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has gloss(noun) a special group delegated to consider some matter; "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle
committee, commission
has glosseng: A committee (some of which are titled instead as a "Commission", or other terms discussed below in ) is a type of small deliberative assembly that is usually intended to remain subordinate to another, larger deliberative assembly—which when organized so that action on committee requires a vote by all its entitled members, is called the "Committee of the Whole". Committees often serve several different functions: * Governance: in organizations considered too large for all the members to participate in decisions affecting the organization as a whole, a committee (such as a Board of Directors or "Executive Committee") is given the power to make decisions, spend money, or take actions. Some or all such powers may be limited or effectively unlimited. For example of the later case, the Board of directors can frequently enter into binding contracts and make decisions which once taken or made, can't be taken back or undone under the law.
lexicalizationeng: commission
lexicalizationeng: Committees
lexicalizationeng: committee
subclass of(noun) a unit with administrative responsibilities
administrative unit, administrative body
Note: 28 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) an independent and exclusive commission of nonpartisan statesmen and experts formed to investigate some important governmental issue
blue ribbon commission, blue ribbon committee
has subclass(noun) a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members"
has subclass(noun) a commission delegated to supervise an election
election commission
has subclass(noun) a commission delegated to ensure opportunities for the expression of opposing views
fairness commission
has subclass(noun) a subset of committee members organized for a specific purpose
has subclass(noun) a permanent committee
standing committee
has subclass(noun) a committee appointed to consider ethical issues
ethics committee, ethics panel
has subclass(noun) a committee appointed to consider financial issues
finance committee
has subclass(noun) committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates
PAC, political action committee
has subclass(noun) a commission delegated to supervise the zoning of areas for residential or commercial use
zoning commission
has subclassc/10 Sectoral Cluster Committees of the ECOSOCC
has subclassc/Bird Records Committees
has subclassc/British committees on broadcasting
has subclassc/British royal commissions
has subclassc/Canadian commissions and inquiries
has subclassc/Commissions by Paul Wittgenstein
has subclassc/Commissions of Euratom
has subclassc/Commissions
has subclassc/Committees of the House of Lords
has subclassc/Committees of the Philippine Congress
has subclassc/Committees of the parliament of Sweden
has subclassc/Community Commissions in Belgium
has subclassc/Constitutional commissions
has subclassc/Defunct committees of the United States House of Representatives
has subclassc/Defunct joint committees of the United States Congress
has subclassc/Hill Committees
has subclassc/Israeli commissions and inquiries
has subclassc/Joint committees of the Belgian Federal Parliament
has subclassc/New South Wales royal commissions
has subclassc/Political committees of Italy
has subclassc/Public utilities commissions of the United States
has subclassc/Royal commissions in Western Australia
has subclassc/South Australian royal commissions
has subclassc/Standing committees of the Parliament of Norway
has subclassc/Truth and reconciliation commissions
has subclassc/Victoria (Australia) royal commissions
has subclassc/Washington political action committees
has subclasse/List of United States Senate committees
has subclasse/List of United States joint congressional committees
has subclasse/List of defunct United States congressional committees
has instancee/List of committees of the United Kingdom Parliament
has instancee/United States Senate Watergate Committee
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lexicalizationcat: comitè
has glossces: Komise (z latinského committere, dát dohromady < com-, dohromady + mittere, dát, poslat), archaičtěji též komitét, je byrokratický mechanismus, ve kterém jsou na omezenou skupinu lidí (obvykle jednotky až desítky) převedeny některé rozhodovací či administrativní pravomoci. Některé komise mají striktně vymezený obor působnosti a omezenou dobu existence, jiné komise fungují dlouhodobě či trvale.
lexicalizationces: komise
lexicalizationces: výbor
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Mandarin Chinese
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Crimean Tatar
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lexicalizationcym: pwyllgor
has glossdan: En komite eller komité, er en samling af personer, erhvervsmæssigt eller politisk, som er en undergruppe af en større forsamling.
lexicalizationdan: komite
lexicalizationdan: Komité
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has glossdeu: Der Begriff Gremium bezeichnet die Zusammenarbeit von Personen in einer Gruppe (Ausschuss, Kollegien), die sich zum Zweck der Beratung über einen speziellen Themenkomplex bzw. der Beschlussfassung über diesen Themenbereich über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg bildet. Das Wort Gremium geht zurück auf das lateinische Wort gremium, das „Schoß“, „Armvoll“, „Bündel“ oder „Mitte“ bedeutet. Der Plural lautet Gremien.
lexicalizationdeu: Gremium
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has glossepo: Komitato estas grupo de homoj, elektita de pli granda organo aŭ komunumo por gvidaj, efektivigaj aŭ decidaj taskoj. En Esperanto oni celas sub "komitato" kutime la Komitaton de Universala Esperanto-Asocio, eble ankaŭ tiun de TEJO.
lexicalizationepo: komitato
lexicalizationepo: Komitato
lexicalizationeus: komite
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has glossfin: Komitea on Suomessa valtion hallinnon asettama väliaikainen toimielin.
lexicalizationfin: Komitea
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lexicalizationfra: comité
lexicalizationfra: commission
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has glossheb: ועדה היא הרכב מצומצם של אנשים המתכנס במטרה לקבל החלטות ולהגיע למסקנות. לרוב, הוועדה כפופה לארגון גדול יותר, ומהווה חלק ממנו.
lexicalizationheb: ועדה
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Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
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has glossisl: Nefnd er tegund lítillar samankomu sem þjóna mismunandi tilgangi: * Stjórnkerfi: Í fyrirtækjum sem eru of stór til þess að allir geti tekið þátt í ákvörðunum er nefnd oft gefið vald til að ákveða. * Rannsóknir og meðmæli: nefndir eru oft myndaðar til að rannsaka og að mæla með eða á móti einhverju verkefni. * Umsjón verkefnis
lexicalizationisl: nefnd
lexicalizationita: comitato
lexicalizationita: commissione
has glossjpn: 委員会(いいんかい、)は、ある機関や団体から、議論や権限執行を委任された複数の自然人(委員)からなる合議制の機関のことをいう。
lexicalizationjpn: 委員会
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lexicalizationkat: კომიტეტი
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has glossnld: Een gremium (meervoud gremia) is een college of orgaan van (meestal verkozen) vertegenwoordigers. In Nederland zijn gemeenteraden of de Tweede Kamer voorbeelden van gremia. Maar ook binnen bedrijven of instellingen als universiteiten kunnen gremia bestaan, zoals een ondernemingsraad of een universiteitsraad.
lexicalizationnld: Gremium
lexicalizationnld: bestuur
lexicalizationnld: raad
lexicalizationnld: comité
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has glossnor: En nemnd eller nevnd (norr. nefnð, til nefna, oppnevne) er en komité som har besluttende myndighet i bestemte saker.
lexicalizationnor: nemnd
Occitan (post 1500)
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lexicalizationpol: komitet
lexicalizationpol: komisja
has glosspor: Um comitê é um grupo de pessoas destacadas de um grupo maior (como um partido ou uma associação), geralmente com poderes deliberativos ou executivos, ou seja, com força para tomar decisões em nome dos demais. Comitês são figuras de organização comuns em entidades de cunho político, como partidos, governos, parlamentos, sindicatos, movimentos sociais, nos quais o poder de decisão é delegado a um grupo que representa os interesses da coletividade, em vez de ser entregue a um único indivíduo.
lexicalizationpor: comitê
lexicalizationpor: comité
lexicalizationpor: comissão
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lexicalizationrus: комитет
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has glossspa: Un comité es un conjunto de personas que con arreglo a las leyes o reglas de una organización, institución o entidad tienen establecidas determinadas competencias.
lexicalizationspa: comité
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Swahili (macrolanguage)
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has member(noun) a member of a commission
has member(noun) a member of a committee
committee member
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media:imgSenate budget committee.JPG


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