lexicalizationfra: officier en charge
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lexicalizationhin: senApawi
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lexicalizationhrv: zapovjednik
lexicalizationhun: parancsnok
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lexicalizationhye: պարետ
lexicalizationhye: ռազմական ուսումնական հաստատությունների պետ
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lexicalizationind: komandan
lexicalizationita: comandante
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lexicalizationkor: 지휘관
lexicalizationkor: 사령관
lexicalizationkor: 부대 지휘관
lexicalizationkor: 부대장
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lexicalizationlav: komandieris
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Old Persian (ca. 600-400 B.C.)
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has glosspol: Dowódca (ang. commander) - stanowisko etatowe w wojsku, żołnierz stojący na czele rodzaju sił zbrojnych, związku taktycznego, oddziału lub pododdziału. Posiada określone prawa (wydawanie rozkazów oraz nadzór nad ich wykonawstwem). Jest organizatorem działań bojowych podległych wojsk (żołnierzy) oraz dowodzi nimi w czasie ich trwania.
lexicalizationpol: dowódca
lexicalizationpor: comandante
lexicalizationrus: командир
lexicalizationrus: начальник
lexicalizationrus: капитан
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has glosssqi: Komandanti është një udhëheqës i një misioni. operacioni apo veprimi të një grupi. Zakonisht si komandantë në grupet e strukturave të organizuara për dalim nga grupet shoqërore natyrore si udhëheqës të operacioneve zgjidhen personat që në ato struktura gjenden në një shkallë më të lartë se pjesëtarët tjerë të grupit.
lexicalizationsqi: Komandanti
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Swahili (macrolanguage)
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lexicalizationswe: befälhavare
lexicalizationtha: ผู้บังคับบัญชา
lexicalizationtha: ทหารผู้บัญชาการ
lexicalizationtha: ผู้บัญชาการ
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lexicalizationtur: komutan
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lexicalizationukr: командир
lexicalizationukr: начальник
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Classical Armenian
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has category(noun) the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
war machine, military machine, armed services, armed forces, military
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similare/Commanding officer


Word: (case sensitive)
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