Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a street in Manhattan noted for cheap hotels frequented by homeless derelicts Bowery |
has gloss | eng: The Bowery ( or ) is the name of a street and a small neighborhood in the southern portion of the New York City borough of Manhattan. The neighborhood's boundaries are East 4th Street and the East Village to the north, Canal Street and Chinatown to the South, Allen Street and the Lower East Side to the east and Bowery (the street) and Little Italy to the west. |
lexicalization | eng: Bowery, Manhattan |
lexicalization | eng: Bowery |
instance of | (noun) a thoroughfare (usually including sidewalks) that is lined with buildings; "they walked the streets of the small town"; "he lives on Nassau Street" street |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: Bowery és un cèlebre carrer del sud de Manhattan a New York, situada entre Chinatown i Little Italy que ha donat el seu nom al barri veí. Segueix el traçat de l'antiga carretera que porta a la granja de Pieter Stuyvesant i treu el seu nom de la paraula neerlandesa bouwerij, que significa granja. |
lexicalization | cat: Bowery |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Bowery ist eine im Süden von Manhattan (New York) gelegene Straße und deren Umgebung. Begrenzt wird das Gebiet durch die East 4th Street und das East Village im Norden, die Canal Street und Chinatown im Süden, durch die Allen Street und die Lower East Side im Osten sowie durch die Straße Bowery und Little Italy im Westen. Größere Straßenzüge, die die Bowery durchschneiden, sind neben der Canal Street die Delancey Street, an der die U-Bahn-Station Bowery liegt, sowie die Houston und die Bleecker Street. |
lexicalization | deu: Bowery |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La Bowery est une célèbre rue du sud de Manhattan à New York, située entre Chinatown et Little Italy qui a donné son nom au quartier alentours. Elle suit le tracé de l'ancienne route menant à la ferme de Pieter Stuyvesant et tire son nom du mot néerlandais bouwerij, qui signifie ferme. |
lexicalization | fra: Bowery |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: La Bowery Street, più comunemente detta “the Bowery”, è una celebre via della “circoscrizione” (borough) di Manhattan, a New York. Approssimativamente delimita i quartieri di Chinatown e Little Italy su un lato, mentre dall’altro il Lower East Side. |
lexicalization | ita: Bowery |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: バワリー(Bowery)は、ニューヨーク州のマンハッタンの南部にある地域である。北西にグリニッジ・ヴィレッジ、北にグラマシー、北東にアルファベット・シティ、西にノリータ、東にローワー・イースト・サイド、南西にトライベッカ、南にチャイナタウン、南東にコーポラティブ・ヴィレッジがある。 |
lexicalization | jpn: バワリー |
Georgian | |
has gloss | kat: ბოვერი, ასევე ბავრი (ინგლ. Bowery; IPA: /ˈbaʊɚi/ ან /ˈbaʊri/) — ქუჩისა და მცირე უბნის სახელი მანჰეტენის სამხრეთ ნაწილში, ქალაქ ნიუ-იორკში. უბნის საზღვრებია აღმოსავლეთის მე-4 ქუჩა და ისტ-ვილიჯი ჩრდილოეთით, კანალის ქუჩა და ჩაინატაუნი სამხრეთით, ალენის ქუჩა და ქვემო ისტ-საიდი აღმოსავლეთით და ბოვერი (ქუჩა) და პატარა იტალია დასავლეთით. |
lexicalization | kat: ბოვერი |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De Bowery is een bekende straat en buurt op Manhattan. De straat is eigenlijk de grens tussen Chinatown en Little Italy aan de ene kant en Lower East Side aan de andere kant, en loopt van Chatham Square in het zuiden tot Astor Place in het noorden. Deze plek was vroeger de plaats van de weg naar de boerderij van Peter Stuyvesant, en de naam stamt af van het oude woord voor boerderij, bouwerij. |
lexicalization | nld: Bowery |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Бауэри (Bowery) — первая транспортная магистраль Манхеттена, возникшая в XVII веке как дорога из Нового Амстердама на ферму (нид. bouwerij) губернатора Стёйвесанта. Он похоронен в здешней церкви св. Марка, которая приобрела свой нынешний облик в самом конце XVIII века. |
lexicalization | rus: Бауэри |
Slovak | |
has gloss | slk: Bowery je jedna z menších štvrtí na Južnom Manhattane. Zo severu ju ohraničuje East Houston Street, z východu hraničí so štvrťou Lower, kde ju ohraničuje Clinton Avenue, z juhu končí na Delancey Street, kde sa aj nachádza významné Tenementské múzeum a zo západu končí Bowery, ktorá sa neskôr, na Midtown Manhattane, mení na Fourth Avenue. |
lexicalization | slk: Bowery |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Bowery, célebre calle del sur de Manhattan en Nueva York, situada entre Chinatown y Little Italy que ha dado su nombre al barrio vecino. Sigue el trazado de la antigua carretera que lleva a la granja de Peter Stuyvesant y extrae su nombre de la palabra neerlandesa bouwerij, que significa granja. |
lexicalization | spa: Bowery, Manhattan |
lexicalization | spa: Bowery |
Links | |
part of | (noun) one of the five boroughs of New York City Manhattan |
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similar | e/Bowery (BMT Nassau Street Line) |
similar | e/Bowery (Manhattan) |
similar | e/Bowery |
Media | |
geo loc | geographic location 40.71989444444445 -73.99412777777778 |
media:img | AvalonBoweryPlace.jpg |
media:img | Best Deal on the Bowery.jpg |
media:img | Bowery Theatre, New York City.jpg |
media:img | Bowery ny 1895 louis sontag.jpg |
media:img | Bowery-Thalia Theatre.jpg |
media:img | BoweryPoetryClub.JPG |
media:img | East Village St Mark.jpg |
media:img | P1015644.JPG |
media:img | St Mark's Church - New York City.jpg |
media:img | Street Sleeper 8 by DS.JPG |
media:img | The Bowery around 1910.jpg |
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